ScoringComponentResiliencyScore - AWS Resilience Hub


Resiliency score of each scoring component. For more information about scoring component, see Calculating resiliency score.



Number of recommendations that were excluded from the assessment.

For example, if the excludedCount for Alarms coverage scoring component is 7, it indicates that 7 Amazon CloudWatch alarms are excluded from the assessment.

Type: Long

Required: No


Number of recommendations that must be implemented to obtain the maximum possible score for the scoring component. For SOPs, alarms, and tests, these are the number of recommendations that must be implemented. For compliance, these are the number of Application Components that have breached the resiliency policy.

For example, if the outstandingCount for Alarms coverage scoring component is 5, it indicates that 5 Amazon CloudWatch alarms need to be implemented to achieve the maximum possible score.

Type: Long

Required: No


Maximum possible score that can be obtained for the scoring component.

For example, if the possibleScore is 20 points, it indicates the maximum possible score you can achieve for the scoring component when you run a new assessment after implementing all the AWS Resilience Hub recommendations.

Type: Double

Required: No


Resiliency score points given for the scoring component. The score is always less than or equal to the possibleScore.

Type: Double

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: