Upgrade IAM policies to IPv6 - AWS Resource Explorer

Upgrade IAM policies to IPv6

AWS Resource Explorer customers use IAM policies to set an allowed range of IP addresses and prevent any IP addresses outside the configured range from being able to access Resource Explorer APIs.

The resource-explorer-2.region.api.aws domain where Resource Explorer APIs are hosted is being upgraded to support IPv6 in addition to IPv4.

IP address filtering policies that are not updated to handle IPv6 addresses might result in clients losing access to the resources on the Resource Explorer API domain.

Customers impacted by upgrade from IPv4 to IPv6

Customers who are using dual addressing with policies containing aws:sourceIp are impacted by this upgrade. Dual addressing means that the network supports both IPv4 and IPv6.

If you are using dual addressing, you must update your IAM policies that are currently configured with IPv4 format addresses to include IPv6 format addresses.

For help with access issues, contact AWS Support.


The following customers are not impacted by this upgrade:

  • Customers who are on only IPv4 networks.

  • Customers who are on only IPv6 networks.

What is IPv6?

IPv6 is the next generation IP standard intended to eventually replace IPv4. The previous version, IPv4, uses a 32-bit addressing scheme to support 4.3 billion devices. IPv6 instead uses 128-bit addressing to support approximately 340 trillion trillion trillion (or 2 to the 128th power) devices.

2001:cdba:0000:0000:0000:0000:3257:9652 2001:cdba:0:0:0:0:3257:9652 2001:cdba::3257:965

Updating an IAM policy for IPv6

IAM policies are currently used to set an allowed range of IP addresses using the aws:SourceIp filter.

Dual addressing supports both IPv4 and IPV6 traffic. If your network uses dual addressing, you must ensure that any IAM polices that are used for IP address filtering are updated to include IPv6 address ranges.

For example, this Amazon S3 bucket policy identifies allowed IPv4 address ranges* and* in the Condition element.

# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_policies_examples_aws_deny-ip.html { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": { "Effect": "Deny", "Action": "*", "Resource": "*", "Condition": { "NotIpAddress": { "*aws:SourceIp*": [ "**", "**" ] }, "Bool": { "aws:ViaAWSService": "false" } } } }

To update this policy, the policy's Condition element is updated to include IPv6 address ranges 2001:DB8:1234:5678::/64 and 2001:cdba:3257:8593::/64.


DO NOT REMOVE the existing IPv4 addresses because they are needed for backward compatibility.

"Condition": { "NotIpAddress": { "*aws:SourceIp*": [ "**", <<DO NOT REMOVE existing IPv4 address>> "**", <<DO NOT REMOVE existing IPv4 address>> "*2001:DB8:1234:5678::/64*", <<New IPv6 IP address>> "*2001:cdba:3257:8593::/64*" <<New IPv6 IP address>> ] }, "Bool": { "aws:ViaAWSService": "false" } }

For more information about managing access permissions with IAM, see Managed policies and inline policies in the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide.

Verify your client can support IPv6

Customers using the resource-explorer-2.{region}.api.aws endpoint are advised to verify if their clients can access other AWS service Endpoints that are already IPv6 enabled. The following steps describe how to verify those endpoints.

This examples uses Linux and curl version 8.6.0 and uses the Amazon Athena service endpoints which has IPv6 enabled endpoints located at the api.aws domain.


Switch the AWS Region to the same Region where the client is located. In this example, we use the US East (N. Virginia) – us-east-1 endpoint.

  1. Determine if the endpoint resolves with an IPv6 address using the following curl command.

    dig +short AAAA athena.us-east-1.api.aws 2600:1f18:e2f:4e05:1a8a:948e:7c08:d2d6 2600:1f18:e2f:4e03:4a1e:83b0:8823:4ce5 2600:1f18:e2f:4e04:34c3:6e9a:2b0d:dc79
  2. Determine if the client network can make a connection using IPv6 using the following curl command.

    curl --ipv6 -o /dev/null --silent -w "\nremote ip: %{remote_ip}\nresponse code: %{response_code}\n" https://athena.us-east-1.api.aws remote ip: 2600:1f18:e2f:4e05:1a8a:948e:7c08:d2d6 response code: 404

    If a remote IP was identified and the response code is not 0, a network connection was successfully made to the endpoint using IPv6.

If the remote IP is blank or the response code is 0, the client network or the network path to the endpoint is IPv4-only. You can verify this configuration with the following curl command.

curl -o /dev/null --silent -w "\nremote ip: %{remote_ip}\nresponse code: %{response_code}\n" https://athena.us-east-1.api.aws remote ip: response code: 404

If a remote IP was identified and the response code is not 0, a network connection was successfully made to the endpoint using IPv4. The remote IP should be an IPv4 address because the operating system should select the protocol that is valid for the client. If the remote IP is not an IPv4 address, use the following command to force curl to use IPv4.

curl --ipv4 -o /dev/null --silent -w "\nremote ip: %{remote_ip}\nresponse code: %{response_code}\n" https://athena.us-east-1.api.aws remote ip: response code: 404