Use SVV_REDSHIFT_FUNCTIONS to view a list of all functions that a user has access to. This set of functions includes the functions on the cluster and the functions from datashares provided by remote clusters.

SVV_REDSHIFT_FUNCTIONS is visible to all users. Superusers can see all rows; regular users can see only their own data. For more information, see Visibility of data in system tables and views.

Table columns

Column name Data type Description
database_name varchar(128) The name of the database where the cluster that has these functions exists.
schema_name varchar(128) The name of the schema that specifies a given function.
function_name varchar(128) The name of a specified function.
function_type varchar(128) The type of function. Possible values are regular functions, aggregate functions, and stored procedures.
argument_type varchar(512) A string that represents the type of a function's input argument.
result_type varchar(128) The data type of a function's return value.

Sample query

The following example returns the output of SVV_REDSHIFT_FUNCTIONS.

SELECT * FROM svv_redshift_functions WHERE database_name = 'tickit_db' AND SCHEMA_NAME = 'public' ORDER BY function_name LIMIT 5; database_name | schema_name | function_name | function_type | argument_type | result_type --------------+-------------+-----------------------+------------------+------------------+------------- tickit_db | public | shared_function | REGULAR FUNCTION | integer, integer | integer