Adding a custom file system to a domain - Amazon SageMaker AI

Adding a custom file system to a domain

When you create a domain, Amazon SageMaker AI adds a default Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) volume to the domain. SageMaker AI creates this volume for you. You also have the option to add a custom Amazon EFS or a custom Amazon FSx for Lustre file system that you've created. After you add it, your file system is available to users who belong to your domain. Your users can access the file system when they use Amazon SageMaker Studio. They can attach the file system to spaces that they create for the following supported applications:

  • JupyterLab

  • Code Editor

After running a space and starting the application, your users can access any data, code, or other artifacts that your file system contains.

You can enable your users to access your file system in the following ways:

  • Through shared spaces – A shared space can be created by any user who belongs to your domain. Then, it can used by any user who belongs to your domain.

  • Through private spaces – A private space can be created by any user who belongs to your domain. Then, it can be used by only that user.

  • Exclusively as an individual user – If you don't want to enable all of your users to access the file system, you can enable only a specific user to access it. If you do that, the file system is available only in private spaces that the specific user creates.

You can add a custom file system by using the Amazon SageMaker API, the AWS SDKs, or the AWS CLI. You can't add a custom file system by using the SageMaker AI console.


Before you can add a custom file system to a domain, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You have a domain in SageMaker AI. Before you can add a file system, you need the domain ID. You can look up the ID by using the SageMaker AI console. You can also run the list-domains command with the AWS CLI.

  • You have an Amazon EFS or FSx for Lustre file system in your AWS account.

    For Amazon EFS
    • For the steps to create an Amazon EFS, see Create your Amazon EFS file system in the Amazon Elastic File System User Guide.

    • Before Studio can access your file system, it must have a mount target in each of the subnets that you associate with the domain. For more information about assigning mount targets to subnets, see Creating and managing mount targets and security groups in the Amazon Elastic File System User Guide.

    • For each mount target, you must add the security group that Amazon SageMaker AI created in your AWS account when you created the domain. The security group name has the format security-group-for-inbound-nfs-domain-id. For instructions on how to obtain your domain ID, see View domains.

    • Your IAM permissions must allow you to use the elasticfilesystem:DescribeMountTargets action. For more information about this action, see Actions, resources, and condition keys for Amazon Elastic File System in the Service Authorization Reference.

    For FSx for Lustre
    • For the steps to create a FSx for Lustre file system, see Getting started with Amazon FSx for Lustre in the Amazon FSx for Lustre User Guide. Ensure that the FSx for Lustre file system exists in:

      • The same Amazon VPC as your domain.

      • One of the subnets present in your domain.

    • Before Studio can access the FSx for Lustre file system, you must add your domain's security group to all of the elastic network interfaces (ENIs) in your FSx for Lustre file system. Without this step, the app creation fails with an error. Use the following instructions to add the domain security group to your FSx for Lustre file system ENIs.

      Add your domain security group to FSx for Lustre file system ENIs (console)
      1. Navigate to the Amazon FSx console.

      2. Choose File systems.

      3. Choose your FSx for Lustre file system by using the corresponding link under File system ID.

      4. If not selected already, choose the Network & security tab.

      5. Under Subnet choose To see all the ENIs, see the Amazon EC2 console. This will take you to the Amazon EC2 console and shows all of the ENIs linked to your FSx for Lustre file system.

      6. For each ENI:

        1. Choose the ENI by choosing the corresponding link under Network interface ID.

        2. Choose Actions at the top right of the summary page to expand a drop-down menu.

        3. In the drop-down menu, choose Choose security group.

        4. Search for your domain security group.

          The security group name has the format security-group-for-inbound-nfs-domain-id. For instructions on how to obtain your domain ID, see View domains.

        5. Choose Add security group.

Adding a custom file system to a domain with the AWS CLI

To add a custom file system to a domain or user profile with the AWS CLI, you pass a CustomFileSystemConfigs definition when you use any of the following commands:

The following examples show how to add a file system to an existing domain or user profile.

To add a file system that is accessible in shared spaces
  • Update the default space settings for your domain. The following example adds the file system settings to the default space settings:

    aws sagemaker update-domain --domain-id domain-id \ --default-space-settings file://file-system-settings.json

    This example passes the file system configuration as a JSON file, which is shown in a later example.

