Run SageMaker Clarify Processing Jobs for Bias Analysis and Explainability - Amazon SageMaker

Run SageMaker Clarify Processing Jobs for Bias Analysis and Explainability

To analyze your data and models for bias and explainability using SageMaker Clarify, you must configure a SageMaker Clarify processing job. This guide shows how to configure the job inputs, outputs, resources, and analysis configuration using the SageMaker Python SDK API SageMakerClarifyProcessor.

The API acts as a high-level wrapper of the SageMaker CreateProcessingJob API. It hides many of the details that are involved in setting up a SageMaker Clarify processing job. The details to set up a job include retrieving the SageMaker Clarify container image URI and generating the analysis configuration file. The following steps show you how to configure, initialize and launch a SageMaker Clarify processing job.

Configure a SageMaker Clarify processing job using the API
  1. Define the configuration objects for each portion of the job configuration. These portions can include the following:

    The configuration objects for a SageMaker Clarify processing job vary for different types of data formats and use cases. Configuration examples for tabular data in CSV and JSON Lines format, natural language processing (NLP), computer vision (CV), and time series (TS) problems are provided in the following sections.

  2. Create a SageMakerClarifyProcessor object and initialize it with parameters that specify the job resources. These resources include parameters such as the number of compute instances to use.

    The following code example shows how to create a SageMakerClarifyProcessor object and instruct it to use one ml.c4.xlarge compute instance to do the analysis.

    from sagemaker import clarify clarify_processor = clarify.SageMakerClarifyProcessor( role=role, instance_count=1, instance_type='ml.c4.xlarge', sagemaker_session=session, )
  3. Call the specific run method of the SageMakerClarifyProcessor object with the configuration objects for your use case to launch the job. These run methods include the following:

    • run_pre_training_bias

    • run_post_training_bias

    • run_bias

    • run_explainability

    • run_bias_and_explainability

    This SageMakerClarifyProcessor handles several tasks behind the scenes. These tasks include retrieving the SageMaker Clarify container image universal resource identifier (URI), composing an analysis configuration file based on the provided configuration objects, uploading the file to an Amazon S3 bucket, and configuring the SageMaker Clarify processing job.

    The following expandable sections show how to compute pre-training and post-training bias metrics, SHAP values, and partial dependence plots (PDPs). The sections show feature importance for these data types:

    • Tabular datasets in CSV format or JSON Lines format

    • Natural language processing (NLP) datasets

    • Computer vision datasets

A guide to run parallel SageMaker Clarify processing jobs with distributed training using Spark follows the expandable sections.

The following examples show how to configure bias analysis and explainability analysis for a tabular dataset in CSV format. In these examples, the incoming dataset has four feature columns and one binary label column, Target. The contents of the dataset are as follows. A label value of 1 indicates a positive outcome.

Target,Age,Gender,Income,Occupation 0,25,0,2850,2 1,36,0,6585,0 1,22,1,1759,1 0,48,0,3446,1 ...

This DataConfig object specifies the input dataset and where to store the output. The s3_data_input_path parameter can either be a URI of a dataset file or an Amazon S3 URI prefix. If you provide a S3 URI prefix, the SageMaker Clarify processing job recursively collects all Amazon S3 files located under the prefix. The value for s3_output_path should be an S3 URI prefix to hold the analysis results. SageMaker uses the s3_output_path while compiling, and cannot take a value of a SageMaker Pipeline parameter, property, expression, or ExecutionVariable, which are used during runtime. The following code example shows how to specify a data configuration for the previous sample input dataset.

data_config = clarify.DataConfig( s3_data_input_path=dataset_s3_uri, dataset_type='text/csv', headers=['Target', 'Age', 'Gender', 'Income', 'Occupation'], label='Target', s3_output_path=clarify_job_output_s3_uri, )

How to compute all pre-training bias metrics for a CSV dataset

The following code sample shows how to configure a BiasConfig object to measure bias of the previous sample input towards samples with a Gender value of 0.

bias_config = clarify.BiasConfig( label_values_or_threshold=[1], facet_name='Gender', facet_values_or_threshold=[0], )

The following code example shows how to use a run statement to launch a SageMaker Clarify processing job that computes all pre-training bias metrics for an input dataset.

clarify_processor.run_pre_training_bias( data_config=data_config, data_bias_config=bias_config, methods="all", )

Alternatively, you can choose which metrics to compute by assigning a list of pre-training bias metrics to the methods parameter. For example, replacing methods="all" with methods=["CI", "DPL"] instructs the SageMaker Clarify Processor to compute only Class Imbalance and Difference in Proportions of Labels.

