Using prompt datasets and available evaluation dimensions in model evaluation jobs - Amazon SageMaker AI

Using prompt datasets and available evaluation dimensions in model evaluation jobs

The following sections provide an overview of how to use automatic and human-based model evaluation jobs.

Model evaluation tasks

In a model evaluation job, an evaluation task is a task you want the model to perform based on information found in the prompts.

You can choose one task type per model evaluation job. Use the following sections to learn more about each task type. Each section also includes a list of available built-in datasets and their corresponding metrics that can be used only in automatic model evaluation jobs.

Open-ended generation

Open-ended text generation is a foundation model task that generates natural language responses to prompts that don't have a pre-defined structure, such as general-purpose queries to a chatbot. For open-ended text generation, Foundation Model Evaluations (FMEval) can evaluate your model along the following dimensions.

  • Factual knowledge – Evaluates how well your model encodes factual knowledge. FMEval can measure your model against your own custom dataset or use a built-in dataset based on the TREX open source dataset.

  • Semantic robustness – Evaluates how much your model output changes as the result of small, semantic-preserving changes in the input. FMEval measures how your model output changes as a result of keyboard typos, random changes to uppercase, and random additions or deletions of white spaces.

  • Prompt stereotyping – Measures the probability of your model encoding biases in its response. These biases include those for race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, nationality, disability, physical appearance, and socioeconomic status. FMEval can measure your model responses against your own custom dataset or use a built-in dataset based on the CrowS-Pairs open source challenge dataset.

  • Toxicity – Evaluates text using toxicity detection models. FMEval checks your model for sexual references, rude, unreasonable, hateful or aggressive comments, profanity, insults, flirtations, attacks on identities, and threats. FMEval can measure your model against your own custom dataset or use built-in datasets based on the RealToxicityPrompts, RealToxicityPromptsChallenging, and BOLD datasets.

    RealToxicityPromptsChallenging is a subset of RealToxicityPrompts that is used to test the limits of a large language model (LLM). It also identifies areas where LLMs are vulnerable to generating toxic text.

    You can evaluate your model with the following toxicity detectors:

Text summarization

Text summarization is used for tasks, such as creating summaries of news, legal documents, academic papers, content previews, and content curation. The following can influence the quality of responses: ambiguity, coherence, bias, fluency of the text used to train the foundation model, and information loss, accuracy, relevance, or context mismatch. FMEval can evaluate your model against your own custom dataset or use built-in datasets based on the Government Report Dataset, and Gigaword datasets. For text summarization, FMEval can evaluate your model for the following:

  • Accuracy – A numerical score indicating the similarity of the summarization to a reference summary that is accepted as a gold standard. A high numerical score indicates that the summary is of high quality. A low numerical score indicates a poor summary. The following metrics are used to evaluate the accuracy of a summarization:

    • ROUGE-N – Computes N-gram overlaps between the reference and model summary.

    • Meteor – Computes the word overlap between the reference and model summary while also accounting for rephrasing.

    • BERTScore – Computes and compares sentence embeddings for the summarization and reference. FMEval uses the roberta-large-mnli or microsoft/deberta-xlarge-mnli models to compute the embeddings.

  • Toxicity – Scores for generated summaries that are calculated using a toxicity detector model. For additional information, see the Toxicity section in the previous for Open-ended generation task for details.

  • Semantic robustness – A measure of how much the quality of your model’s text summary changes as the result of small, semantic-preserving changes in the input. Examples of these changes include typos, random changes to uppercase, and random additions or deletions of white spaces. Semantic robustness uses the absolute difference in accuracy between a text summary that is unperturbed and one that is perturbed. The accuracy algorithm uses the ROUGE-N, Meteor, and BERTScore metrics, as detailed previously in this section.

Question answering

Question answering is used for tasks such as generating automatic help-desk responses, information retrieval, and e-learning. FMEval can evaluate your model against your own custom dataset or use built-in datasets based on the BoolQ, TriviaQA, and Natural Questions datasets. For question answering, FMEval can evaluate your model for the following:

  • Accuracy – An average score comparing the generated response to the question answer pairs given in the references. The score is averaged from the following methods:

    • Exact match – A binary score of 1 is assigned to an exact match, and 0 otherwise.

