Records errors for records loaded via streaming ingestion.

SYS_STREAM_SCAN_ERRORS is visible to all users. Superusers can see all rows; regular users can see only their own data. For more information, see Visibility of data in system tables and views.

Table columns

Column name Data type Description
external_schema_name character(128) The name of the Kinesis stream or Amazon MSK topic's schema. It is case sensitive.
stream_name character(255) The name of the stream or topic. It is case sensitive.
mv_name character(128) The name of the associated materialized view. Empty if none. It is case sensitive.
transaction_id bigint The transaction ID.
query_id bigint The query ID.
stream_timestamp_type character(1) The type of the stream timestamp. It is case sensitive.
stream_timestamp timestamp without time zone The time when the record arrived.
record_time timestamp without time zone The time when the error message was logged.
partition_id character(128) The partition/shard id. It is case sensitive.
position character(128) The position of the record. This corresponds with the sequence number in Kinesis or the offset in Amazon MSK. It is case sensitive.
error_code integer The error code.
error_reason character(128) The error reason. It is case sensitive.