Support policy - AWS RoboMaker

End of support notice: On September 10, 2025, AWS will discontinue support for AWS RoboMaker. After September 10, 2025, you will no longer be able to access the AWS RoboMaker console or AWS RoboMaker resources. For more information on transitioning to AWS Batch to help run containerized simulations, visit this blog post.

Support policy

The following sections describe support changes for AWS RoboMaker.

Support changes: December 15, 2022

On June 27, 2022, we migrated our development environment capabilities to AWS Cloud9 and ended support for the AWS RoboMaker development environment feature. As of December 15, 2022, you can't access previously created development environments in AWS RoboMaker.

Why did we end support?

AWS Cloud9 provides an improved development experience with new functionality, flexibility, and expanded Region support. With AWS Cloud9, you have Amazon Linux and Ubuntu platform options, cost-savings settings, and the flexibility to use and configure any robot and simulation software of your choice. For more information about getting started with AWS Cloud9, see the AWS Cloud9 User Guide.

New development environments in AWS Cloud9

AWS Cloud9 provides you access to the same development environment features you had in AWS RoboMaker. Use the AWS Cloud9 console to create development environments and take advantage of new functionality. To learn how to configure your AWS Cloud9 development environments to build and simulate your robot and simulation applications, see Build and Simulate Robotics Applications in AWS Cloud9 in the AWS Robotics blog.

Existing AWS RoboMaker development environments

Access environments launched prior to June 27, 2022 through the AWS Cloud9 console. To retain Amazon DCV functionality, see the Configuring Amazon DCV section in Build and Simulate Robotics Applications in AWS Cloud9.

Support changes: May 2, 2022

On May 2, 2022, we removed existing robots, fleets and deployments job resources from your account. The deletion of these AWS RoboMaker application deployment resources does not affect your physical hardware. You can continue to deploy your applications to physical robots through other means such as AWS IoT Greengrass Version 2.

The following API actions have been deprecated:

  • CancelDeploymentJob

  • DeleteFleet

  • DeleteRobot

  • DeregisterRobot

  • DescribeDeploymentJob

  • DescribeFleet

  • DescribeRobot

  • ListDeploymentJobs

  • ListFleets

  • ListRobots

  • SyncDeploymentJob

Recommended Actions

We recommend that you take the following actions.

  1. If you haven't already done so, migrate your robot and simulation applications to a supported container image. To learn more about how to move your robot applications, simulation applications, and simulation jobs to a Docker-based workflow, see Migrating ROS applications to containers.

  2. Migrate to AWS IoT Greengrass Version 2. For additional information, see the AWS IoT Greengrass Version 2 Developer Guide. To learn about AWS IoT Greengrass Version 2 deployments, see the following AWS Robotics blog posts:

Support changes: March 15, 2022

On March 15, 2022, we made two changes to AWS RoboMaker simulations which may have affected your simulation jobs.

  1. We migrated AWS RoboMaker simulation jobs to container images. In other words, you must migrate your robot and simulation applications to a supported container image.

  2. We stopped vending preinstalled Robot Operating Software (ROS), Gazebo, and Ubuntu base images in AWS RoboMaker simulations. You can continue to run ROS and Gazebo-based simulations, but the mechanism for doing so has changed. You must update to the General software suite for your robot applications and Simulation runtime software suite for your simulation applications.

Why did we make these changes?

AWS RoboMaker now supports expanded configuration for any robot and simulation software, so you can use and configure any robot and simulation software of your choice while running simulations. You can still use ROS in your robot applications, including older versions such as ROS Kinetic or newer versions such as ROS2 Galactic, but you can also run custom robot applications without using ROS. Additionally, you can now use the simulation software of your choice while running simulations in AWS RoboMaker.

What happens now?

Existing robot and simulation applications which have not been migrated are restricted from usage, but can be migrated to the supported software suites and container images. Any simulation jobs and simulation job batches launched prior to March 15, 2022, and whose duration extends past March 15, 2022, will continue to run until completed.

Support ended: January 31, 2022

On January 31, 2022, we migrated deployment capabilities to AWS IoT Greengrass Version 2 and ended support for the AWS RoboMaker application deployment feature. AWS IoT Greengrass Version 2 supports existing application deployment capabilities and provides new functionality and an improved deployment experience. As of January 31, 2022, you can no longer create new application deployment resources (robots, fleets and deployments) in AWS RoboMaker.

The following API actions have been deprecated:

  • CreateDeploymentJob

  • CreateFleet

  • CreateRobot

  • RegisterRobot

Support ended: April 30, 2021

Starting April 30, 2021, you can no longer create new ROS Kinetic, Gazebo 7.1, ROS Dashing or Ubuntu 16.04 resources in AWS RoboMaker. However, any existing AWS RoboMaker resources remain in your account. If you do not upgrade, functionality of your ROS Kinetic, Gazebo 7.1, ROS Dashing and Ubuntu 16.04 resources within AWS RoboMaker features might change or even break.

The following software suite combinations are deprecated:

  • ROS Kinetic, Gazebo 7.1, Ubuntu 16.04

  • ROS Kinetic, Gazebo 9, Ubuntu 16.04

  • ROS Dashing, Gazebo 9, Ubuntu 16.04

The deprecation affected the following areas:

  • AWS Cloud9 integrated development environments (IDEs)

    • You have access to all existing ROS Kinetic and ROS Dashing–based IDEs. You can continue to work within the IDE. The successful execution of the build and bundle process is not guaranteed.

    • You can't create new ROS Kinetic and ROS Dashing–based IDEs.

  • Robot and simulation applications

    • You cannot create new ROS Kinetic and ROS Dashing–based robot applications.

    • You cannot create new simulation applications with ROS Kinetic with Gazebo 7.1, ROS Kinetic with Gazebo 9, or ROS Dashing with Gazebo 9.

    • You cannot create a new versions of existing robot or simulation applications using the deprecated ROS and Gazebo versions.

  • Simulation jobs and simulation batches

    • You cannot create new simulation jobs with robot applications and simulation applications using Kinetic, Dashing or Gazebo 7.1.

      Simulation jobs launched prior to the deprecation date and whose duration extends past the deprecation date continue to run successfully until completed. With a maximum simulation job duration of 14 days, these jobs can run for a maximum of 14 days post deprecation.

  • Deployment jobs

    • You cannot create a deployment job for Kinetic or Dashing–based robot applications.

  • Sample applications and cloud extensions

    • Cloud extensions are no longer supported in ROS Kinetic and ROS Dashing–based applications. While you can install the cloud extensions into ROS Kinetic and ROS Dashing workspaces, they may or may not work.

    • You can no longer select ROS Kinetic or ROS Dashing as the ROS distribution to launch a sample application. The sample applications may still be downloaded into existing ROS Kinetic and ROS Dashing IDEs. However, they are no longer supported and may break.