How to compute all post-training bias metrics for a CSV dataset

You can compute pre-training bias metrics prior to training. However, to compute post-training bias metrics, you must have a trained model. The following example output is from a binary classification model that outputs data in CSV format. In this example output, each row contains two columns. The first column contains the predicted label, and the second column contains the probability value for that label.

0,0.028986845165491 1,0.825382471084594 ...

In the following example configuration, the ModelConfig object instructs the job to deploy the SageMaker model to an ephemeral endpoint. The endpoint uses one ml.m4.xlarge inference instance. Because the parameter content_type and accept_type are not set, they automatically use the value of the parameter dataset_type, which is text/csv.

model_config = clarify.ModelConfig( model_name=your_model, instance_type='ml.m4.xlarge', instance_count=1, )

The following configuration example uses a ModelPredictedLabelConfig object with a label index of 0. This instructs the SageMaker Clarify processing job to locate the predicted label in the first column of the model output. The Processing job uses zero-based indexing in this example.

predicted_label_config = clarify.ModelPredictedLabelConfig( label=0, )

Combined with the previous configuration example, the following code example launches a SageMaker Clarify processing job to compute all the post-training bias metrics.

clarify_processor.run_post_training_bias( data_config=data_config, data_bias_config=bias_config, model_config=model_config, model_predicted_label_config=predicted_label_config, methods="all", )

Similarly, you can choose which metrics to compute by assigning a list of post-training bias metrics to the methods parameter. For example, replace methods=“all” with methods=["DPPL", "DI"] to compute only Difference in Positive Proportions in Predicted Labels and Disparate Impact.

How to compute all bias metrics for a CSV dataset

The following configuration example shows how to run all pre-training and post-training bias metrics in one SageMaker Clarify processing job.

clarify_processor.run_bias( data_config=data_config, bias_config=bias_config, model_config=model_config, model_predicted_label_config=predicted_label_config, pre_training_methods="all", post_training_methods="all", )

For an example notebook with instructions on how to run a SageMaker Clarify processing job in SageMaker Studio Classic to detect bias, see Fairness and Explainability with SageMaker Clarify.

How to compute SHAP values for a CSV dataset

SageMaker Clarify provides feature attributions using the KernelSHAP algorithm. SHAP analysis requires the probability value or score instead of predicted label, so this ModelPredictedLabelConfig object has probability index 1. This instructs the SageMaker Clarify processing job to extract the probability score from the second column of the model output (using zero-based indexing).

probability_config = clarify.ModelPredictedLabelConfig( probability=1, )

The SHAPConfig object provides SHAP analysis parameters. In this example, the SHAP baseline parameter is omitted and the value of the num_clusters parameter is 1. This instructs the SageMaker Clarify Processor to compute one SHAP baseline sample based on clustering the input dataset. If you want to choose the baseline dataset, see SHAP Baselines for Explainability.

shap_config = clarify.SHAPConfig( num_clusters=1, )

The following code example launches a SageMaker Clarify processing job to compute SHAP values.

clarify_processor.run_explainability( data_config=data_config, model_config=model_config, model_scores=probability_config, explainability_config=shap_config, )

For an example notebook with instructions on how to run a SageMaker Clarify processing job in SageMaker Studio Classic to compute SHAP values, see Fairness and Explainability with SageMaker Clarify.

How to compute partial dependence plots (PDPs) for a CSV dataset

PDPs show the dependence of the predicted target response on one or more input features of interest while holding all other features constant. An upward sloping line, or curve in the PDP, indicates that the relationship between the target and input feature(s) is positive, and the steepness indicates the strength of the relationship. A downward sloping line or curve indicates that if an input feature decreases, the target variable increases. Intuitively, you can interpret the partial dependence as the response of the target variable to each input feature of interest.

The following configuration example is for using a PDPConfig object to instruct the SageMaker Clarify processing job to compute the importance of the Income feature.

pdp_config = clarify.PDPConfig( features=["Income"], grid_resolution=10, )

In the previous example, the grid_resolution parameter divides the range of the Income feature values into 10 buckets. The SageMaker Clarify processing job will generate PDPs for Income split into 10 segments on the x-axis. The y-axis will show the marginal impact of Income on the target variable.

The following code example launches a SageMaker Clarify processing job to compute PDPs.

clarify_processor.run_explainability( data_config=data_config, model_config=model_config, model_scores=probability_config, explainability_config=pdp_config, )

For an example notebook with instructions on how to run a SageMaker Clarify processing job in SageMaker Studio Classic to compute PDPs, see Explainability with SageMaker Clarify - Partial Dependence Plots (PDP).

How to compute both SHAP values and PDPs for a CSV dataset

You can compute both SHAP values and PDPs in a single SageMaker Clarify processing job. In the following configuration example, the top_k_features parameter of a new PDPConfig object is set to 2. This instructs the SageMaker Clarify processing job to compute PDPs for the 2 features that have the largest global SHAP values.

shap_pdp_config = clarify.PDPConfig( top_k_features=2, grid_resolution=10, )

The following code example launches a SageMaker Clarify processing job to compute both SHAP values and PDPs.

clarify_processor.run_explainability( data_config=data_config, model_config=model_config, model_scores=probability_config, explainability_config=[shap_config, shap_pdp_config], )

The following examples show how to configure bias analysis and explainability analysis for a tabular dataset in >SageMaker JSON Lines dense format. See JSONLINES request format for more information. In these examples, the incoming dataset has the same data as the previous section, but they're in the JSON Lines format. Each line is a valid JSON object. The key Features points to an array of feature values, and the key Label points to the ground truth label.

{"Features":[25,0,2850,2],"Label":0} {"Features":[36,0,6585,0],"Label":1} {"Features":[22,1,1759,1],"Label":1} {"Features":[48,0,3446,1],"Label":0} ...

In the following configuration example, the DataConfig object specifies the input dataset and where to store the output.

data_config = clarify.DataConfig( s3_data_input_path=jsonl_dataset_s3_uri, dataset_type='application/jsonlines', headers=['Age', 'Gender', 'Income', 'Occupation', 'Target'], label='Label', features='Features', s3_output_path=clarify_job_output_s3_uri, )

In the previous configuration example, the features parameter is set to the JMESPath expression Features so that the SageMaker Clarify processing job can extract the array of features from each record. The label parameter is set to JMESPath expression Label so that the SageMaker Clarify processing job can extract the ground truth label from each record. The s3_data_input_path parameter can either be a URI of a dataset file or an Amazon S3 URI prefix. If you provide a S3 URI prefix, the SageMaker Clarify processing job recursively collects all S3 files located under the prefix. The value for s3_output_path should be an S3 URI prefix to hold the analysis results. SageMaker uses the s3_output_path while compiling, and cannot take a value of a SageMaker Pipeline parameter, property, expression, or ExecutionVariable, which are used during runtime.

You must have a trained model to compute post-training bias metrics or feature importance. The following example is from a binary classification model that outputs JSON Lines data in the example's format. Each row of the model output is a valid JSON object. The key predicted_label points to the predicted label, and the key probability points to the probability value.

{"predicted_label":0,"probability":0.028986845165491} {"predicted_label":1,"probability":0.825382471084594} ...

In the following configuration example, a ModelConfig object instructs the SageMaker Clarify processing job to deploy the SageMaker model to an ephemeral endpoint. The endpoint uses one ml.m4.xlarge inference instance.

model_config = clarify.ModelConfig( model_name=your_model, instance_type='ml.m4.xlarge', instance_count=1, content_template='{"Features":$features}', )

In previous configuration example, the parameter content_type and accept_type are not set. Therefore, they automatically use the value of the dataset_type parameter of the DataConfig object, which is application/jsonlines. The SageMaker Clarify processing job uses the content_template parameter to compose the model input by replacing the $features placeholder by an array of features.

