Tutorial: Get Started Using the Amazon A2I API
This tutorial explains the API operations you can use to get started using Amazon A2I.
To use a Jupyter Notebook to run these operations, select a Jupyter Notebook from
Use Cases and Examples Using Amazon A2I and
use Use SageMaker Notebook Instance with
Amazon A2I Jupyter Notebook to learn how to use it in a SageMaker AI
notebook instance.
To learn more about the API operations you can use with Amazon A2I, see Use APIs in Amazon Augmented AI.
Create a Private Work Team
You can create a private work team and add yourself as a worker so that you can
preview Amazon A2I.
If you are not familiar with Amazon Cognito, we recommend that you use the SageMaker AI console to
create a private workforce and add yourself as a private worker. For instructions,
see Step 1: Create a Work Team.
If you are familiar with Amazon Cognito, you can use the following instructions to create a
private work team using the SageMaker API. After you create a work team, note the work
team ARN (WorkteamArn
To learn more about the private workforce and other available configurations, see
Private workforce.
Create a private workforce
If you have not created a private workforce, you can do so using an Amazon
Cognito user pool. Make sure that you have added yourself to this
user pool. You can create a private work team using the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3)
function. For other language-specific
SDKs, refer to the list in CreateWorkforce.
response = client.create_workforce(
"UserPool": "Pool_ID
"ClientId": "app-client-id
Create a private work team
After you have created a private workforce in the AWS Region to configure
and start your human loop, you can create a private work team using the
AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) create_workteam
function. For other language-specific
SDKs, refer to the list in CreateWorkteam
response = client.create_workteam(
WorkforceName= "workforce-name
"CognitoMemberDefinition": {
"UserPool": "<aws-region>_ID
"UserGroup": "user-group
"ClientId": "app-client-id
Access your work team ARN as follows:
workteamArn = response["WorkteamArn"]
List private work teams in your account
If you have already created a private work team, you can list all work teams
in a given AWS Region in your account using the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) list_workteams
function. For other language-specific
SDKs, refer to the list in ListWorkteams
response = client.list_workteams()
If you have numerous work teams in your account, you may want to use
, SortBy
, and NameContains
filter your results.
Create a Human Review Workflow
You can create a human review workflow using the Amazon A2I CreateFlowDefinition
operation. Before you create your human
review workflow, you need to create a human task UI. You can do this with the
If you are using Amazon A2I with the Amazon Textract or Amazon Rekognition integrations, you can
specify activation conditions using a JSON.
Create a Human Task UI
If you are creating a human review workflow to be used with Amazon Textract or
Amazon Rekognition integrations, you need to use and modify pre-made worker task template.
For all custom integrations, you can use your own custom worker task template.
Use the following table to learn how to create a human task UI using a worker
task template for the two built-in integrations. Replace the template with your
own to customize this request.
- Amazon Textract – Key-value pair extraction
To learn more about this template, see Custom Template Example for
Amazon Textract.
= r"""
<script src="https://assets.crowd.aws/crowd-html-elements.js"></script>
{% capture s3_uri %}http://s3.amazonaws.com/{{ task.input.aiServiceRequest.document.s3Object.bucket }}/{{ task.input.aiServiceRequest.document.s3Object.name }}{% endcapture %}
src="{{ s3_uri | grant_read_access }}"
initial-value="{{ task.input.selectedAiServiceResponse.blocks }}"
header="Review the key-value pairs listed on the right and correct them if they don"t match the following document."
keys="{{ task.input.humanLoopContext.importantFormKeys }}"
<short-instructions header="Instructions">
<p>Click on a key-value block to highlight the corresponding key-value pair in the document.
<p>If it is a valid key-value pair, review the content for the value. If the content is incorrect, correct it.
<p>The text of the value is incorrect, correct it.</p>
<p><img src="https://assets.crowd.aws/images/a2i-console/correct-value-text.png">
<p>A wrong value is identified, correct it.</p>
<p><img src="https://assets.crowd.aws/images/a2i-console/correct-value.png">
<p>If it is not a valid key-value relationship, choose No.</p>
<p><img src="https://assets.crowd.aws/images/a2i-console/not-a-key-value-pair.png">
<p>If you can’t find the key in the document, choose Key not found.</p>
<p><img src="https://assets.crowd.aws/images/a2i-console/key-is-not-found.png">
<p>If the content of a field is empty, choose Value is blank.</p>
<p><img src="https://assets.crowd.aws/images/a2i-console/value-is-blank.png">
<p>Key and value are often displayed next or below to each other.
