Filtering data during your session in Amazon QuickSight - Amazon QuickSight

Filtering data during your session in Amazon QuickSight

While your dashboard session is active, you can filter data in three ways:

  1. If your dashboard has controls at the top of the screen, you can use them to filter data by choosing from a preset list of values.

  2. You can use the filter icon on each widget's settings menu.

    Icons for settings, including signal strength, expand, filter, refresh, and menu options.
  3. You can create your own filters by using the filter panel on the left side of the page. The filter icon looks like the following.

    Icon of a funnel or filter shape, representing a filtering function.

To create a filter, choose the Filter icon at left.

The first step is to choose which dashboard element you want to filter.

Icons representing data visualization types: bar chart, pie chart, and line graph.

Click on the item you choose, so that a highlight appears around the selected item. Also, if any filters are already there, they display in a list. If there aren't any filters, you can add one by using the plus sign (+) near Filters.

Map of the United States showing sales data by city with colored dots of varying sizes.

Filtering options vary depending on the data type of the field you want to filter, and on the options you choose inside the filter. The following screenshot shows some of the options available for a time-range date filter.

Date filter options including time range, condition, parameters, and granularity settings.

For each filter, you can choose whether to apply it to one, some, or all dashboard elements. You can also enable or disable filters by using the check box next to the name of the filter. To delete a filter, edit it and scroll to the bottom to see the options. Remember that your filters aren't saved from one session to the next.

For more detailed information on creating filters, see Filtering data in Amazon QuickSight.