    • Quasi-exact match – A binary score of 1 is assigned to a match after punctuation and grammatical articles (such as the, a, and) have been removed (normalization).

    • F1 over words – The F1 score, or harmonic mean of precision and recall between the normalized response and reference. The F1 score is equal to twice precision multiplied by recall divided by the sum of precision (P) and recall (R), or F1 = (2*P*R) / (P + R).

      In the previous calculation, precision is defined as the number of true positives (TP) divided by the sum of true positives and false positives (FP), or P = (TP)/(TP+FP).

      Recall is defined as the number of true positives divided by the sum of true positives and false negatives (FN), or R = (TP)/(TP+FN).

      A higher F1 over words score indicates higher quality responses.

  • Semantic robustness – A measure of how much the quality of your model’s text summary changes as the result of small, semantic-preserving changes in the input. Examples of these changes include keyboard typos, the inaccurate conversion of numbers to words, random changes to uppercase, and random additions or deletions of white spaces. Semantic robustness uses the absolute difference in accuracy between a text summary that is unperturbed and one that is perturbed. Accuracy is measured using exact-match, quasi-exact match and F1 over words, as described previously.

  • Toxicity – Scores evaluate generated answers using a toxicity detector model. For additional information, see the Toxicity section in the previous for Open-ended generation task for details.


Classification is used to categorize text into pre-defined categories. Applications that use text classification include content recommendation, spam detection, language identification and trend analysis on social media. Imbalanced, ambiguous, noisy data, bias in labeling are some issues that can cause errors in classification. FMEval evaluates your model against a built-in dataset based on the Women’s ECommerce Clothing Reviews dataset, and/or against your own prompt datasets for the following.

  • Accuracy – A score that compares the predicted class to its label. Accuracy is measured using the following metrics:

    • Classification accuracy – A binary score of 1 if the predicted label equals the true label, and 0 otherwise.

    • Precision – The ratio of true positives to all positives, calculated over the entire dataset. Precision is an appropriate measure when reducing false positives is important. The score for each data point can be aggregated using the following values for the multiclass_average_strategy parameter. Each parameter is listed in the following example.

    • Recall – the ratio of true positives to the sum of true positives and false negatives, calculated over the entire dataset. Recall is an appropriate measure when reducing false negatives is important. The scores for each data point can be aggregated using the following values for the multiclass_average_strategy parameter.

      • micro (default) – The sum of the true positives divided by the sum of true positives and false negatives for all classes. This aggregation type gives a measure of the overall predictive accuracy of your model, while considering all classes equally. For example, this aggregation can assess your model’s ability to correctly classify patients with any disease including rare diseases, because it gives equal weight to all classes.

      • macro – The sum of recall values calculated for each class divided by the number of classes. This aggregation type gives a measure of the predictive accuracy of your model for each class, with equal weight to each class. For example, this aggregation can assess your model’s ability to predict all diseases, regardless of the prevalence or rarity of each condition.

      • samples (multi-class classification only) – The ratio of the sum of true positives over all samples to the sum of true positives and false negatives for all samples. For multi-class classification, a sample consists of a set of predicted responses for each class. This aggregation type gives a granular measure of each sample’s recall for multi-class problems. For example, because aggregating by samples treats each sample equally, this aggregation can assess your model’s ability to predict a correct diagnosis for a patient with a rare disease while also minimizing false negatives.

      • weighted – The weight for one class multiplied by the recall for the same class, summed over all classes. This aggregation type provides a measure of overall recall while accommodating varying importances among classes. For example, this aggregation can assess your model’s ability to predict a correct diagnosis for a patient and give a higher weight to diseases that are life-threatening.

      • binary – The recall calculated for the class that is specified by the value pos_label. This aggregation type ignores the unspecified class, and gives overall predictive accuracy for a single class. For example, this aggregation can assess your model’s ability to screen a population for a specific highly contagious life-threatening disease.

      • none – The recall calculated for each class. Class-specific recall can help you address class imbalances in your data when the penalty for error varies significantly between classes. For example, this aggregation can assess how well your model can identify all patients that may have a specific disease.