<p>Key and value displayed in one line.</p>
<p><img src="https://assets.crowd.aws/images/a2i-console/sample-key-value-pair-1.png">
<p>Key and value displayed in two lines.</p>
<p><img src="https://assets.crowd.aws/images/a2i-console/sample-key-value-pair-2.png">
<p>If the content of the value has multiple lines, enter all the text without line break.
Include all value text even if it extends beyond the highlight box.</p>
<p><img src="https://assets.crowd.aws/images/a2i-console/multiple-lines.png"></p>
<full-instructions header="Instructions"></full-instructions>
- Amazon Rekognition – Image moderation
To learn more about this template, see Custom Template Example for
Amazon Rekognition.
= r"""
<script src="https://assets.crowd.aws/crowd-html-elements.js"></script>
{% capture s3_uri %}http://s3.amazonaws.com/{{ task.input.aiServiceRequest.image.s3Object.bucket }}/{{ task.input.aiServiceRequest.image.s3Object.name }}{% endcapture %}
{% for label in task.input.selectedAiServiceResponse.moderationLabels %}
name: "{{ label.name }}",
parentName: "{{ label.parentName }}",
{% endfor %}
src="{{ s3_uri | grant_read_access }}"
header="Review the image and choose all applicable categories."
<short-instructions header="Instructions">
.instructions {
white-space: pre-wrap;
<p class="instructions">Review the image and choose all applicable categories.
If no categories apply, choose None.
Visuals depicting nude male or female person or persons
<b>Partial Nudity</b>
Visuals depicting covered up nudity, for example using hands or pose
<b>Revealing Clothes</b>
Visuals depicting revealing clothes and poses
<b>Physical Violence</b>
Visuals depicting violent physical assault, such as kicking or punching
<b>Weapon Violence</b>
Visuals depicting violence using weapons like firearms or blades, such as shooting
Visuals depicting weapons like firearms and blades
<full-instructions header="Instructions"></full-instructions>
- Custom Integration
The following is an example template that can be used in a custom
integration. This template is used in this notebook, demonstrating a custom integration with
Amazon Comprehend.
= r"""
<script src="https://assets.crowd.aws/crowd-html-elements.js"></script>
categories='["Positive", "Negative", "Neutral", "Mixed"]'
initial-value="{{ task.input.initialValue }}"
header="What sentiment does this text convey?"
{{ task.input.taskObject }}
<full-instructions header="Sentiment Analysis Instructions">
<p><strong>Positive</strong> sentiment include: joy, excitement, delight</p>
<p><strong>Negative</strong> sentiment include: anger, sarcasm, anxiety</p>
<p><strong>Neutral</strong>: neither positive or negative, such as stating a fact</p>
<p><strong>Mixed</strong>: when the sentiment is mixed</p>
Choose the primary sentiment that is expressed by the text.
Using the template specified above, you can create a template using the
AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) create_human_task_ui
function. For other
language-specific SDKs, refer to the list in CreateHumanTaskUi
response = client.create_human_task_ui(
"Content": template
This response element contains the human task UI ARN. Save this as
humanTaskUiArn = response["HumanTaskUiArn"]
Create JSON to specify activation
For Amazon Textract and Amazon Rekognition built-in integrations, you can save activation
conditions in a JSON object and use this in your
Next, select a tab to see example activation conditions you can use for these
built-in integrations. For additional information about activation condition
options, see JSON Schema for Human Loop
Activation Conditions in Amazon Augmented AI.
