Considerations for AWS opt-in Regions - AWS Resource Explorer

Considerations for AWS opt-in Regions

Opt-in Regions have higher security requirements than commercial Regions as it pertains to sharing IAM data through accounts in opt-in Regions. All of the data managed through the IAM service is considered identity data.

You can activate opt-in Regions using the AWS Resource Explorer console. See Turning on Resource Explorer in an AWS Region to index your resources for more information.

Opt-out behaviors

Consider the following behaviors before you opt-out of an opt-in Region:


Before you opt-out of a Region with an aggregator index, we suggest that you delete the aggregator index or demote it to a local index. Resource Explorer supports one aggregator index across all Regions within the partition.

  • Your index isn't deleted, it's only disabled. If you choose to opt-in again later, your settings will revert.

  • IAM disables IAM access to resources in the Region.

  • Resource Explorer disables the index for the opted-out Region and stops ingesting data. The ListIndexes API won't show the Region index anymore.

  • If your aggregator index is in a different Region, Resource Explorer stops data replication from the opted-out Region and cleans up the data within 24 hours.

  • If you opt-out of your aggregator index Region, you will have to opt-in again to delete or demote the index.

  • If you opt-in to the Region again, Resource Explorer re-enables the index and starts to ingest data.

  • Any changes to the status of an opt-in Region takes about 24 hours to go into effect.