Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio is in preview release and is subject to change.
Delete a project
The act of deleting a project is final. Deletion irrevocably deletes the project’s contents, including compute instances, data sources, queries, and more, and all the content within those project resources. Deleting a project does not delete non-Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio AWS resources that Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio might have helped you create. If you no longer need these AWS resources, delete them in their respective AWS service and account. For example, if you create Amazon Bedrock model evaluation jobs in Amazon Bedrock IDE, the jobs that aren't automatically deleted when you delete the project. You will need to use the Amazon Bedrock console to delete the model evaluation jobs. Contact your administrator if you don't have access to the Amazon Bedrock IDE console.
To delete an Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio project, you must be an owner of the project.
To delete an existing project, complete the following steps.
Navigate to Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio using the URL from your admin and log in using your SSO or AWS credentials.
Choose Select a project.
If you don't see the name of your project under Recently updated projects, choose Browse all projects.
Choose the project that you want to delete. If you don't readily see it in the list of projects, you can search for it by specifying the project name in the Search projects field.
On the Project overview page, expand Actions and choose Delete project.
Review the informational warnings about the potential impact of deleting the project.
If you accept the warnings, then type in the confirmation text and choose Delete project.
Deleting a project is an irrevocable action that cannot be undone by you or by AWS.