Monitoring queries and workloads with Amazon Redshift Serverless - Amazon Redshift

Monitoring queries and workloads with Amazon Redshift Serverless

You can monitor your Amazon Redshift Serverless queries and workload with the provided system views.

Monitoring views are system views in Amazon Redshift Serverless that are used to monitor query and workload usage. These views are located in the pg_catalog schema. The system views available have been designed to give you the information needed to monitor Amazon Redshift Serverless, which is much simpler than that needed for provisioned clusters. The SYS system views have been designed to work with Amazon Redshift Serverless. To display the information provided by these views, run SQL SELECT statements.

System views are defined to support the following monitoring objectives.

Workload monitoring

You can monitor your query activities over time to:

  • Understand workload patterns, so you know what is normal (baseline) and what is within business service level agreements (SLAs).

  • Rapidly identify deviation from normal, which might be a transient issue or something that warrants further action.

Data load and unload monitoring

Data movement in and out of Amazon Redshift Serverless is a critical function. You use COPY and UNLOAD to load or unload data, and you must monitor progress closely in terms of bytes/rows transferred and files completed to track adherence to business SLAs. This is normally done by running system table queries frequently (that is, every minute) to track progress and raise alerts for investigation/corrective action if significant deviations are detected.

Failure and problem diagnostics

There are cases where you must take action for query or runtime failures. Developers rely on system tables to self-diagnose issues and determine correct remedies.

Performance tuning

You might need to tune queries that are not meeting SLA requirements either from the start, or have degraded over time. To tune, you must have runtime details including run plan, statistics, duration, and resource consumption. You need baseline data for offending queries to determine the cause for deviation and to guide you how to improve performance.

User objects event monitoring

You need to monitor actions and activities on user objects, such as refreshing materialized views, vacuum, and analyze. This includes system-managed events like auto-refresh for materialized views. You want to monitor when an event ends if it is user initiated, or the last successful run if system initiated.

Usage tracking for billing

You can monitor your usage trends over time to:

  • Inform budget planning and business expansion estimates.

  • Identify potential cost-saving opportunities like removing cold data.

Use the SYS system views to monitor Amazon Redshift Serverless;. For more information about the SYS monitoring views, see SYS monitoring views.