Inference Recommender can also provide you with a list of prospective instances, or instance types that might be suitable for your model, on your SageMaker AI model details page. Inference Recommender automatically performs preliminary benchmarking against your model for you to provide the top five prospective instances. Since these are preliminary recommendations, we recommend that you run further instance recommendation jobs to get more accurate results.
You can view a list of prospective instances for your model either programmatically by using the DescribeModel API, the SageMaker Python SDK, or the SageMaker AI console.
You won’t get prospective instances for models that you created in SageMaker AI before this feature became available.
To view the prospective instances for your model through the console, do the following:
Go to the SageMaker console at
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In the left navigation pane, choose Inference, and then choose Models.
From the list of models, choose your model.
On the details page for your model, go to the Prospective instances to deploy model section. The following screenshot shows this section.

In this section, you can view the prospective instances that are optimized for cost, throughput, and latency for model deployment, along with additional information for each instance type such as the memory size, CPU and GPU count, and cost per hour.
If you decide that you want to benchmark a sample payload and run a full inference recommendation job for your model, you can start a default inference recommendation job from this page. To start a default job through the console, do the following:
On your model details page in the Prospective instances to deploy model section, choose Run Inference recommender job.
In the dialog box that pops up, for S3 bucket for benchmarking payload, enter the Amazon S3 location where you’ve stored a sample payload for your model.
For Payload content type, enter the MIME types for your payload data.
(Optional) In the Model compilation using SageMaker Neo section, for the Data input configuration, enter a data shape in dictionary format.
Choose Run job.
Inference Recommender starts the job, and you can view the job and its results from the Inference recommender list page in the SageMaker AI console.
If you want to run an advanced job and perform custom load tests, or if you want to configure additional settings and parameters for your job, see Run a custom load test.