Considerations for using Amazon Redshift provisioned clusters - Amazon Redshift

Considerations for using Amazon Redshift provisioned clusters

After your cluster is created, you can find information in this section about regions where features are available, maintenance tasks, node types, and usage limits.

Region and Availability Zone considerations

Amazon Redshift is available in several AWS Regions. By default, Amazon Redshift provisions your cluster in a randomly selected Availability Zone (AZ) within the AWS Region that you choose. All the cluster nodes are provisioned in the same Availability Zone.

You can optionally request a specific Availability Zone if Amazon Redshift is available in that zone. For example, if you already have an Amazon EC2 instance running in one Availability Zone, you might want to create your Amazon Redshift cluster in the same zone to reduce latency. On the other hand, you might want to choose another Availability Zone for higher availability. Amazon Redshift might not be available in all Availability Zones within an AWS Region.

For a list of supported AWS Regions where you can provision an Amazon Redshift cluster, see Amazon Redshift endpoints in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.

Cluster maintenance

Amazon Redshift periodically performs maintenance to apply upgrades to your cluster. During these updates, your Amazon Redshift cluster isn't available for normal operations. You have several ways to control how we maintain your cluster. For example, you can control when we deploy updates to your clusters. You can also choose whether your cluster runs the most recently released version, or the version released previously to the most recently released version. Finally, you have the option to defer non-mandatory maintenance updates for a period of time.

Maintenance windows

Amazon Redshift assigns a 30-minute maintenance window at random from an 8-hour block of time per AWS Region, occurring on a random day of the week (Monday through Sunday, inclusive).

Default maintenance windows

The following list shows the time blocks for each AWS Region from which the default maintenance windows are assigned:

  • US East (N. Virginia) Region: 03:00–11:00 UTC

  • US East (Ohio) Region: 03:00–11:00 UTC

  • US West (N. California) Region: 06:00–14:00 UTC

  • US West (Oregon) Region: 06:00–14:00 UTC

  • Africa (Cape Town) Region: 20:00–04:00 UTC

  • Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) Region: 13:00–21:00 UTC

  • Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) Region: 16:30–00:30 UTC

  • Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region: 15:00–23:00 UTC

  • Asia Pacific (Malaysia) Region: 14:00–22:00 UTC

  • Asia Pacific (Melbourne) Region: 12:00–20:00 UTC

  • Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Region: 16:30–00:30 UTC

  • Asia Pacific (Osaka) Region: 13:00–21:00 UTC

  • Asia Pacific (Seoul) Region: 13:00–21:00 UTC

  • Asia Pacific (Singapore) Region: 14:00–22:00 UTC

  • Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region: 12:00–20:00 UTC

  • Asia Pacific (Thailand) Region: 15:00–23:00 UTC

  • Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region: 13:00–21:00 UTC

  • Canada (Central) Region: 03:00–11:00 UTC

  • Canada West (Calgary) Region: 04:00–12:00 UTC

  • China (Beijing) Region: 13:00–21:00 UTC

  • China (Ningxia) Region: 13:00–21:00 UTC

  • Europe (Frankfurt) Region: 06:00–14:00 UTC

  • Europe (Ireland) Region: 22:00–06:00 UTC

  • Europe (London) Region: 22:00–06:00 UTC

  • Europe (Milan) Region: 21:00–05:00 UTC

  • Europe (Paris) Region: 23:00–07:00 UTC

  • Europe (Stockholm) Region: 23:00–07:00 UTC

  • Europe (Zurich) Region: 20:00–04:00 UTC

  • Israel (Tel Aviv) Region: 20:00–04:00 UTC

  • Mexico (Central) Region: 04:00–12:00 UTC

  • Europe (Spain) Region: 21:00–05:00 UTC

  • Middle East (Bahrain) Region: 13:00–21:00 UTC

  • Middle East (UAE) Region: 18:00–02:00 UTC

  • South America (São Paulo) Region: 19:00–03:00 UTC

If a maintenance event is scheduled for a given week, it starts during the assigned 30-minute maintenance window. While Amazon Redshift is performing maintenance, it terminates any queries or other operations that are in progress. Most maintenance completes during the 30-minute maintenance window, but some maintenance tasks might continue running after the window closes. If there are no maintenance tasks to perform during the scheduled maintenance window, your cluster continues to operate normally until the next scheduled maintenance window.

