Update or delete endpoints that use auto scaling - Amazon SageMaker

Update or delete endpoints that use auto scaling

Update endpoints that use auto scaling

When you update an endpoint, Application Auto Scaling checks to see whether any of the models on that endpoint are targets for auto scaling. If the update would change the instance type for any model that is a target for auto scaling, the update fails.

In the AWS Management Console, you see a warning that you must deregister the model from auto scaling before you can update it. If you are trying to update the endpoint by calling the UpdateEndpoint API, the call fails. Before you update the endpoint, delete any scaling policies configured for it and deregister the variant as a scalable target by calling the DeregisterScalableTarget Application Auto Scaling API action. After you update the endpoint, you can register the updated variant as a scalable target and attach a scaling policy.

There is one exception. If you change the model for a variant that is configured for auto scaling, Amazon SageMaker auto scaling allows the update. This is because changing the model doesn't typically affect performance enough to change scaling behavior. If you do update a model for a variant configured for auto scaling, ensure that the change to the model doesn't significantly affect performance and scaling behavior.

When you update SageMaker endpoints that have auto scaling applied, complete the following steps:

To update an endpoint that has auto scaling applied
  1. Deregister the endpoint as a scalable target by calling DeregisterScalableTarget.

  2. Because auto scaling is blocked while the update operation is in progress (or if you turned off auto scaling in the previous step), you might want to take the additional precaution of increasing the number of instances for your endpoint during the update. To do this, update the instance counts for the production variants hosted at the endpoint by calling UpdateEndpointWeightsAndCapacities.

  3. Call DescribeEndpoint repeatedly until the value of the EndpointStatus field of the response is InService.

  4. Call DescribeEndpointConfig to get the values of the current endpoint config.

  5. Create a new endpoint config by calling CreateEndpointConfig. For the production variants where you want to keep the existing instance count or weight, use the same variant name from the response from the call to DescribeEndpointConfig in the previous step. For all other values, use the values that you got as the response when you called DescribeEndpointConfig in the previous step.

  6. Update the endpoint by calling UpdateEndpoint. Specify the endpoint config you created in the previous step as the EndpointConfig field. If you want to retain the variant properties like instance count or weight, set the value of the RetainAllVariantProperties parameter to True. This specifies that production variants with the same name will are updated with the most recent DesiredInstanceCount from the response from the call to DescribeEndpoint, regardless of the values of the InitialInstanceCount field in the new EndpointConfig.

  7. (Optional) Re-activate auto scaling by calling RegisterScalableTarget and PutScalingPolicy.


Steps 1 and 7 are required only if you are updating an endpoint with the following changes:

  • Changing the instance type for a production variant that has auto scaling configured

  • Removing a production variant that has auto scaling configured.

Delete endpoints configured for auto scaling

If you delete an endpoint, Application Auto Scaling checks to see whether any of the models on that endpoint are targets for auto scaling. If any are and you have permission to deregister the model, Application Auto Scaling deregisters those models as scalable targets without notifying you. If you use a custom permission policy that doesn't provide permission for the DeregisterScalableTarget action, you must request access to this action before deleting the endpoint.


As an IAM user, you might not have sufficient permission to delete an endpoint if another user configured auto scaling for a variant on that endpoint.