Use Amazon SageMaker AI Jobs
This section is based on the original version of SageMaker AI Operators for
We are stopping the development and technical
support of the original version of
SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes
If you are currently using version v1.2.2
or below of
SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes
For information on the migration steps, see Migrate resources to the latest Operators.
For answers to frequently asked questions on the end of support of the original version of SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes, see Announcing the End of Support of the Original Version of SageMaker AI Operators for Kubernetes
To run an Amazon SageMaker AI job using the Operators for Kubernetes, you can either apply a YAML file or use the supplied Helm Charts.
All sample operator jobs in the following tutorials use sample data taken from a public MNIST dataset. In order to run these samples, download the dataset into your Amazon S3 bucket. You can find the dataset in Download the MNIST Dataset.
The TrainingJob operator
Training job operators reconcile your specified training job spec to SageMaker AI by launching it for you in SageMaker AI. You can learn more about SageMaker training jobs in the SageMaker AI CreateTrainingJob API documentation.
Create a TrainingJob using a YAML file
Download the sample YAML file for training using the following command:
Edit the
file to replace theroleArn
parameter with your<sagemaker-execution-role>
, andoutputPath
with your Amazon S3 bucket to which the SageMaker AI execution role has write access. TheroleArn
must have permissions so that SageMaker AI can access Amazon S3, Amazon CloudWatch, and other services on your behalf. For more information on creating an SageMaker AI ExecutionRole, see SageMaker AI Roles. Apply the YAML file using the following command:kubectl apply -f xgboost-mnist-trainingjob.yaml
Create a TrainingJob Using a Helm Chart
You can use Helm Charts to run TrainingJobs.
Clone the GitHub repository to get the source using the following command:
git clone
Navigate to the
folder and edit thevalues.yaml
file to replace values likerolearn
with values that correspond to your account. The RoleARN must have permissions so that SageMaker AI can access Amazon S3, Amazon CloudWatch, and other services on your behalf. For more information on creating an SageMaker AI ExecutionRole, see SageMaker AI Roles.
Create the TrainingJob
With the roles and Amazon S3 buckets replaced with appropriate values in
, you can create a training job using the following command:
helm install . --generate-name
Your output should look like the following:
NAME: chart-12345678 LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Nov 20 23:35:49 2019 NAMESPACE: default STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 TEST SUITE: None NOTES: Thanks for installing the sagemaker-k8s-trainingjob.
Verify your training Helm Chart
To verify that the Helm Chart was created successfully, run:
helm ls
Your output should look like the following:
NAME NAMESPACE REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION chart-12345678 default 1 2019-11-20 23:35:49.9136092 +0000 UTC deployed sagemaker-k8s-trainingjob-0.1.0 rolebased-12345678 default 1 2019-11-20 23:14:59.6777082 +0000 UTC deployed sagemaker-k8s-operator-0.1.0
helm install
creates a TrainingJob
Kubernetes resource. The
operator launches the actual training job in SageMaker AI and updates the TrainingJob
Kubernetes resource to reflect the status of the job in SageMaker AI. You incur charges for SageMaker AI
resources used during the duration of your job. You do not incur any charges once your job
completes or stops.
Note: SageMaker AI does not allow you to update a running
training job. You cannot edit any parameter and re-apply the config file. Either change
the metadata name or delete the existing job and create a new one. Similar to existing
training job operators like TFJob in Kubeflow, update
is not supported.
List TrainingJobs
Use the following command to list all jobs created using the Kubernetes operator:
kubectl get TrainingJob
The output listing all jobs should look like the following:
kubectl get trainingjobs NAME STATUS SECONDARY-STATUS CREATION-TIME SAGEMAKER-JOB-NAME xgboost-mnist-from-for-s3 InProgress Starting 2019-11-20T23:42:35Z xgboost-mnist-from-for-s3-examplef11eab94e0ed4671d5a8f
A training job continues to be listed after the job has completed or failed. You can
remove a TrainingJob
job from the list by following the
Delete TrainingJobs steps.
Jobs that have completed or stopped do not incur
any charges for SageMaker AI resources.
TrainingJob status values
field can be one of the following values:
These statuses come directly from the SageMaker AI official API documentation.
In addition to the official SageMaker AI status, it is possible for STATUS
to be
. This means that the operator has not yet
processed the job.
Secondary status values
The secondary statuses come directly from the SageMaker AI official API documentation. They contain more granular information about the status of the job.