The following example configuration shows how to set the label parameter of the ModelPredictedLabelConfig object to the JMESPath expression predicted_label. This will extract the predicted label from the model output.

predicted_label_config = clarify.ModelPredictedLabelConfig( label='predicted_label', )

The following example configuration shows how to set the probability parameter of the ModelPredictedLabelConfig object to the JMESPath expression probability. This will extract the score from the model output.

probability_config = clarify.ModelPredictedLabelConfig( probability='probability', )

To compute bias metrics and feature importance for datasets in JSON Lines format, use the same run statements and configuration objects as the previous section for CSV datasets. You can run a SageMaker Clarify processing job in SageMaker Studio Classic to detect bias and compute feature importance. For instructions and an example notebook, see Fairness and Explainability with SageMaker Clarify (JSON Lines Format).

SageMaker Clarify supports explanations for natural language processing (NLP) models. These explanations help you understand which sections of text are the most important for your model predictions. You can explain either the model prediction for a single instance of the input dataset, or model predictions from the baseline dataset.To understand and visualize a model’s behavior, you can specify multiple levels of granularity. To do this, define the length of the text segment, such as its tokens, sentences, paragraphs.

SageMaker Clarify NLP explainability is compatible with both classification and regression models. You can also use SageMaker Clarify to explain your model's behavior on multi-modal datasets that contain text, categorical, or numerical features. NLP explainability for multi-modal datasets can help you understand how important each feature is to the model's output. SageMaker Clarify supports 62 languages and can handle text which includes multiple languages.

The following example shows an analysis configuration file for computing feature importance for NLP. In this example, the incoming dataset is a tabular dataset in CSV format, with one binary label column and two feature columns.

0,2,"Flavor needs work" 1,3,"They taste good" 1,5,"The best" 0,1,"Taste is awful" ...

The following configuration example shows how to specify an input dataset in CSV format and output data path using the DataConfig object.

nlp_data_config = clarify.DataConfig( s3_data_input_path=nlp_dataset_s3_uri, dataset_type='text/csv', headers=['Target', 'Rating', 'Comments'], label='Target', s3_output_path=clarify_job_output_s3_uri, )

In the previous configuration example, the s3_data_input_path parameter can either be a URI of a dataset file or an Amazon S3 URI prefix. If you provide a S3 URI prefix, the SageMaker Clarify processing job recursively collects all S3 files located under the prefix. The value for s3_output_path should be an S3 URI prefix to hold the analysis results. SageMaker uses the s3_output_path while compiling, and cannot take a value of a SageMaker Pipeline parameter, property, expression, or ExecutionVariable, which are used during runtime.

The following example output was created from a binary classification model trained on the previous input dataset. The classification model accepts CSV data, and it outputs a single score in between 0 and 1.

0.491656005382537 0.569582343101501 ...

The following example shows how to configure the ModelConfig object to deploy a SageMaker model. In this example, an ephemeral endpoint deploys the model. This endpoint uses one ml.g4dn.xlarge inference instance equipped with a GPU, for accelerated inferencing.

nlp_model_config = clarify.ModelConfig( model_name=your_nlp_model_name, instance_type='ml.g4dn.xlarge', instance_count=1, )

The following example shows how to configure the ModelPredictedLabelConfig object to locate the probability (score) in the first column with an index of 0.

probability_config = clarify.ModelPredictedLabelConfig( probability=0, )

The following example SHAP configuration shows how to run a token-wise explainability analysis using a model and an input dataset in the English language.

text_config = clarify.TextConfig( language='english', granularity='token', ) nlp_shap_config = clarify.SHAPConfig( baseline=[[4, '[MASK]']], num_samples=100, text_config=text_config, )

In the previous example, the TextConfig object activates the NLP explainability analysis. The granularity parameter indicates that the analysis should parse tokens. In English, each token is a word. For other languages, see the spaCy documentation for tokenization, which SageMaker Clarify uses for NLP processing. The previous example also shows how to use an average Rating of 4 to set an in-place SHAP baseline instance. A special mask token [MASK] is used to replace a token (word) in Comments.