You can change the scheduled maintenance window by modifying the cluster, either programmatically or by using the Amazon Redshift console. You can find the maintenance window and set the day and time it occurs for the cluster under the Maintenance tab.

It is possible for a cluster to restart outside of a maintenance window. There are a few reasons this can occur. One more common reason is that an issue has been detected with the cluster and maintenance operations are being performed to bring it back to a healthy state. For more information, see the article Why did my Amazon Redshift cluster reboot outside of the maintenance window?, which provides details regarding why this might occur.

Deferring maintenance

To reschedule your cluster's maintenance window, you can defer maintenance by up to 45 days. For example, if your cluster's maintenance window is set to Wednesday 08:30 – 09:00 UTC and you need to access your cluster at that time, you can defer the maintenance to a later time period.

If you defer maintenance, Amazon Redshift will still apply hardware updates or other mandatory security updates to your cluster. Your cluster isn't available during these updates.

If a hardware update or other mandatory security update is scheduled during the upcoming maintenance window, Amazon Redshift sends you advance notifications under the Pending category. To learn more about Pending event notifications, see Amazon Redshift provisioned cluster event notifications.

You can also choose to receive event notifications from Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS). For more information about subscribing to event notifications from Amazon SNS, see Amazon Redshift cluster event notification subscriptions.

If you defer your cluster's maintenance, the maintenance window following the period of deferment can't be deferred.


You can't defer maintenance after it has started.

For more information about cluster maintenance, see the following documentation:

Choosing cluster maintenance tracks

When Amazon Redshift releases a new cluster version, your cluster is updated during its maintenance window. You can control whether your cluster is updated to the most recent approved release or to the previous release.

The maintenance track controls which cluster version is applied during a maintenance window. When Amazon Redshift releases a new cluster version, that version is assigned to the current track, and the previous version is assigned to the trailing track. To set the maintenance track for the cluster, specify one of the following values:

  • Current – Use the most current approved cluster version.

  • Trailing – Use the cluster version before the current version.

  • Preview – Use the cluster version that contains new features available for preview.

For example, suppose that your cluster is currently running version 1.0.2762 and the Amazon Redshift current version is 1.0.3072. If you set the maintenance track value to Current, your cluster is updated to version 1.0.3072 (the next approved release) during the next maintenance window. If you set the maintenance track value to Trailing, your cluster isn't updated until there is a new release after 1.0.3072.

Preview tracks

A Preview track might not always be available to choose. When you choose a Preview track, a track name must also be selected. Preview tracks and its related resources are temporary, have functional limitations, and might not contain all current Amazon Redshift features available in other tracks. When working with preview tracks:

  • Use the new Amazon Redshift console when working with preview tracks. For example, when you create a cluster to use with preview features.

  • You can't switch a cluster from one preview track to another.

  • You can't switch a cluster to a preview track from a current or trailing track.

  • You can't switch a cluster from a preview track to a current or trailing track.

  • You can't restore from a snapshot created from a different preview track.

  • You can only use the preview track when creating a new cluster, or when restoring from a snapshot.

  • You can't restore from a snapshot created from a different preview track, or with a cluster maintenance version later than the preview track cluster version. For example, when you restore a cluster to a preview track, you can only use a snapshot created from an earlier cluster maintenance version than that of the preview track.

Switching between maintenance tracks

Changing tracks for a cluster is generally a one-time decision. You should exercise caution in changing tracks. If you change the maintenance track from Trailing to Current, we will update the cluster to the Current track release version during the next maintenance window. However, if you change the cluster's maintenance track to Trailing we won't update your cluster until there is a new release after the Current track release version.