Describe a TrainingJob
You can get more details about the training job by using the describe
command. This is typically used for debugging a problem or checking the
parameters of a training job. To get information about your training job, use the following
kubectl describe trainingjob xgboost-mnist-from-for-s3
The output for your training job should look like the following:
Name: xgboost-mnist-from-for-s3 Namespace: default Labels: <none> Annotations: <none> API Version: Kind: TrainingJob Metadata: Creation Timestamp: 2019-11-20T23:42:35Z Finalizers: sagemaker-operator-finalizer Generation: 2 Resource Version: 23119 Self Link: /apis/ UID: 6d7uiui-0bef-11ea-b94e-0ed467example Spec: Algorithm Specification: Training Image: Training Input Mode: File Hyper Parameters: Name: eta Value: 0.2 Name: gamma Value: 4 Name: max_depth Value: 5 Name: min_child_weight Value: 6 Name: num_class Value: 10 Name: num_round Value: 10 Name: objective Value: multi:softmax Name: silent Value: 0 Input Data Config: Channel Name: train Compression Type: None Content Type: text/csv Data Source: S 3 Data Source: S 3 Data Distribution Type: FullyReplicated S 3 Data Type: S3Prefix S 3 Uri: Channel Name: validation Compression Type: None Content Type: text/csv Data Source: S 3 Data Source: S 3 Data Distribution Type: FullyReplicated S 3 Data Type: S3Prefix S 3 Uri: Output Data Config: S 3 Output Path: s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/sagemaker/xgboost-mnist/xgboost/ Region: us-east-2 Resource Config: Instance Count: 1 Instance Type: ml.m4.xlarge Volume Size In GB: 5 Role Arn: arn:aws:iam::12345678910:role/service-role/AmazonSageMaker-ExecutionRole Stopping Condition: Max Runtime In Seconds: 86400 Training Job Name: xgboost-mnist-from-for-s3-6d7fa0af0bef11eab94e0example Status: Cloud Watch Log URL:;prefix=<example>;streamFilter=typeLogStreamPrefix Last Check Time: 2019-11-20T23:44:29Z Sage Maker Training Job Name: xgboost-mnist-from-for-s3-6d7fa0af0bef11eab94eexample Secondary Status: Downloading Training Job Status: InProgress Events: <none>
View logs from TrainingJobs
Use the following command to see the logs from the kmeans-mnist
kubectl smlogs trainingjob xgboost-mnist-from-for-s3
Your output should look similar to the following. The logs from instances are ordered chronologically.
"xgboost-mnist-from-for-s3" has SageMaker TrainingJobName "xgboost-mnist-from-for-s3-123456789" in region "us-east-2", status "InProgress" and secondary status "Starting" xgboost-mnist-from-for-s3-6d7fa0af0bef11eab94e0ed46example/algo-1-1574293123 2019-11-20 23:45:24.7 +0000 UTC Arguments: train xgboost-mnist-from-for-s3-6d7fa0af0bef11eab94e0ed46example/algo-1-1574293123 2019-11-20 23:45:24.7 +0000 UTC [2019-11-20:23:45:22:INFO] Running standalone xgboost training. xgboost-mnist-from-for-s3-6d7fa0af0bef11eab94e0ed46example/algo-1-1574293123 2019-11-20 23:45:24.7 +0000 UTC [2019-11-20:23:45:22:INFO] File size need to be processed in the node: 1122.95mb. Available memory size in the node: 8586.0mb xgboost-mnist-from-for-s3-6d7fa0af0bef11eab94e0ed46example/algo-1-1574293123 2019-11-20 23:45:24.7 +0000 UTC [2019-11-20:23:45:22:INFO] Determined delimiter of CSV input is ',' xgboost-mnist-from-for-s3-6d7fa0af0bef11eab94e0ed46example/algo-1-1574293123 2019-11-20 23:45:24.7 +0000 UTC [23:45:22] S3DistributionType set as FullyReplicated
Delete TrainingJobs
Use the following command to stop a training job on Amazon SageMaker AI:
kubectl delete trainingjob xgboost-mnist-from-for-s3
This command removes the SageMaker training job from Kubernetes. This command returns the following output: "xgboost-mnist-from-for-s3" deleted
If the job is still in progress on SageMaker AI, the job stops. You do not incur any charges for SageMaker AI resources after your job stops or completes.
Note: SageMaker AI does not delete training jobs. Stopped
jobs continue to show on the SageMaker AI console. The delete
command takes about 2
minutes to clean up the resources from SageMaker AI.
The HyperParameterTuningJob operator
Hyperparameter tuning job operators reconcile your specified hyperparameter tuning job spec to SageMaker AI by launching it in SageMaker AI. You can learn more about SageMaker AI hyperparameter tuning jobs in the SageMaker AI CreateHyperParameterTuningJob API documentation.
