Correcting wrong answers in Amazon QuickSight - Amazon QuickSight

Correcting wrong answers in Amazon QuickSight

When Q gets an answer wrong, there a few things you can do. Following are your options.

1. Define unrecognized terms in your question

When Q doesn't recognize a term in your question or interprets a term incorrectly, either link the term to the correct field or tell Q to ignore the term. If you're an author, you can also add a filter to the term or link the term to a calculated field you create.

To define unrecognized terms
  1. In the Q bar, highlight the term that you want to define, and then choose Define this term.

  2. In the What did you mean? menu that appears, choose a field from the list.

    Animated image of correcting a wrong term.
To correct a term that Q got wrong, or to update a term
  • In the Q bar, choose the term that Q got wrong, and then choose a field from the list.

    Animated image of correcting a wrong term.
To remove a term that Q got wrong
  • In the Q bar, choose the term that Q got wrong, and then choose Skip this term.

    Image of choosing to skip a term in a question.
To add a filter to the dataset and link it to a term (QuickSight authors only)
  1. In the Q bar, choose the term that you want, and then choose Add a filter.

    Image of adding a filter.

    This opens the filter configuration page in the Data tab in a separate window.

  2. On the Filter configuration page that opens, do the following, and then choose Save.

    1. For Name, enter a name for the filter.

    2. For Dataset, choose a dataset from your topic.

    3. For Field, choose a field from the dataset.

    4. Depending on the type of field you chose, do one of the following:

      • If you chose a dimension, choose a Filter type.

      • If you chose a measure, choose an Aggregation, choose a Rule for the aggregation, and then enter a value.

    5. (Optional) Select Apply the filter anytime the dataset is used.

      You can choose to always apply the filter any time the dataset is used. Or you can choose to always apply the filter any time the dataset is used unless a question results in an explicit filter from the dataset.

    After you save the filter, it appears in your list of fields in the Data tab. You can then assign the filter to the term in the Q bar. For more information about adding filters to datasets in a topic, see Adding filters to a Amazon QuickSight Q topic dataset.

To add a calculated field to a topic and link it to a term (QuickSight authors only)
  1. In the Q bar, choose the term, and then choose Add a calculated field.

    Image of adding a calculated field.

    The calculation editor opens in a new window.

  2. In the calculation editor, enter a name for the calculated field.

    The term that you highlighted is used as the name of the calculated field by default, but you can change it.

  3. Enter a calculation in the editor.

    For more information about the functions and operations that you can use to create calculations, see Calculated field function and operator reference for Amazon QuickSight .

  4. When finished, choose Save.

    After you save the calculated field, it appears in your list of fields in the Data tab. You can then assign the calculated field to the term in the Q bar. For more information about adding calculated fields to topics, see Adding calculated fields to a Amazon QuickSight Q topic dataset.

2. Adjust how Q uses a field

Sometimes Q links a term to the correct field, but it uses it incorrectly in the answer. Q might use the wrong aggregation or data type. If this happens, you can correct how Q uses the field in the answer.

To change the field aggregation
  • In the answer in the Q bar, choose the description of the field, choose Aggregation, and then choose the aggregation that you want Q to use for your answer.

    Image of changing a field aggregation in an answer.
To remove a field from being used in the answer
  • In the answer in the Q bar, choose the field, and then choose Remove from answer.

    Image of removing a field from an answer.

3. Customize a visual

You can customize the visual used for an answer if the visual that Q uses isn't what you expect.

To change the sort order in the visual
  • In the answer in the Q bar, choose the field that you want to change the sort order for, choose Sorted by, and then choose a sort order.

    Image of changing the sort order for a field in an answer.
To change the number format in the visual
  • In the answer in the Q bar, choose the field to change the number formatting for, choose Format, and then choose the format and decimal places.

    Image of changing the number format for a field in an answer.
To change the visual axis
  • In the answer in the Q bar, choose the chart axis, and then choose a field.

    Image of changing the axis field.
To change the chart type
  • In the answer in the Q bar, choose the chart type icon at right, and then choose the chart type that you want.

    Image of changing the chart type for an answer.