Maintenance tracks and restore

A snapshot inherits the source cluster's maintenance track. If you change the source cluster's maintenance track after you take a snapshot, the snapshot and the source cluster are on different tracks. When you restore from the snapshot, the new cluster will be on the maintenance track that was inherited from the source cluster. You can change the maintenance track after the restore operation completes. Resizing a cluster doesn't affect the cluster's maintenance track.

Managing cluster versions

A maintenance track is a series of releases. You can decide if your cluster is on the Current track or the Trailing track. If you put your cluster on the Current track, it will always be upgraded to the most recent cluster release version during its maintenance window. If you put your cluster on the Trailing track, it will always run the cluster release version that was released immediately before the most recently released version.

The Release status column in the Amazon Redshift console list of clusters indicates whether one of your clusters is available for upgrade.

Rolling back the cluster version

If your cluster is up to date with the latest cluster version, you can choose to roll it back to the previous version.

To roll back to a previous cluster version
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Redshift console at

  2. On the navigation menu, choose Clusters.

  3. Choose the cluster to roll back.

  4. For Actions, choose Roll back cluster version. The Roll back cluster version page appears.

  5. If there is a version available for roll back, follow the instructions on the page.

  6. Choose Roll back now.

Determining the cluster maintenance version

You can determine the Amazon Redshift engine and database version with the Amazon Redshift console.

To find the version of a cluster
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Redshift console at

  2. On the navigation menu, choose Clusters, then choose the cluster name from the list to open its details. The details of the cluster are displayed, which can include Cluster performance, Query monitoring, Databases, Datashares, Schedules, Maintenance, and Properties tabs.

  3. Choose the Maintenance tab for more details.

  4. In the Maintenance section, find Current cluster version.


Although the console displays this information in one field, it's two parameters in the Amazon Redshift API, ClusterVersion and ClusterRevisionNumber. For more information, see Cluster in the Amazon Redshift API Reference.

Managing usage limits in Amazon Redshift

You can define limits to monitor and control your usage and associated cost of some Amazon Redshift features. You can create daily, weekly, and monthly usage limits, and define actions that Amazon Redshift automatically takes if those limits are reached. Actions include such things as logging an event to a system table to record usage exceeding your defined limits. Other possible actions include raising alerts with Amazon SNS and Amazon CloudWatch to notify an administrator and disabling further usage to control costs.

You can define usage limits for each cluster. After your cluster is created, you can define usage limits for the following features:

  • Amazon Redshift Spectrum

  • Amazon Redshift Concurrency Scaling

  • Amazon Redshift cross-Region datasharing

Usage limits are available with release version 1.0.14677 or later in the AWS Regions where Amazon Redshift Spectrum and Amazon Redshift Concurrency Scaling are available.

A Redshift Spectrum limit specifies the threshold of the total amount of data scanned in 1-TB increments. A concurrency scaling limit specifies the threshold of the total amount of time used by concurrency scaling in 1-minute increments. A cross-Region datasharing limit specifies the threshold of the total amount of data scanned in 1-TB increments.

A limit can be specified for a daily, weekly, or monthly period (using UTC to determine the start and end of the period). If you create a limit in the middle of a period, then the limit is measured from that point to the end of the period. For example, if you create a monthly limit on March 15, then the first monthly period is measured from March 15 through March 31.

You can define multiple usage limits for each feature. Each limit can have a different action. Possible actions include the following:

  • Log to system table – This is the default action. Information is logged to the STL_USAGE_CONTROL table. Logging is helpful when evaluating past usage and in deciding on future usage limits. For more information about what is logged, see STL_USAGE_CONTROL in the Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide.

