View experiments and runs
Amazon SageMaker Studio Classic provides an experiments browser that you can use to view lists of experiments and runs. You can choose one of these entities to view detailed information about the entity or choose multiple entities for comparison. You can filter the list of experiments by entity name, type, and tags.
To view experiments and runs
To view the experiment in Studio Classic, in the left sidebar, choose Experiments.
Select the name of the experiment to view all associated runs. You can search experiments by typing directly into the Search bar or filtering for experiment type. You can also choose which columns to display in your experiment or run list.
It might take a moment for the list to refresh and display a new experiment or experiment run. You can click Refresh to update the page. Your experiment list should look similar to the following:
In the experiments list, double-click an experiment to display a list of the runs in the experiment.
Experiment runs that are automatically created by SageMaker AI jobs and containers are visible in the Experiments Studio Classic UI by default. To hide runs created by SageMaker AI jobs for a given experiment, choose the settings icon (
) and toggle Show jobs.
Double-click a run to display information about a specific run.
In the Overview pane, choose any of the following headings to see available information about each run:
Metrics – Metrics that are logged during a run.
Charts – Build your own charts to compare runs.
Output artifacts – Any resulting artifacts of the experiment run and the artifact locations in Amazon S3.
Bias reports – Pre-training or post-training bias reports generated using Clarify.
Explainability– Explainability reports generated using Clarify.
Debugs – A list of debugger rules and any issues found.