Shut down the Amazon SageMaker Debugger Insights instance - Amazon SageMaker AI

Shut down the Amazon SageMaker Debugger Insights instance

When you are not using the SageMaker Debugger Insights dashboard, you should shut down the app instance to avoid incurring additional fees.

To shut down the SageMaker Debugger Insights app instance in Studio Classic

An animated screenshot that shows how to shut down a SageMaker Debugger Insights dashboard instance.
  1. In Studio Classic, select the Running Instances and Kernels icon ( Square icon with a white outline of a cloud on a dark blue background. ).

  2. Under the RUNNING APPS list, look for the sagemaker-debugger-1.0 app. Select the shutdown icon ( Power button icon with a circular shape and vertical line symbol. ) next to the app. The SageMaker Debugger Insights dashboards run on an ml.m5.4xlarge instance. This instance also disappears from the RUNNING INSTANCES when you shut down the sagemaker-debugger-1.0 app.