Create a HyperparameterTuningJob using a YAML file
Download the sample YAML file for the hyperparameter tuning job using the following command:
Edit the
file to replace theroleArn
parameter with yoursagemaker-execution-role
. For the hyperparameter tuning job to succeed, you must also change thes3InputPath
to values that correspond to your account. Apply the updates YAML file using the following command:kubectl apply -f xgboost-mnist-hpo.yaml
Create a HyperparameterTuningJob using a Helm Chart
You can use Helm Charts to run hyperparameter tuning jobs.
Clone the GitHub repository to get the source using the following command:
git clone
Navigate to the
folder. -
Edit the
file to replace theroleArn
parameter with yoursagemaker-execution-role
. For the hyperparameter tuning job to succeed, you must also change thes3InputPath
to values that correspond to your account.
Create the HyperparameterTuningJob
With the roles and Amazon S3 paths replaced with appropriate values in
, you can create a hyperparameter tuning job using the following
helm install . --generate-name
Your output should look similar to the following:
NAME: chart-1574292948 LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Nov 20 23:35:49 2019 NAMESPACE: default STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 TEST SUITE: None NOTES: Thanks for installing the sagemaker-k8s-hyperparametertuningjob.
Verify chart installation
To verify that the Helm Chart was created successfully, run the following command:
helm ls
Your output should look like the following:
NAME NAMESPACE REVISION UPDATED chart-1474292948 default 1 2019-11-20 23:35:49.9136092 +0000 UTC deployed sagemaker-k8s-hyperparametertuningjob-0.1.0 STATUS CHART APP VERSION chart-1574292948 default 1 2019-11-20 23:35:49.9136092 +0000 UTC deployed sagemaker-k8s-trainingjob-0.1.0 rolebased-1574291698 default 1 2019-11-20 23:14:59.6777082 +0000 UTC deployed sagemaker-k8s-operator-0.1.0
helm install
creates a HyperParameterTuningJob
resource. The operator launches the actual hyperparameter optimization job in SageMaker AI and
updates the HyperParameterTuningJob
Kubernetes resource to reflect the status
of the job in SageMaker AI. You incur charges for SageMaker AI resources used during the duration of your
job. You do not incur any charges once your job completes or stops.
Note: SageMaker AI does not allow you to update a running
hyperparameter tuning job. You cannot edit any parameter and re-apply the config file.
You must either change the metadata name or delete the existing job and create a new one.
Similar to existing training job operators like TFJob
in Kubeflow,
is not supported.
List HyperparameterTuningJobs
Use the following command to list all jobs created using the Kubernetes operator:
kubectl get hyperparametertuningjob
Your output should look like the following:
NAME STATUS CREATION-TIME COMPLETED INPROGRESS ERRORS STOPPED BEST-TRAINING-JOB SAGEMAKER-JOB-NAME xgboost-mnist-hpo Completed 2019-10-17T01:15:52Z 10 0 0 0 xgboostha92f5e3cf07b11e9bf6c06d6-009-4c7a123 xgboostha92f5e3cf07b11e9bf6c123
A hyperparameter tuning job continues to be listed after the job has completed or
failed. You can remove a hyperparametertuningjob
from the list by following the
steps in Delete a HyperparameterTuningJob.
Jobs that have completed or stopped do not incur any charges for SageMaker AI resources.
Hyperparameter tuning job status values
field can be one of the following values:
These statuses come directly from the SageMaker AI official API documentation.
In addition to the official SageMaker AI status, it is possible for STATUS
to be
. This means that the operator has not yet
processed the job.
Status counters
The output has several counters, like COMPLETED
. These represent how many training jobs have completed and are
in progress, respectively. For more information about how these are determined, see TrainingJobStatusCounters in the SageMaker API documentation.
Best TrainingJob
This column contains the name of the TrainingJob
that best optimized the
selected metric.