In the previous example, if the instance is 2,"Flavor needs work", set the baseline to an average Rating of 4 with the following baseline.

4, '[MASK]'

In the previous example, the SageMaker Clarify explainer iterates through each token and replaces it with the mask, as follows.

2,"[MASK] needs work" 4,"Flavor [MASK] work" 4,"Flavor needs [MASK]"

Then, the SageMaker Clarify explainer will send each line to your model for predictions. This is so that the explainer learns the predictions with and without the masked words. The SageMaker Clarify explainer then uses this information to compute the contribution of each token.

The following code example launches a SageMaker Clarify processing job to compute SHAP values.

clarify_processor.run_explainability( data_config=nlp_data_config, model_config=nlp_model_config, model_scores=probability_config, explainability_config=nlp_shap_config, )

For an example notebook with instructions on how to run a SageMaker Clarify processing job in SageMaker Studio Classic for NLP explainability analysis, see Explaining Text Sentiment Analysis Using SageMaker Clarify.

SageMaker Clarify generates heat maps that provide insights into how your computer vision models classify and detect objects in your images.

In the following configuration example, the input dataset consists of JPEG images.

cv_data_config = clarify.DataConfig( s3_data_input_path=cv_dataset_s3_uri, dataset_type="application/x-image", s3_output_path=clarify_job_output_s3_uri, )

In the previous configuration example, the DataConfig object contains an s3_data_input_path set to an Amazon S3 URI prefix. The SageMaker Clarify processing job recursively collects all image files located under the prefix. The s3_data_input_path parameter can either be a URI of a dataset file or an Amazon S3 URI prefix. If you provide a S3 URI prefix, the SageMaker Clarify processing job recursively collects all S3 files located under the prefix. The value for s3_output_path should be an S3 URI prefix to hold the analysis results. SageMaker uses the s3_output_path while compiling, and cannot take a value of a SageMaker Pipeline parameter, property, expression, or ExecutionVariable, which are used during runtime.

How to explain an image classification model

The SageMaker Clarify processing job explains images using the KernelSHAP algorithm, which treats the image as a collection of super pixels. Given a dataset consisting of images, the processing job outputs a dataset of images where each image shows the heat map of the relevant super pixels.

The following configuration example shows how to configure an explainability analysis using a SageMaker image classification model. See Image Classification - MXNet for more information.

ic_model_config = clarify.ModelConfig( model_name=your_cv_ic_model, instance_type="ml.p2.xlarge", instance_count=1, content_type="image/jpeg", accept_type="application/json", )

In the previous configuration example, a model named your_cv_ic_model, has been trained to classify the animals on input JPEG images. The ModelConfig object in the previous example instructs the SageMaker Clarify processing job to deploy the SageMaker model to an ephemeral endpoint. For accelerated inferencing, the endpoint uses one ml.p2.xlarge inference instance equipped with a GPU.

After a JPEG image is sent to an endpoint, the endpoint classifies it and returns a list of scores. Each score is for a category. The ModelPredictedLabelConfig object provides the name of each category, as follows.

ic_prediction_config = clarify.ModelPredictedLabelConfig( label_headers=['bird', 'cat', 'dog'], )

An example output for the previous input of ['bird','cat','dog'] could be 0.3,0.6,0.1, where 0.3 represents the confidence score for classifying an image as a bird.

The following example SHAP configuration shows how to generate explanations for an image classification problem. It uses an ImageConfig object to activate the analysis.

ic_image_config = clarify.ImageConfig( model_type="IMAGE_CLASSIFICATION", num_segments=20, segment_compactness=5, ) ic_shap_config = clarify.SHAPConfig( num_samples=100, image_config=ic_image_config, )

SageMaker Clarify extracts features using the Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC) method from scikit-learn library for image segmentation. The previous configuration example, the model_type parameter, indicates the type of image classification problem. The parameter num_segments estimates how many approximate number of segments will be labeled in the input image. The number of segments is then passed to the slic n_segments parameter.

Each segment of the image is considered a super-pixel, and local SHAP values are computed for each segment. The parameter segment_compactness determines the shape and size of the image segments that are generated by the scikit-image slic method. The sizes and shapes of the image segments are then passed to the slic compactness parameter.

