Step 5: Stop your model - Rekognition

Step 5: Stop your model

In this step you stop running your model. You are charged for the amount of time your model is running. If you have finished using the model, you should stop it.

To stop your model
  1. In the Start or stop model section choose Stop.

    Console screenshot including Stop button to stop the running custom label detection model.
  2. In the Stop model dialog box, enter stop to confirm that you want to stop the model.

    Stop model dialog with text field to enter "stop" and confirm stopping the model.
  3. Choose Stop to stop your model. The model has stopped when the status in the Start or stop model section is Stopped. In the following screenshot, the User interface section has the option to start or stop a machine learning model. The model's status shows as "Stopped" with a "Start" button to start the model and a dropdown to select the number of inference units.

    User interface section to start or stop a machine learning model, showing the model's status as "Stopped" with a "Start" button to start the model and a dropdown to select the number of inference units.