To see a summary of the tuned hyperparameters, run:
kubectl describe hyperparametertuningjob xgboost-mnist-hpo
To see detailed information about the TrainingJob
, run:
kubectl describe trainingjobs
<job name>
Spawned TrainingJobs
You can also track all 10 training jobs in Kubernetes launched by
by running the following command:
kubectl get trainingjobs
Describe a HyperparameterTuningJob
You can obtain debugging details using the describe
kubectl describe hyperparametertuningjob xgboost-mnist-hpo
In addition to information about the tuning job, the SageMaker AI Operator for Kubernetes also
exposes the best training job found by the hyperparameter tuning job in the
output as follows:
Name: xgboost-mnist-hpo Namespace: default Labels: <none> Annotations: {"apiVersion":"","kind":"HyperparameterTuningJob","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"xgboost-mnist-hpo","namespace":... API Version: Kind: HyperparameterTuningJob Metadata: Creation Timestamp: 2019-10-17T01:15:52Z Finalizers: sagemaker-operator-finalizer Generation: 2 Resource Version: 8167 Self Link: /apis/ UID: a92f5e3c-f07b-11e9-bf6c-06d6f303uidu Spec: Hyper Parameter Tuning Job Config: Hyper Parameter Tuning Job Objective: Metric Name: validation:error Type: Minimize Parameter Ranges: Integer Parameter Ranges: Max Value: 20 Min Value: 10 Name: num_round Scaling Type: Linear Resource Limits: Max Number Of Training Jobs: 10 Max Parallel Training Jobs: 10 Strategy: Bayesian Training Job Early Stopping Type: Off Hyper Parameter Tuning Job Name: xgboostha92f5e3cf07b11e9bf6c06d6 Region: us-east-2 Training Job Definition: Algorithm Specification: Training Image: Training Input Mode: File Input Data Config: Channel Name: train Content Type: text/csv Data Source: s3DataSource: s3DataDistributionType: FullyReplicated s3DataType: S3Prefix s3Uri: Channel Name: validation Content Type: text/csv Data Source: s3DataSource: s3DataDistributionType: FullyReplicated s3DataType: S3Prefix s3Uri: Output Data Config: s3OutputPath: Resource Config: Instance Count: 1 Instance Type: ml.m4.xlarge Volume Size In GB: 5 Role Arn: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/service-role/AmazonSageMaker-ExecutionRole Static Hyper Parameters: Name: base_score Value: 0.5 Name: booster Value: gbtree Name: csv_weights Value: 0 Name: dsplit Value: row Name: grow_policy Value: depthwise Name: lambda_bias Value: 0.0 Name: max_bin Value: 256 Name: max_leaves Value: 0 Name: normalize_type Value: tree Name: objective Value: reg:linear Name: one_drop Value: 0 Name: prob_buffer_row Value: 1.0 Name: process_type Value: default Name: rate_drop Value: 0.0 Name: refresh_leaf Value: 1 Name: sample_type Value: uniform Name: scale_pos_weight Value: 1.0 Name: silent Value: 0 Name: sketch_eps Value: 0.03 Name: skip_drop Value: 0.0 Name: tree_method Value: auto Name: tweedie_variance_power Value: 1.5 Stopping Condition: Max Runtime In Seconds: 86400 Status: Best Training Job: Creation Time: 2019-10-17T01:16:14Z Final Hyper Parameter Tuning Job Objective Metric: Metric Name: validation:error Value: Objective Status: Succeeded Training End Time: 2019-10-17T01:20:24Z Training Job Arn: arn:aws:sagemaker:us-east-2:123456789012:training-job/xgboostha92f5e3cf07b11e9bf6c06d6-009-4sample Training Job Name: xgboostha92f5e3cf07b11e9bf6c06d6-009-4c7a3059 Training Job Status: Completed Training Start Time: 2019-10-17T01:18:35Z Tuned Hyper Parameters: Name: num_round Value: 18 Hyper Parameter Tuning Job Status: Completed Last Check Time: 2019-10-17T01:21:01Z Sage Maker Hyper Parameter Tuning Job Name: xgboostha92f5e3cf07b11e9bf6c06d6 Training Job Status Counters: Completed: 10 In Progress: 0 Non Retryable Error: 0 Retryable Error: 0 Stopped: 0 Total Error: 0 Events: <none>
View logs from HyperparameterTuningJobs
Hyperparameter tuning jobs do not have logs, but all training jobs launched by them do have logs. These logs can be accessed as if they were a normal training job. For more information, see View logs from TrainingJobs.
Delete a HyperparameterTuningJob
Use the following command to stop a hyperparameter job in SageMaker AI.
kubectl delete hyperparametertuningjob xgboost-mnist-hpo
This command removes the hyperparameter tuning job and associated training jobs from your Kubernetes cluster and stops them in SageMaker AI. Jobs that have stopped or completed do not incur any charges for SageMaker AI resources. SageMaker AI does not delete hyperparameter tuning jobs. Stopped jobs continue to show on the SageMaker AI console.
Your output should look like the following: "xgboost-mnist-hpo" deleted
Note: The delete command takes about 2 minutes to clean up the resources from SageMaker AI.
