Generate an executive summary of an Amazon QuickSight dashboard
Dashboard readers can generate executive summaries that provide a summary of all insights that QuickSight has generated for the dashboard. Executive summaries make it easier for readers to find key insights and information about a dashboard at a glance.
When readers are viewing a dashboard that uses executive summaries, the Executive summary option is available in the Build dropdown list that is located in the rop right of the Dashboard's page. Use the procedure below to genrate an exeutive summary. If a dashboard doesnt use executive summaries, the Executive summary option does not appear in the Build dropdown list.

To generate an executive summary
In the dashboard that you want to work in, choose Build, and then choose Executive summary.
Choose Summarize. The executive summary is generated and the appears on the left.
Executive summaries use the data of the current dashboard sheet and visual settings. If the dashboard or visual settings are updated, a warning appears at the top of an executive summary. To refresh the executive summary of an updated dashboard, generate a new executive summary.
After an executive summary is generated, QuickSight readers can copy the summary to their clipboard in order to share with others, or include in a story. For more information about QuickSight stories, see Working with data stories in Amazon QuickSight.