To add a file system that is accessible in private spaces
  • Update the default user settings for your domain. The following example adds the file system settings to the default user settings:

    aws sagemaker update-domain --domain-id domain-id \ --default-user-settings file://file-system-settings.json

    This example passes the file system configuration as a JSON file, which is shown in a later example.

To add a file system that is accessible only to an individual user
  • Update the user profile for the user. The following example adds the file system settings to a user profile:

    aws sagemaker update-user-profile --domain-id domain-id \ --user-profile-name user-profile-name \ --user-settings file://file-system-settings.json

    This example passes the file system configuration as a JSON file, which is shown in the following example.

Example file system settings file

The file in the preceding examples, file-system-settings.json, has the following settings:

For your FSx for Lustre file systems
{ "CustomFileSystemConfigs": [ { "FSxLustreFileSystemConfig": { "FileSystemId": "file-system-id", "FileSystemPath": "/" } } ] }

This example configuration has the following keys:


Settings for custom file systems (only Amazon EFS file systems are supported).


Settings for custom FSx for Lustre file systems.


The ID of your Amazon EFS file system.


The path to the file system directory that is accessible to the domain users in their spaces in Studio. Permitted users can access only this directory and below. The default path is the file system root: /.

For your Amazon EFS file systems
{ "CustomFileSystemConfigs": [ { "EFSFileSystemConfig": { "FileSystemId": "file-system-id", "FileSystemPath": "/" } } ] }

This example configuration has the following keys:


Settings for custom file systems (only Amazon EFS file systems are supported).


Settings for custom Amazon EFS file systems.


The ID of your Amazon EFS file system.


The path to the file system directory that is accessible to the domain users in their spaces in Studio. Permitted users can access only this directory and below. The default path is the file system root: /.

When you assign a file system to the default space settings for a domain, you must also include the execution role in the settings:

{ "ExecutionRole": "execution-role-arn" }

This example configuration has the following key:


The default execution role for the users of the domain.

If you want to apply POSIX permissions for your file system, you can also pass the following settings to the create-domain or create-user-profile commands:

{ "CustomPosixUserConfig": { "Uid": UID, "Gid": GID } }

This example configuration has the following keys:


The default POSIX identities that are used for file system operations. You can use these settings to apply your existing POSIX permission structure to the user profiles that access the custom file system. At a POSIX permissions level, you can control which users can access the file system and which files or data they can access.

You can also apply CustomPosixUserConfig settings when you create a user profile by using the create-user-profile command. The settings that you apply to a user profile override those that you apply to the associated domain.


You can apply CustomPosixUserConfig settings when you use the create-domain and create-user-profile commands. However, you can't apply these settings when you do the following:

  • Use the update-domain command for a domain that is already associated with any user profiles. You can apply these settings only to domains that have no user profiles.

  • Use the update-user-profile command. To apply these settings to profile that you've already created, delete the profile, and create a new one that has the updated settings.


The POSIX user ID. The default is 200001.


The POSIX group ID. The default is 1001.

Attaching a custom file system to a space with the AWS CLI

After you add a custom file system to a domain, the domain users can attach the file system to spaces that they create. For instance, they can attach the file system when they use Studio or the create-space command with the AWS CLI.

To attach a custom file system to a space
  • Add the file system configuration to the space settings. The following example command attaches a file system to a new space.

    aws sagemaker create-space \ --space-name space-name \ --domain-id domain-id \ --ownership-settings "OwnerUserProfileName=user-profile-name" \ --space-sharing-settings "SharingType=Private" \ --space-settings file://space-settings.json

    In this example, the file space-settings.json has the following settings, which include the CustomFileSystems configuration with the FileSystemId key.

    For your FSx for Lustre file systems
    { "AppType": "JupyterLab", "JupyterLabAppSettings": { "DefaultResourceSpec": { "InstanceType": "instance-type" } }, "CustomFileSystems": [ { "FSxLustreFileSystem": { "FileSystemId": "file-system-id" } } ] }
    For your Amazon EFS file systems
    { "AppType": "JupyterLab", "JupyterLabAppSettings": { "DefaultResourceSpec": { "InstanceType": "instance-type" } }, "CustomFileSystems": [ { "EFSFileSystem": { "FileSystemId": "file-system-id" } } ] }

    SageMaker AI creates a symbolic link at the following path: /home/sagemaker-user/custom-file-systems/file-system-type/file-system-id. With this, the domain users can navigate to the custom file system from within their home directory, /home/sagemaker-user.