UDF security and permissions
To create a UDF, you must have permission for usage on language for SQL or plpythonu (Python). By default, USAGE ON LANGUAGE SQL is granted to PUBLIC, but you must explicitly grant USAGE ON LANGUAGE PLPYTHONU to specific users or groups.
To revoke usage for SQL, first revoke usage from PUBLIC. Then grant usage on SQL only to
the specific users or groups permitted to create SQL UDFs. The following example revokes
usage on SQL from PUBLIC. Then it grants usage to the user group udf_devs
revoke usage on language sql from PUBLIC;
grant usage on language sql to group udf_devs;
To run a UDF, you must have permission to do so for each function. By default, permission to run new UDFs is granted to PUBLIC. To restrict usage, revoke this permission from PUBLIC for the function. Then grant the privilege to specific individuals or groups.
The following example revokes execution on function f_py_greater
PUBLIC. Then it grants usage to the user group udf_devs
revoke execute on function f_py_greater(a float, b float) from PUBLIC;
grant execute on function f_py_greater(a float, b float) to group udf_devs;
Superusers have all privileges by default.
For more information, see GRANT and REVOKE.