Updates a workgroup with the specified configuration settings. You can't update multiple parameters in one request. For example,
you can update baseCapacity
or port
in a single request, but you can't update both in the same request.
VPC Block Public Access (BPA) enables you to block resources in VPCs and subnets that you own in a Region from reaching or being reached from the internet through internet gateways and egress-only internet gateways. If a workgroup is in an account with VPC BPA turned on, the following capabilities are blocked:
Creating a public access workgroup
Modifying a private workgroup to public
Adding a subnet with VPC BPA turned on to the workgroup when the workgroup is public
For more information about VPC BPA, see Block public access to VPCs and subnets in the Amazon VPC User Guide.
Request Syntax
"baseCapacity": number
"configParameters": [
"parameterKey": "string
"parameterValue": "string
"enhancedVpcRouting": boolean
"ipAddressType": "string
"maxCapacity": number
"port": number
"pricePerformanceTarget": {
"level": number
"status": "string
"publiclyAccessible": boolean
"securityGroupIds": [ "string
" ],
"subnetIds": [ "string
" ],
"workgroupName": "string
Request Parameters
For information about the parameters that are common to all actions, see Common Parameters.
The request accepts the following data in JSON format.
- baseCapacity
The new base data warehouse capacity in Redshift Processing Units (RPUs).
Type: Integer
Required: No
- configParameters
An array of parameters to set for advanced control over a database. The options are
, and query monitoring metrics that let you define performance boundaries. For more information about query monitoring rules and available metrics, see Query monitoring metrics for Amazon Redshift Serverless.Type: Array of ConfigParameter objects
Required: No
- enhancedVpcRouting
The value that specifies whether to turn on enhanced virtual private cloud (VPC) routing, which forces Amazon Redshift Serverless to route traffic through your VPC.
Type: Boolean
Required: No
- ipAddressType
The IP address type that the workgroup supports. Possible values are
.Type: String
Required: No
- maxCapacity
The maximum data-warehouse capacity Amazon Redshift Serverless uses to serve queries. The max capacity is specified in RPUs.
Type: Integer
Required: No
- port
The custom port to use when connecting to a workgroup. Valid port ranges are 5431-5455 and 8191-8215. The default is 5439.
Type: Integer
Required: No
- pricePerformanceTarget
An object that represents the price performance target settings for the workgroup.
Type: PerformanceTarget object
Required: No
- publiclyAccessible
A value that specifies whether the workgroup can be accessible from a public network.
Type: Boolean
Required: No
- securityGroupIds
An array of security group IDs to associate with the workgroup.
Type: Array of strings
Required: No
- subnetIds
An array of VPC subnet IDs to associate with the workgroup.
Type: Array of strings
Required: No
- workgroupName
The name of the workgroup to update. You can't update the name of a workgroup once it is created.
Type: String
Length Constraints: Minimum length of 3. Maximum length of 64.
Required: Yes
Response Syntax
"workgroup": {
"baseCapacity": number,
"configParameters": [
"parameterKey": "string",
"parameterValue": "string"
"creationDate": "string",
"crossAccountVpcs": [ "string" ],
"customDomainCertificateArn": "string",
"customDomainCertificateExpiryTime": "string",
"customDomainName": "string",
"endpoint": {
"address": "string",
"port": number,
"vpcEndpoints": [
"networkInterfaces": [
"availabilityZone": "string",
"ipv6Address": "string",
"networkInterfaceId": "string",
"privateIpAddress": "string",
"subnetId": "string"
"vpcEndpointId": "string",
"vpcId": "string"
"enhancedVpcRouting": boolean,
"ipAddressType": "string",
"maxCapacity": number,
"namespaceName": "string",
"patchVersion": "string",
"port": number,
"pricePerformanceTarget": {
"level": number,
"status": "string"
"publiclyAccessible": boolean,
"securityGroupIds": [ "string" ],
"status": "string",
"subnetIds": [ "string" ],
"workgroupArn": "string",
"workgroupId": "string",
"workgroupName": "string",
"workgroupVersion": "string"
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.
The following data is returned in JSON format by the service.
For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.
- ConflictException
The submitted action has conflicts.
HTTP Status Code: 400
- InsufficientCapacityException
There is an insufficient capacity to perform the action.
HTTP Status Code: 400
- InternalServerException
The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure.
HTTP Status Code: 500
- Ipv6CidrBlockNotFoundException
There are no subnets in your VPC with associated IPv6 CIDR blocks. To use dual-stack mode, associate an IPv6 CIDR block with each subnet in your VPC.
HTTP Status Code: 400
- ResourceNotFoundException
The resource could not be found.
HTTP Status Code: 400
- ValidationException
The input failed to satisfy the constraints specified by an AWS service.
HTTP Status Code: 400
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: