Increase Amazon EC2 Instance Limit - Amazon SageMaker AI

Increase Amazon EC2 Instance Limit

You might see the following error message when you're using Data Wrangler: The following instance type is not available: ml.m5.4xlarge. Try selecting a different instance below.

The message can indicate that you need to select a different instance type, but it can also indicate that you don't have enough Amazon EC2 instances to successfully run Data Wrangler on your workflow. You can increase the number of instances by using the following procedure.

To increase the number of instances, do the following.

  1. Open the AWS Management Console.

  2. In the search bar, specify Services Quotas.

  3. Choose Service Quotas.

  4. Choose AWS services.

  5. In the search bar, specify Amazon SageMaker AI.

  6. Choose Amazon SageMaker AI.

  7. Under Service quotas, specify Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5.4xlarge instance.


    ml.m5.4xlarge is the default instance type for Data Wrangler. You can use other instance types and request quota increases for them. For more information, see Instances.

  8. Select Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5.4xlarge instance.

  9. Choose Request quota increase.

  10. For Change quota value, specify a value greater than Applied quota value.

  11. Choose Request.

If your request is approved, AWS sends a notification to the email address associated with your account. You can also check the status of your request by choosing Quota request history on the Service Quotas page. Processed requests have a Status of Closed.