- Amazon Textract – Key-value pair extraction
This example specifies conditions for specific keys (such as
Mail address
) in the document. If Amazon Textract's
confidence falls outside of the thresholds set here, the document is
sent to a human for review, with the specific keys that initiated
the human loop prompted to the worker.
import json
humanLoopActivationConditions = json.dumps(
"Conditions": [
"Or": [
"ConditionType": "ImportantFormKeyConfidenceCheck",
"ConditionParameters": {
"ImportantFormKey": "Mail address",
"ImportantFormKeyAliases": ["Mail Address:","Mail address:", "Mailing Add:","Mailing Addresses"],
"KeyValueBlockConfidenceLessThan": 100,
"WordBlockConfidenceLessThan": 100
"ConditionType": "MissingImportantFormKey",
"ConditionParameters": {
"ImportantFormKey": "Mail address",
"ImportantFormKeyAliases": ["Mail Address:","Mail address:","Mailing Add:","Mailing Addresses"]
"ConditionType": "ImportantFormKeyConfidenceCheck",
"ConditionParameters": {
"ImportantFormKey": "Phone Number",
"ImportantFormKeyAliases": ["Phone number:", "Phone No.:", "Number:"],
"KeyValueBlockConfidenceLessThan": 100,
"WordBlockConfidenceLessThan": 100
"ConditionType": "ImportantFormKeyConfidenceCheck",
"ConditionParameters": {
"ImportantFormKey": "*",
"KeyValueBlockConfidenceLessThan": 100,
"WordBlockConfidenceLessThan": 100
"ConditionType": "ImportantFormKeyConfidenceCheck",
"ConditionParameters": {
"ImportantFormKey": "*",
"KeyValueBlockConfidenceGreaterThan": 0,
"WordBlockConfidenceGreaterThan": 0
- Amazon Rekognition – Image moderation
The human loop activation conditions used here are tailored
towards Amazon Rekognition content moderation; they are based on the confidence
thresholds for the Suggestive
and Female Swimwear
Or Underwear
moderation labels.
import json
humanLoopActivationConditions = json.dumps(
"Conditions": [
"Or": [
"ConditionType": "ModerationLabelConfidenceCheck",
"ConditionParameters": {
"ModerationLabelName": "Suggestive",
"ConfidenceLessThan": 98
"ConditionType": "ModerationLabelConfidenceCheck",
"ConditionParameters": {
"ModerationLabelName": "Female Swimwear Or Underwear",
"ConfidenceGreaterThan": 98
Create a human review workflow
This section gives an example of the CreateFlowDefinition
AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) request using the resources created in the previous sections. For
other language-specific SDKs, refer to the list in CreateFlowDefinition. Use the tabs in the following table to see
the requests to create a human review workflow for Amazon Textract and Amazon Rekognition built-in
- Amazon Textract – Key-value pair extraction
If you use the built-in integration with Amazon Textract, you must
specify "AWS/Textract/AnalyzeDocument/Forms/V1"
response = client.create_flow_definition(
"AwsManagedHumanLoopRequestSource": "AWS/Textract/AnalyzeDocument/Forms/V1"
"HumanLoopActivationConditionsConfig": {
"HumanLoopActivationConditions": humanLoopActivationConditions
"WorkteamArn": workteamArn
"HumanTaskUiArn": humanTaskUiArn
"TaskTitle": "Document entry review
"TaskDescription": "Review the document and instructions. Complete the task
"TaskCount": 1
"TaskAvailabilityLifetimeInSeconds": 43200
"TaskTimeLimitInSeconds": 3600
"TaskKeywords": [
"document review
"S3OutputPath": "s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/prefix/
"Key": "string
"Value": "string
- Amazon Rekognition – Image moderation
If you use the built-in integration with Amazon Rekognition, you must specify
for "AwsManagedHumanLoopRequestSource"
response = client.create_flow_definition(
"AwsManagedHumanLoopRequestSource": "AWS/Rekognition/DetectModerationLabels/Image/V3"
"HumanLoopActivationConditionsConfig": {
"HumanLoopActivationConditions": humanLoopActivationConditions
"WorkteamArn": workteamArn
"HumanTaskUiArn": humanTaskUiArn
"TaskTitle": "Image content moderation
"TaskDescription": "Review the image and instructions. Complete the task
"TaskCount": 1
"TaskAvailabilityLifetimeInSeconds": 43200
"TaskTimeLimitInSeconds": 3600
"TaskKeywords": [
"content moderation
"S3OutputPath": "s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/prefix/
"Key": "string
"Value": "string
- Custom Integration
If you use a custom integration, exclude the following parameters:
response = client.create_flow_definition(
"WorkteamArn": workteamArn
"HumanTaskUiArn": humanTaskUiArn
"TaskTitle": "Image content moderation
"TaskDescription": "Review the image and instructions. Complete the task
"TaskCount": 1
"TaskAvailabilityLifetimeInSeconds": 43200
"TaskTimeLimitInSeconds": 3600
"TaskKeywords": [
"content moderation
"S3OutputPath": "s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/prefix/
"Key": "string
"Value": "string
After you create a human review workflow, you can retrieve the flow definition
ARN from the response:
= response["FlowDefinitionArn"]
Create a Human Loop
The API operation you use to start a human loop depends on the Amazon A2I
integration you use.