  • Alert – Amazon Redshift emits CloudWatch metrics for available and consumed usage. You can define up to three usage limits for each feature. If you enable the alert action using the Amazon Redshift console, a CloudWatch alarm is automatically created on these metrics. You can optionally attach an Amazon SNS subscription to that alarm. If you are using an AWS CLI or API operation, make sure that you create the CloudWatch alarm manually. When the threshold is reached, events are also logged to a system table.

  • Disable feature – When the threshold is reached, Amazon Redshift disables the feature until the quota is refreshed for the next time period (daily, weekly, or monthly). Only one limit for each feature can have the disable action. Events are also logged to a system table, and alerts can be emitted.

Usage limits persist until the usage limit definition itself or the cluster is deleted.

You can define and manage usage limits with the new Amazon Redshift console, the AWS CLI, or with Amazon Redshift API operations. To define a limit on the Amazon Redshift console, navigate to your cluster and choose Configure usage limit for Actions. To view previously defined usage limits for your cluster, navigate to your cluster, and choose the Maintenance tab, Usage limits section. To view the amount of usage available and consumed for your cluster, navigate to your cluster. Choose the Cluster performance tab, then view the graphs for the usage consumed for a feature.

You can use the following Amazon Redshift CLI operations to manage usage limits. For more information, see the AWS CLI Command Reference.

You can use the following Amazon Redshift API operations to manage usage limits. For more information, see the Amazon Redshift API Reference.

To learn how to create and monitor usage limits using the Amazon Redshift console, watch the following video.

Understanding how RA3 nodes separate compute and storage

These sections detail tasks available for RA3 node types, showing their applicability to a collection of use cases and detailing their advantages over previously available node types.

Advantages and availability of RA3 nodes

RA3 nodes provide the following advantages:

  • They are flexible to grow your compute capacity without increasing your storage costs. And they scale your storage without over-provisioning compute capacity.

  • They use high performance SSDs for your hot data and Amazon S3 for cold data. Thus they provide ease of use, cost-effective storage, and high query performance.

  • They use high bandwidth networking built on the AWS Nitro System to further reduce the time taken for data to be offloaded to and retrieved from Amazon S3.

Consider choosing RA3 node types in these cases:

  • You need the flexibility to scale and pay for compute separate from storage.

  • You query a fraction of your total data.

  • Your data volume is growing rapidly or is expected to grow rapidly.

  • You want the flexibility to size the cluster based only on your performance needs.

To use RA3 node types, your AWS Region must support RA3. For more information, see RA3 node type availability in AWS Regions.


You can use ra3.xlplus node types only with cluster version 1.0.21262 or later. You can view the version of an existing cluster with the Amazon Redshift console. For more information, see Determining the cluster maintenance version.

Make sure that you use the new Amazon Redshift console when working with RA3 node types.

In addition, to use RA3 node types with Amazon Redshift operations that use the maintenance track, the maintenance track value must be set to a cluster version that supports RA3. For more information about maintenance tracks, see Choosing cluster maintenance tracks.

Consider the following when using single-node RA3 node types.

  • Datasharing producers and consumers are supported.

  • To change node types, only classic resize is supported. Changing the node type with elastic resize or snapshot restore isn't supported. The following scenarios are supported:

    • Classic resize of a 1-node dc2.xlarge to a 1-node ra3.xlplus, and vice versa.

    • Classic resize of a 1-node dc2.xlarge to a multiple-node ra3.xlplus, and vice versa.

    • Classic resize of a multiple-node dc2.xlarge to a 1-node ra3.xlplus, and vice versa.

Working with Amazon Redshift managed storage

With Amazon Redshift managed storage, you can store and process all your data in Amazon Redshift while getting more flexibility to scale compute and storage capacity separately. You continue to ingest data with the COPY or INSERT command. To optimize performance and manage automatic data placement across tiers of storage, Amazon Redshift takes advantage of optimizations such as data block temperature, data block age, and workload patterns. When needed, Amazon Redshift scales storage automatically to Amazon S3 without requiring any manual action.

For information about storage costs, see Amazon Redshift pricing.

