Using AWS Chatbot to search for resources - AWS Resource Explorer

Using AWS Chatbot to search for resources

You can search and discover information about AWS services and your AWS resources by asking AWS Chatbot natural language questions. AWS Chatbot answers service-related questions directly in your chat channels with relevant AWS documentation and support article excerpts. AWS Chatbot uses Resource Explorer to search and find answers to your resource related questions.

For more information, see What is AWS Chatbot? in the AWS Chatbot Administrator Guide.

AWS resource questions

AWS Chatbot uses Resource Explorer to search and discover your resources. AWS Chatbot displays these search results in a list. This list shows the top five matching resources and includes the ability to filter results further by resource type, AWS Region, and tag.


To ask AWS Chatbot resource related questions you must:

  • Make sure you have active indexes and views with at least one default view in your AWS Region. Indexes and views allow Resource Explorer to catalog and query your resources. See Terms and concepts for Resource Explorer for more information.

  • Add the AWSResourceExplorerReadOnlyAccess policy to your channel role or each appropriate user role, depending on your channel's permission scheme.

  • Verify that your channel guardrail policies allow AWSResourceExplorerReadOnlyAccess permissions.

Commonly asked resource questions

You can ask these questions directly from your chat channels. Replace the words with red text with your own information.

@aws What services am I using in Region?

@aws What are the resources in my account with tags?

@aws What lambda functions do I have?