Viewing query and tab history - Amazon Redshift

Viewing query and tab history

You can view your query history with query editor v2. Only queries that you ran using query editor v2 appear in the query history. Both queries that ran from using an Editor tab or Notebook tab are shown. You can filter the list displayed by a time period, such as This week, where a week is defined as Monday–Sunday. The list of queries fetches 25 rows of queries that match your filter at a time. Choose Load more to see the next set. Choose a query and from the Actions menu. The actions available depend on whether the chosen query has been saved. You can choose the following operations:

  • View query details – Displays a query details page with more information about the query that ran.

  • Open query in a new tab – Opens a new editor tab and primes it with the chosen query. If still connected, the cluster or workgroup and database are automatically selected. To run the query, first confirm that the correct cluster or workgroup and database are chosen.

  • Open source tab – If it is still open, navigates to the editor or notebook tab that contained the query when it ran. The contents of the editor or notebook might have changed after the query ran.

  • Open saved query – Navigates to the editor or notebook tab and opens the query.

You can also view the history of queries run in an Editor tab or the history of queries run in a Notebook tab. To see a history of queries in a tab, choose Tab history. Within the tab history, you can do the following operations:

  • Copy query – Copies the query version SQL content to the clipboard.

  • Open query in a new tab – Opens a new editor tab and primes it with the chosen query. To run the query, you must choose the cluster or workgroup and database.

  • View query details – Displays a query details page with more information about the query that ran.