Installing the Amazon Redshift ODBC driver - Amazon Redshift

Installing the Amazon Redshift ODBC driver

Use the steps in this section to download and install the Amazon Redshift ODBC drivers on a supported Linux distribution. The installation process installs the driver files in the following directories:

  • /opt/amazon/redshiftodbc/lib/64 (for the 64-bit driver)

  • /opt/amazon/redshiftodbc/ErrorMessages

  • /opt/amazon/redshiftodbc/Setup

  • /opt/amazon/redshiftodbc/lib/32 (for the 32-bit driver)

To install the Amazon Redshift ODBC driver
  1. Download one of the following, depending on the system architecture of your SQL client tool or application:

    The name for each of these drivers is Amazon Redshift ODBC driver. The 32-bit ODBC drivers are discontinued. Further updates will not be released, except for urgent security patches.


    Download the package that corresponds to the system architecture of your SQL client tool or application. For example, if your client tool is 64-bit, install a 64-bit driver.

    Then download and review the Amazon Redshift ODBC and JDBC driver license agreement.

  2. Go to the location where you downloaded the package, and then run one of the following commands. Use the command that corresponds to your Linux distribution.

    • On RHEL and CentOS operating systems, run the following command.

      yum -nogpgcheck localinstall RPMFileName

      Replace RPMFileName with the RPM package file name. For example, the following command demonstrates installing the 64-bit driver.

      yum -nogpgcheck localinstall AmazonRedshiftODBC-64-bit-1.x.xx.xxxx-x.x86_64.rpm
    • On SLES, run the following command.

      zypper install RPMFileName

      Replace RPMFileName with the RPM package file name. For example, the following command demonstrates installing the 64-bit driver.

      zypper install AmazonRedshiftODBC-1.x.x.xxxx-x.x86_64.rpm
    • On Debian, run the following command.

      sudo apt install ./DEBFileName.deb

      Replace DEBFileName.deb with the Debian package file name. For example, the following command demonstrates installing the 64-bit driver.

      sudo apt install ./AmazonRedshiftODBC-1.x.x.xxxx-x.x86_64.deb

When you have finished installing the drivers, configure them for use on your system. For more information on driver configuration, see Using an ODBC driver manager to configure the driver.