Adapt your TensorFlow training script - Amazon SageMaker

Adapt your TensorFlow training script

To start collecting model output tensors and debug training issues, make the following modifications to your TensorFlow training script.

Create a hook for training jobs within SageMaker

import smdebug.tensorflow as smd hook=smd.get_hook(hook_type="keras", create_if_not_exists=True)

This creates a hook when you start a SageMaker training job. When you launch a training job in Launch training jobs with Debugger using the SageMaker Python SDK with any of the DebuggerHookConfig, TensorBoardConfig, or Rules in your estimator, SageMaker adds a JSON configuration file to your training instance that is picked up by the smd.get_hook method. Note that if you do not include any of the configuration APIs in your estimator, there will be no configuration file for the hook to find, and the function returns None.

(Optional) Create a hook for training jobs outside SageMaker

If you run training jobs in local mode, directly on SageMaker Notebook instances, Amazon EC2 instances, or your own local devices, use smd.Hook class to create a hook. However, this approach can only store the tensor collections and usable for TensorBoard visualization. SageMaker Debugger’s built-in Rules don’t work with the local mode. The smd.get_hook method also returns None in this case.

If you want to create a manual hook, use the following code snippet with the logic to check if the hook returns None and create a manual hook using the smd.Hook class.

import smdebug.tensorflow as smd hook=smd.get_hook(hook_type="keras", create_if_not_exists=True) if hook is None: hook=smd.KerasHook( out_dir='/path/to/your/local/output/', export_tensorboard=True )

After adding the hook creation code, proceed to the following topic for TensorFlow Keras.


SageMaker Debugger currently supports TensorFlow Keras only.

Register the hook in your TensorFlow Keras training script

The following precedure walks you through how to use the hook and its methods to collect output scalars and tensors from your model and optimizer.

  1. Wrap your Keras model and optimizer with the hook’s class methods.

    The hook.register_model() method takes your model and iterates through each layer, looking for any tensors that match with regular expressions that you’ll provide through the configuration in Launch training jobs with Debugger using the SageMaker Python SDK. The collectable tensors through this hook method are weights, biases, and activations.

    model=tf.keras.Model(...) hook.register_model(model)
  2. Wrap the optimizer by the hook.wrap_optimizer() method.

    optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(...) optimizer=hook.wrap_optimizer(optimizer)
  3. Compile the model in eager mode in TensorFlow.

    To collect tensors from the model, such as the input and output tensors of each layer, you must run the training in eager mode. Otherwise, SageMaker Debugger will not be able to collect the tensors. However, other tensors, such as model weights, biases, and the loss, can be collected without explicitly running in eager mode.

    model.compile( loss="categorical_crossentropy", optimizer=optimizer, metrics=["accuracy"], # Required for collecting tensors of each layer run_eagerly=True )
  4. Register the hook to the method.

    To collect the tensors from the hooks that you registered, add callbacks=[hook] to the Keras class method. This will pass the sagemaker-debugger hook as a Keras callback. X_train, Y_train, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epoch, validation_data=(X_valid, Y_valid), shuffle=True, callbacks=[hook] )
  5. TensorFlow 2.x provides only symbolic gradient variables that do not provide access to their values. To collect gradients, wrap tf.GradientTape by the hook.wrap_tape() method, which requires you to write your own training step as follows.

    def training_step(model, dataset): with hook.wrap_tape(tf.GradientTape()) as tape: pred=model(data) loss_value=loss_fn(labels, pred) grads=tape.gradient(loss_value, model.trainable_variables) optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, model.trainable_variables))

    By wrapping the tape, the sagemaker-debugger hook can identify output tensors such as gradients, parameters, and losses. Wrapping the tape ensures that the hook.wrap_tape() method around functions of the tape object, such as push_tape(), pop_tape(), gradient(), will set up the writers of SageMaker Debugger and save tensors that are provided as input to gradient() (trainable variables and loss) and output of gradient() (gradients).


    To collect with a custom training loop, make sure that you use eager mode. Otherwise, SageMaker Debugger is not able to collect any tensors.

For a full list of actions that the sagemaker-debugger hook APIs offer to construct hooks and save tensors, see Hook Methods in the sagemaker-debugger Python SDK documentation.

After you have completed adapting your training script, proceed to Launch training jobs with Debugger using the SageMaker Python SDK.