Managing RA3 node types

To take advantage of separating compute from storage, you can create or upgrade your cluster with the RA3 node type. To use the RA3 node types, create your clusters in a virtual private cloud (EC2-VPC).

To change the number of nodes of Amazon Redshift cluster with an RA3 node type, do one of the following:

  • Add or remove nodes with the elastic resize operation. In some situations, removing nodes from a RA3 cluster isn't allowed with elastic resize. For example, when a 2:1 node count upgrade puts the number of slices per node at 32. For more information, see Resizing a cluster. If elastic resize isn't available, use classic resize.

  • Add or remove nodes with the classic resize operation. Choose this option when you are resizing to a configuration that isn't available through elastic resize. Elastic resize is quicker than classic resize. For more information, see Resizing a cluster.

RA3 node type availability in AWS Regions

The RA3 node types are available only in the following AWS Regions:

  • US East (N. Virginia) Region (us-east-1)

  • US East (Ohio) Region (us-east-2)

  • US West (N. California) Region (us-west-1)

  • US West (Oregon) Region (us-west-2)

  • Africa (Cape Town) Region (af-south-1)

  • Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) Region (ap-east-1)

  • Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) Region (ap-south-2)

  • Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region (ap-southeast-3)

  • Asia Pacific (Malaysia) Region (ap-southeast-5)

  • Asia Pacific (Melbourne) Region (ap-southeast-4)

  • Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Region (ap-south-1)

  • Asia Pacific (Osaka) Region (ap-northeast-3)

  • Asia Pacific (Seoul) Region (ap-northeast-2)

  • Asia Pacific (Singapore) Region (ap-southeast-1)

  • Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region (ap-southeast-2)

  • Asia Pacific (Thailand) Region (ap-southeast-7)

  • Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region (ap-northeast-1)

  • Canada (Central) Region (ca-central-1)

  • Canada West (Calgary) Region (ca-west-1)

  • China (Beijing) Region (cn-north-1)

  • China (Ningxia) Region (cn-northwest-1)

  • Europe (Frankfurt) Region (eu-central-1)

  • Europe (Zurich) Region (eu-central-2)

  • Europe (Ireland) Region (eu-west-1)

  • Europe (London) Region (eu-west-2)

  • Europe (Milan) Region (eu-south-1)

  • Europe (Spain) Region (eu-south-2)

  • Europe (Paris) Region (eu-west-3)

  • Europe (Stockholm) Region (eu-north-1)

  • Israel (Tel Aviv) Region (il-central-1)

  • Mexico (Central) Region (mx-central-1)

  • Middle East (Bahrain) Region (me-south-1)

  • Middle East (UAE) Region (me-central-1)

  • South America (São Paulo) Region (sa-east-1)

  • AWS GovCloud (US-East) (us-gov-east-1)

  • AWS GovCloud (US-West) (us-gov-west-1)

Upgrading to RA3 node types

To upgrade your existing node type to RA3, you have the following options to change the node type:

  • Restore from a snapshot – Amazon Redshift uses the most recent snapshot of your cluster and restores it to create a new RA3 cluster. As soon as the cluster creation is complete (usually within minutes), RA3 nodes are ready to run your full production workload. As compute is separate from storage, hot data is brought in to the local cache at fast speeds thanks to a large networking bandwidth. If you restore from the latest DC2 snapshot, RA3 preserves hot block information of the DC2 workload and populates its local cache with the hottest blocks. For more information, see Restoring a cluster from a snapshot.

    To keep the same endpoint for your applications and users, you can rename the new RA3 cluster with the same name as the original DC2 cluster. To rename the cluster, modify the cluster in the Amazon Redshift console or ModifyCluster API operation. For more information, see Renaming a cluster or ModifyCluster API operation in the Amazon Redshift API Reference.

