RLS policy ownership and management - Amazon Redshift

RLS policy ownership and management

As a superuser, security administrator, or user that has the sys:secadmin role, you can create, modify, attach, and detach RLS policies. RLS policies can be attached to tables, views, late binding views (LBVs), and materialized views (MVs). At the object level, you can turn row-level security on or off without modifying the schema definition for tables.

To get started with row-level security, following are SQL statements that you can use:

  • Use the ALTER TABLE statement to turn on or off RLS on a table, view, or late binding view. For more information, see ALTER TABLE.

  • Use the ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW statement to statement to turn on or off RLS on a materialized view (MV). For more information, see ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW.

  • Use the CREATE RLS POLICY statement to create a security policy for one or more tables, and specify one or more users or roles in the policy.

    For more information, see CREATE RLS POLICY.

  • Use the ALTER RLS POLICY statement to alter the policy, such as changing the policy definition. You can use the same policy for multiple tables or views.

    For more information, see ALTER RLS POLICY.

  • Use the ATTACH RLS POLICY statement to attach a policy to one or more relations, to one or more users, or to roles.

    For more information, see ATTACH RLS POLICY.

  • Use the DETACH RLS POLICY statement to detach a policy from one or more relations, from one or more users, or from roles.

    For more information, see DETACH RLS POLICY.

  • Use the DROP RLS POLICY statement to drop a policy.

    For more information, see DROP RLS POLICY.

  • Use the GRANT and REVOKE statements to explicitly grant and revoke SELECT permissions to RLS policies that reference lookup tables. For more information, see GRANT and REVOKE.

To monitor the policies created, sys:secadmin can view the SVV_RLS_POLICY and SVV_RLS_ATTACHED_POLICY.

To list RLS-protected relations, sys:secadmin can view SVV_RLS_RELATION.

To trace the application of RLS policies on queries that reference RLS-protected relations, a superuser, sys:operator, or any user with the system permission ACCESS SYSTEM TABLE can view SVV_RLS_APPLIED_POLICY. Note that sys:secadmin is not granted these permissions by default.

To allow users full access to an RLS-protected relation, you can grant the IGNORE RLS permission. Superusers or sys:secadmin are automatically granted IGNORE RLS. For more information, see GRANT.

To explain the RLS policy filters of a query in the EXPLAIN plan to troubleshoot RLS-related queries, you can grant the permission EXPLAIN RLS to any user. For more information, see GRANT and EXPLAIN.