The following code example launches a SageMaker Clarify processing job to generate heat maps for your images. Positive heat map values show that the feature increased the confidence score of detecting the object. Negative values indicate that the feature decreased the confidence score.

clarify_processor.run_explainability( data_config=cv_data_config, model_config=ic_model_config, model_scores=ic_prediction_config, explainability_config=ic_shap_config, )

For a sample notebook that uses SageMaker Clarify to classify images and explain its classification, see Explaining Image Classification with SageMaker Clarify.

How to explain an object detection model

A SageMaker Clarify processing job can detect and classify objects in an image and then provide an explanation for the detected object. The process for explanation is as follows.

  1. Image objects are first categorized into one of the classes in a specified collection. For example, if an object detection model can recognize cat, dog and fish, then these three classes are in a collection. This collection is specified by the label_headers parameter as follows.

    clarify.ModelPredictedLabelConfig( label_headers=object_categories, )
  2. The SageMaker Clarify processing job produces a confidence score for each object. A high confidence score indicates that it belongs to one of the classes in a specified collection. The SageMaker Clarify processing job also produces the coordinates of a bounding box that delimits the object. For more information about confidence scores and bounding boxes, see Response Formats.

  3. SageMaker Clarify then provides an explanation for the detection of an object in the image scene. It uses the methods described in the How to explain an image classification model section.

In the following configuration example, a SageMaker object detection model your_cv_od_model is trained on JPEG images to identify the animals on them.

od_model_config = clarify.ModelConfig( model_name=your_cv_ic_model, instance_type="ml.p2.xlarge", instance_count=1, content_type="image/jpeg", accept_type="application/json", )

The ModelConfig object in the previous configuration example instructs the SageMaker Clarify processing job to deploy the SageMaker model to an ephemeral endpoint. For accelerated imaging, this endpoint uses one ml.p2.xlarge inference instance equipped with a GPU.

In the following example configuration, the ModelPredictedLabelConfig object provides the name of each category for classification.

ic_prediction_config = clarify.ModelPredictedLabelConfig( label_headers=['bird', 'cat', 'dog'], )

The following example SHAP configuration shows how to generate explanations for an object detection.

od_image_config = clarify.ImageConfig( model_type="OBJECT_DETECTION", num_segments=20, segment_compactness=5, max_objects=5, iou_threshold=0.5, context=1.0, ) od_shap_config = clarify.SHAPConfig( num_samples=100, image_config=image_config, )

In the previous example configuration, the ImageConfig object activates the analysis. The model_type parameter indicates that the type of problem is object detection. For a detailed description of the other parameters, see Analysis Configuration Files.

The following code example launches a SageMaker Clarify processing job to generate heat maps for your images. Positive heat map values show that the feature increased the confidence score of detecting the object. Negative values indicate that the feature decreased the confidence score.

clarify_processor.run_explainability( data_config=cv_data_config, model_config=od_model_config, model_scores=od_prediction_config, explainability_config=od_shap_config, )

For a sample notebook that uses SageMaker Clarify to detect objects in an image and explain its predictions, see Explaining object detection models with Amazon SageMaker Clarify.

The following examples show how to configure data in SageMaker JSON dense format to explain a time series forecasting model. For more information about JSON formatting, see JSON request format.

[ { "item_id": "item1", "timestamp": "2019-09-11", "target_value": 47650.3, "dynamic_feature_1": 0.4576, "dynamic_feature_2": 0.2164, "dynamic_feature_3": 0.1906, "static_feature_1": 3, "static_feature_2": 4 }, { "item_id": "item1", "timestamp": "2019-09-12", "target_value": 47380.3, "dynamic_feature_1": 0.4839, "dynamic_feature_2": 0.2274, "dynamic_feature_3": 0.1889, "static_feature_1": 3, "static_feature_2": 4 }, { "item_id": "item2", "timestamp": "2020-04-23", "target_value": 35601.4, "dynamic_feature_1": 0.5264, "dynamic_feature_2": 0.3838, "dynamic_feature_3": 0.4604, "static_feature_1": 1, "static_feature_2": 2 }, ]

