Troubleshooting guide - Amazon SageMaker AI

Troubleshooting guide

If you encounter errors using SageMaker Clarify online explainability, consult the topics in this section.

InvokeEndpoint API fails with the error "ReadTimeoutError:Read timeout on endpoint..."

This error means that the request could not be completed within the 60-second time limit set by the request timeout.

To reduce the request latency, try the following:

  • Tune the model's performance during inference. For example, SageMaker AI Neo can optimize models for inference.

  • Allow the model container to handle batch requests.

  • Use a larger MaxRecordCount to reduce the number of calls from the explainer to the model container. This will reduce network latency and overhead.

  • Use an instance type that has more resources allocated to it. Alternately, assign more instances to the endpoint to help balance the load.

  • Reduce the number of records inside a single InvokeEndpoint request.

  • Reduce the number of records in the baseline data.

  • Use a smaller NumberOfSamples value to reduce the size of the synthetic dataset. For more information about how the number of samples affects your synthetic dataset, see Synthetic dataset.