Opt out of the collection of Amazon SageMaker Debugger usage statistics - Amazon SageMaker AI

Opt out of the collection of Amazon SageMaker Debugger usage statistics

For all SageMaker training jobs, Amazon SageMaker Debugger runs the ProfilerReport rule and autogenerates a SageMaker Debugger interactive report. The ProfilerReport rule provides a Jupyter notebook file (profiler-report.ipynb) that generates a corresponding HTML file (profiler-report.html).

Debugger collects profiling report usage statistics by including code in the Jupyter notebook that collects the unique ProfilerReport rule's processing job ARN if the user opens the final profiler-report.html file.

Debugger only collects information about whether a user opens the final HTML report. It DOES NOT collect any information from training jobs, training data, training scripts, processing jobs, logs, or the content of the profiling report itself.

You can opt out of the collection of usage statistics using one of the following options.

(Recommended) Option 1: Opt out before running a training job

To opt out, you need to add the following Debugger ProfilerReport rule configuration to your training job request.

SageMaker Python SDK
estimator=sagemaker.estimator.Estimator( ... rules=ProfilerRule.sagemaker( base_config=rule_configs.ProfilerReport() rule_parameters={"opt_out_telemetry": "True"} ) )
"ProfilerRuleConfigurations": [ { "RuleConfigurationName": "ProfilerReport-1234567890", "RuleEvaluatorImage": "895741380848.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/sagemaker-debugger-rules:latest", "RuleParameters": { "rule_to_invoke": "ProfilerReport", "opt_out_telemetry": "True" } } ]
AWS SDK for Python (Boto3)
ProfilerRuleConfigurations=[ { 'RuleConfigurationName': 'ProfilerReport-1234567890', 'RuleEvaluatorImage': '895741380848.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/sagemaker-debugger-rules:latest', 'RuleParameters': { 'rule_to_invoke': 'ProfilerReport', 'opt_out_telemetry': 'True' } } ]

Option 2: Opt out after a training job has completed

To opt out after training has completed, you need to modify the profiler-report.ipynb file.


HTML reports autogenerated without Option 1 already added to your training job request still report the usage statistics even after you opt out using Option 2.

  1. Follow the instructions on downloading the Debugger profiling report files in the Download the SageMaker Debugger profiling report page.

  2. In the /ProfilerReport-1234567890/profiler-output directory, open profiler-report.ipynb.

  3. Add opt_out=True to the setup_profiler_report() function in the fifth code cell as shown in the following example code:

    setup_profiler_report(processing_job_arn, opt_out=True)
  4. Run the code cell to finish opting out.