Data config

Use TimeSeriesDataConfig communicate to your explainability job how to parse data correctly from the passed input dataset, as shown in the following example configuration:

time_series_data_config = clarify.TimeSeriesDataConfig( target_time_series='[].target_value', item_id='[].item_id', timestamp='[].timestamp', related_time_series=['[].dynamic_feature_1', '[].dynamic_feature_2', '[].dynamic_feature_3'], static_covariates=['[].static_feature_1', '[].static_feature_2'], dataset_format='timestamp_records', )

Asymmetric Shapley value config

Use AsymmetricShapleyValueConfig to define arguments for time series forecasting model explanation analysis such as baseline, direction, granularity, and number of samples. Baseline values are set for all three types of data: related time series, static covariates, and target time series. The AsymmetricShapleyValueConfig config informs the SageMaker Clarify processor how to compute feature attributions for one item at a time. The following configuration shows an example definition of AsymmetricShapleyValueConfig.

asymmetric_shapley_value_config = AsymmetricShapleyValueConfig( direction="chronological", granularity="fine-grained", num_samples=10, baseline={ "related_time_series": "zero", "static_covariates": { "item1": [0, 0], "item2": [0, 0] }, "target_time_series": "zero" }, )

The values you provide to AsymmetricShapleyValueConfig are passed to the analysis config as an entry in methods with key asymmetric_shapley_value.

Model config

You can control the structure of the payload sent from the SageMaker Clarify processor. In the following code sample, a ModelConfig configuration object directs a time series forecasting explainability job to aggregate records using JMESPath syntax into '{"instances": $records}' , where the structure of each record is defined with the following record_template '{"start": $start_time, "target": $target_time_series, "dynamic_feat": $related_time_series, "cat": $static_covariates}'. Note that $start_time, $target_time_series, $related_time_series, and $static_covariates are internal tokens used to map dataset values to endpoint request values.

model_config = clarify.ModelConfig( model_name=your_model, instance_type='ml.m4.xlarge', instance_count=1, record_template='{"start": $start_time, "target": $target_time_series, "dynamic_feat": $related_time_series, "cat": $static_covariates}', content_template='{"instances": $records}',, time_series_model_config=TimeSeriesModelConfig( forecast={'forecast': 'predictions[*].mean[:2]'} ) )

Similarly, the attribute forecast in TimeSeriesModelConfig, passed to the analysis config with key time_series_predictor_config, is used to extract the model forecast from the endpoint response. For instance, an example endpoint batch response could be the following:

{ "predictions": [ {"mean": [13.4, 3.6, 1.0]}, {"mean": [23.0, 4.7, 3.0]}, {"mean": [3.4, 5.6, 2.0]} ] }

If the JMESPath expression provided for forecast is {'predictions[*].mean[:2]'}}, the forecast value is parsed as follows:

[[13.4, 3.6], [23.0, 4.7], [3.4, 5.6]]

How to run parallel SageMaker Clarify processing jobs

When working with large datasets, you can use Apache Spark to increase the speed of your SageMaker Clarify processing jobs. Spark is a unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing. When you request more than one instance per SageMaker Clarify processor, SageMaker Clarify uses the distributed computing capabilities from Spark.

The following configuration example shows how to use SageMakerClarifyProcessor to create a SageMaker Clarify processor with 5 compute instances. To run any jobs associated with the SageMakerClarifyProcessor, SageMaker Clarify using Spark distributed processing.

from sagemaker import clarify spark_clarify_processor = clarify.SageMakerClarifyProcessor( role=role, instance_count=5, instance_type='ml.c5.xlarge', )

If you set the save_local_shap_values parameter of SHAPConfig to True, the SageMaker Clarify processing job saves the local SHAP value as multiple part files in the job output location.

To associate the local SHAP values to the input dataset instances, use the joinsource parameter of DataConfig. If you add more compute instances, we recommend that you also increase the instance_count of ModelConfig for the ephemeral endpoint. This prevents Spark workers' concurrent inference requests from overwhelming the endpoint. Specifically, we recommend that you use a one-to-one ratio of endpoint-to-processing instances.