    • Balanced classification accuracy (BCA) – The sum of recall and the true negative rate divided by 2 for binary classification. The true negative rate is the number of true negatives divided by the sum of true negatives and false positives. For multi-class classification, BCA is calculated as the sum of recall values for each class divided by the number of classes. BCA can help when the penalty for predicting both false positives and false negatives is high. For example, BCA can assess how well your model can predict a number of highly contagious lethal diseases with intrusive treatments.

  • Semantic robustness – Evaluates how much your model output changes as the result of small, semantic-preserving changes in the input. FMEval measures your model output as a result of keyboard typos, random changes to uppercase, and random additions or deletions of white spaces. Semantic robustness scores the absolute difference in accuracy between a text summary that is unperturbed and one that is perturbed.

Types of foundation model evaluations

The following sections provide details about both human and algorithmic types of evaluations for your foundation model.

Human evaluations

To evaluate your model by a human, you must define the metrics and associated metric types. If you want to evaluate more than one model, you can use a comparative or individual rating mechanism. If you want to evaluate one model, you must use an individual rating mechanism. The following rating mechanisms can be applied to any text-related task:

  • (Comparative) Likert scale - comparison – A human evaluator will indicate their preference between two responses on a 5-point Likert scale according to your instructions. In the final report, the results will be shown as a histogram of ratings by preference strength over your whole dataset. Define the important points of the 5-point scale in your instructions so that your evaluators know how to rate the responses according to your expectations.

  • (Comparative) Choice buttons – Allows a human evaluator to indicate one preferred response over another response using radio buttons, according to your instructions. The results in the final report will be shown as a percentage of responses that workers preferred for each model. Explain your evaluation method clearly in the instructions.

  • (Comparative) Ordinal rank – Allows a human evaluator to rank their preferred responses to a prompt in order, starting at 1, and according to your instructions. In the final report, the results display as a histogram of the rankings from the evaluators over the whole dataset. Make sure that you define what a rank of 1 means in your instructions.

  • (Individual) Thumbs up/down – Allows a human evaluator to rate each response from a model as acceptable or unacceptable according to your instructions. In the final report, the results show a percentage of the total number of ratings by evaluators that received a thumbs up rating for each model. You can use this rating method to evaluate one or more models. If you use this in an evaluation that contains two models, the UI presents your work team with a thumbs up or down option for each model response. The final report will show the aggregated results for each model individually. Define what is an acceptable response in your instructions to your work team.

  • (Individual) Likert scale - individual – Allows a human evaluator to indicate how strongly they approve of the model response, based on your instructions, on a 5-point Likert scale. In the final report, the results display a histogram of the 5-point ratings from the evaluators over your whole dataset. You can use this rating method for an evaluation containing one or more models. If you select this rating method in an evaluation that contains more than one model, a 5-point Likert scale is presented to your work team for each model response. The final report will show the aggregated results for each model individually. Define the important points on the 5-point scale in your instructions so that your evaluators know how to rate the responses according to your expectations.

Automatic evaluations

Automatic evaluations can leverage built-in datasets and algorithms, or you can bring your own dataset of prompts that are specific to your use case. The built-in datasets vary for each task and are listed in the following sections. For a summary of tasks and their associated metrics and datasets, see the table in the following Foundation model summary evaluation section.

Foundation model evaluation summary

The following table summarizes all of the evaluation tasks, metrics, and built-in datasets for both human and automatic evaluations.

Task Human evaluations Human metrics Automatic evaluations Automatic metrics Automatic built-in datasets

Open-ended generation

Fluency, Coherence, Toxicity, Accuracy, Consistency, Relevance, User-defined

Preference rate, Preference strength, Preference rank, Approval rate, Approval strength

Factual knowledge


Semantic robustness




Prompt stereotyping





Text summarization



Government Report Dataset



Government Report Dataset


Government Report Dataset


Question answering


Exact match


Quasi exact match


F1 over words


Semantic robustness








Text classification


Classification accuracy

Women's Ecommerce Clothing Reviews


Women's Ecommerce Clothing Reviews


Women's Ecommerce Clothing Reviews

Balanced classification accuracy

Women's Ecommerce Clothing Reviews

Semantic robustness

Women's Ecommerce Clothing Reviews