  • Elastic resize – resize the cluster using elastic resize. When you use elastic resize to change node type, Amazon Redshift automatically creates a snapshot, creates a new cluster, deletes the old cluster, and renames the new cluster. The elastic resize operation can be run on-demand or can be scheduled to run at a future time. You can quickly upgrade your existing DC2 node type clusters to RA3 with elastic resize. For more information, see Elastic resize.

The following table shows recommendations when upgrading to RA3 node types. (These recommendations also apply to reserved nodes.)

The recommendations in this table are starting cluster node types and sizes but depend on the computing requirements of your workload. To better estimate your requirements, consider conducting a proof of concept (POC) that uses Test Drive to run potential configurations. Provision a cluster for your POC data warehouse instead of Redshift Serverless. For more information about conducting a proof of concept, see Conduct a proof of concept (POC) for Amazon Redshift in the Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide.

Existing node type Existing number of nodes Recommended new node type Upgrade action




Start with 2 nodes of ra3.4xlarge for every 1 node of dc2.8xlarge1.




Start with 1 node of ra3.16xlarge for every 2 nodes of dc2.8xlarge1.




Start with 1 node of ra3.large for every 1 node of dc2.large1.

Start with 2 nodes of ra3.large for every 2 nodes of dc2.large1.

Start with 3 nodes of ra3.large for every 3 nodes of dc2.large1.

Start with 3 nodes of ra3.large for every 4 nodes of dc2.large1.




Start with 3 nodes of ra3.xlplus for every 8 nodes of dc2.large1.




Start with 1 node of ra3.4xlarge for every 8 nodes of dc2.large1,2.

1Extra nodes might be needed depending on workload requirements. Add or remove nodes based on the compute requirements of your required query performance.

2Clusters with the dc2.large node type are limited to 32 nodes.

The minimum number of nodes for some RA3 node types is 2 nodes. Take this into consideration when creating an RA3 cluster.

Networking features supported by RA3 nodes

RA3 nodes support a collection of networking features not available to other node types. This section provides brief descriptions of each feature and links to additional documentation:

  • Provisioned-cluster VPC endpoint – When you create or restore an RA3 cluster, Amazon Redshift uses a port within the ranges of 5431-5455 or 8191-8215. When the cluster is set to a port in one of these ranges, Amazon Redshift automatically creates a VPC endpoint in your AWS account for the cluster and attaches a private IP address to it. If you set the cluster to publicly-accessible, Redshift creates an elastic IP address in your AWS account and attaches it to the VPC endpoint. For more information, see Configuring security group communication settings for an Amazon Redshift cluster or an Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup.

  • Single-subnet RA3 clusters – You can create an RA3 cluster with a single subnet, but it can't use disaster-recovery features. An exception occurs if you enable cluster relocation when the subnet doesn't have multiple Availability Zones (AZs).

  • Multi-subnet RA3 clusters and subnet groups – You can create an RA3 cluster with multiple subnets by creating a subnet group when you provision the cluster in your virtual private cloud (VPC). A cluster subnet group allows you to specify a set of subnets in your VPC and Amazon Redshift creates the cluster in one of them. After creating a subnet group, you can remove subnets you previously added, or add more. For more information, see Amazon Redshift cluster subnet groups.

  • Cross-account or cross-VPC endpoint access – You can access a provisioned cluster or Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup by setting up a Redshift-managed VPC endpoint. You can set it up as a private connection between a VPC that contains a cluster or workgroup and a VPC where you run a client tool, for example. By doing this, you can access the data warehouse without using a public IP address and without routing traffic through the internet. For more information, see Working with Redshift-managed VPC endpoints.

  • Cluster relocation – You can move a cluster to another Availability Zone (AZ) without any loss of data when there is an interruption of service. You enable it on the console. For more information, see Relocating a cluster.

  • Custom domain name – You can create a custom domain name, also known as a custom URL, for your Amazon Redshift cluster. It's an easy-to-read DNS record that routes SQL-client connections to your cluster endpoint. For more information, see Custom domain names for client connections.