If you use the Amazon Textract built-in integration, you use the AnalyzeDocument operation.
If you use the Amazon Rekognition built-in integration, you use the DetectModerationLabels operation.
If you use a custom integration, you use the StartHumanLoop operation.
Select your task type in the following table to see example requests for
Amazon Textract and Amazon Rekognition using the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3).
- Amazon Textract – Key-value pair extraction
The following example uses the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to call
in us-west-2. Replace the italicized
red text with your resources. Include the DataAttributes
parameter if you are using
the Amazon Mechanical Turk workforce. For more information, see the analyze_document documention in the AWS SDK for Python (Boto) API Reference.
response = client.analyze_document(
Document={"S3Object": {"Bucket": "amzn-s3-demo-bucket
", "Name": "document-name.pdf
"DataAttributes" : {ContentClassifiers:["FreeOfPersonallyIdentifiableInformation"
Human loops are only created if Amazon Textract's confidence for document
analysis task meets the activation conditions you specified in your
human review workflow. You can check the response
to determine if a human loop has been created. To see everything
included in this response, see HumanLoopActivationOutput
if "HumanLoopArn" in analyzeDocumentResponse["HumanLoopActivationOutput"]:
# A human loop has been started!
print(f"A human loop has been started with ARN: {analyzeDocumentResponse["HumanLoopActivationOutput"]["HumanLoopArn"]}"
- Amazon Rekognition – Image moderation
The following example uses the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to call
in us-west-2. Replace the
italicized red text with your resources. Include the DataAttributes
parameter if you are using
the Amazon Mechanical Turk workforce. For more information, see the detect_moderation_labels documention in the AWS SDK for Python (Boto) API Reference.
response = client.detect_moderation_labels(
Image={"S3Object":{"Bucket": "amzn-s3-demo-bucket
", "Name": "image-name.png
Human loops are only created if Amazon Rekognition's confidence for an image
moderation task meets the activation conditions you specified in your
human review workflow. You can check the response
to determine if a human loop has been created. To see everything
included in this response, see HumanLoopActivationOutput
if "HumanLoopArn" in response["HumanLoopActivationOutput"]:
# A human loop has been started!
print(f"A human loop has been started with ARN: {response["HumanLoopActivationOutput"]["HumanLoopArn"]}")
- Custom Integration
The following example uses the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to call
in us-west-2. Replace the italicized
red text with your resources. Include the DataAttributes
parameter if you are using
the Amazon Mechanical Turk workforce. For more information, see the start_human_loop documention in the AWS SDK for Python (Boto) API Reference.
response = client.start_human_loop(
HumanLoopName= "human-loop-name
FlowDefinitionArn= "arn:aws:sagemaker:us-west-2:111122223333:flow-definition/flow-definition-name
HumanLoopInput={"InputContent": inputContentJson
This example stores input content in the variable
. Assume
that the input content contains two elements: a text blurb and sentiment
(such as Positive
, Negative
, or
), and it is formatted as follows:
inputContent = {
"initialValue": sentiment,
"taskObject": blurb
The keys initialValue
and taskObject
correspond to the keys used in the liquid elements of the worker task
template. Refer to the custom template in Create a Human Task UI to see an
To create inputContentJson
, do
the following:
import json
inputContentJson = json.dumps(inputContent)
A human loop starts each time you call start_human_loop
To check the status of your human loop, use describe_human_loop:
human_loop_info = a2i.describe_human_loop(HumanLoopName="human_loop_name
print(f"HumanLoop Status: {resp["HumanLoopStatus"]}")
print(f"HumanLoop Output Destination: {resp["HumanLoopOutput"]}")