To maintain continuous availability following certain internal events, Amazon Redshift might restart an active session with a new process ID (PID). When Amazon Redshift restarts a session, STL_RESTARTED_SESSIONS records the new PID and the old PID.

For more information, see the examples following in this section.

STL_RESTARTED_SESSIONS is visible to all users. Superusers can see all rows; regular users can see only their own data. For more information, see Visibility of data in system tables and views.

Some or all of the data in this table can also be found in the SYS monitoring view SYS_SESSION_HISTORY. The data in the SYS monitoring view is formatted to be easier to use and understand. We recommend that you use the SYS monitoring view for your queries.

Table columns

Column name Data type Description
currenttime timestamp Time of the event.
dbname character(50) Name of the database associated with the session.
newpid integer Process ID for the restarted session.
oldpid integer Process ID for the original session.
username character(50) Name of the user associated with the session.
remotehost character(45) Name or IP address of the remote host.
remoteport character(32) Port number of the remote host.
parkedtime timestamp This information is for internal use only.
session_vars character(2000) This information is for internal use only.

Sample queries

The following example joins STL_RESTARTED_SESSIONS with STL_SESSIONS to show user names for sessions that have been restarted.

select process, stl_restarted_sessions.newpid, user_name from stl_sessions inner join stl_restarted_sessions on stl_sessions.process = stl_restarted_sessions.oldpid order by process; ...