The BatchTransformJob operator
Batch transform job operators reconcile your specified batch transform job spec to SageMaker AI by launching it in SageMaker AI. You can learn more about SageMaker AI batch transform job in the SageMaker AI CreateTransformJob API documentation.
Create a BatchTransformJob using a YAML File
Download the sample YAML file for the batch transform job using the following command:
Edit the file
to change necessary parameters to replace theinputdataconfig
with your input data ands3OutputPath
with your Amazon S3 buckets that the SageMaker AI execution role has write access to. -
Apply the YAML file using the following command:
kubectl apply -f xgboost-mnist-batchtransform.yaml
Create a BatchTransformJob using a Helm Chart
You can use Helm Charts to run batch transform jobs.
Get the Helm installer directory
Clone the GitHub repository to get the source using the following command:
git clone
Configure the Helm Chart
Navigate to the
Edit the values.yaml
file to replace the inputdataconfig
with your input data and outputPath with your S3 buckets to which the SageMaker AI execution role
has write access.
Create a BatchTransformJob
Use the following command to create a batch transform job:
helm install . --generate-name
Your output should look like the following:
NAME: chart-1574292948 LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Nov 20 23:35:49 2019 NAMESPACE: default STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 TEST SUITE: None NOTES: Thanks for installing the sagemaker-k8s-batch-transform-job.
To verify that the Helm Chart was created successfully, run the following command:
helm ls NAME NAMESPACE REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION chart-1474292948 default 1 2019-11-20 23:35:49.9136092 +0000 UTC deployed sagemaker-k8s-batchtransformjob-0.1.0 chart-1474292948 default 1 2019-11-20 23:35:49.9136092 +0000 UTC deployed sagemaker-k8s-hyperparametertuningjob-0.1.0 chart-1574292948 default 1 2019-11-20 23:35:49.9136092 +0000 UTC deployed sagemaker-k8s-trainingjob-0.1.0 rolebased-1574291698 default 1 2019-11-20 23:14:59.6777082 +0000 UTC deployed sagemaker-k8s-operator-0.1.0
This command creates a
Kubernetes resource. The operator launches the actual transform job in SageMaker AI and updates theBatchTransformJob
Kubernetes resource to reflect the status of the job in SageMaker AI. You incur charges for SageMaker AI resources used during the duration of your job. You do not incur any charges once your job completes or stops.
Note: SageMaker AI does not allow you to update a running
batch transform job. You cannot edit any parameter and re-apply the config file. You must
either change the metadata name or delete the existing job and create a new one. Similar
to existing training job operators like TFJob
in Kubeflow,
is not supported.
List BatchTransformJobs
Use the following command to list all jobs created using the Kubernetes operator:
kubectl get batchtransformjob
Your output should look like the following:
NAME STATUS CREATION-TIME SAGEMAKER-JOB-NAME xgboost-mnist-batch-transform Completed 2019-11-18T03:44:00Z xgboost-mnist-a88fb19809b511eaac440aa8axgboost
A batch transform job continues to be listed after the job has completed or failed. You
can remove a hyperparametertuningjob
from the list by following the
Delete a BatchTransformJob steps. Jobs that
have completed or stopped do not incur any charges for SageMaker AI resources.
Batch transform status values
field can be one of the following values:
These statuses come directly from the SageMaker AI official API documentation.
In addition to the official SageMaker AI status, it is possible for STATUS
to be
. This means that the operator has not yet
processed the job.
Describe a BatchTransformJob
You can obtain debugging details using the describe
kubectl describe batchtransformjob xgboost-mnist-batch-transform
Your output should look like the following:
Name: xgboost-mnist-batch-transform Namespace: default Labels: <none> Annotations: {"apiVersion":"","kind":"BatchTransformJob","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"xgboost-mnist","namespace"... API Version: Kind: BatchTransformJob Metadata: Creation Timestamp: 2019-11-18T03:44:00Z Finalizers: sagemaker-operator-finalizer Generation: 2 Resource Version: 21990924 Self Link: /apis/ UID: a88fb198-09b5-11ea-ac44-0aa8a9UIDNUM Spec: Model Name: TrainingJob-20190814SMJOb-IKEB Region: us-east-1 Transform Input: Content Type: text/csv Data Source: S 3 Data Source: S 3 Data Type: S3Prefix S 3 Uri: s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/mnist_kmeans_example/input Transform Job Name: xgboost-mnist-a88fb19809b511eaac440aa8a9SMJOB Transform Output: S 3 Output Path: s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/mnist_kmeans_example/output Transform Resources: Instance Count: 1 Instance Type: ml.m4.xlarge Status: Last Check Time: 2019-11-19T22:50:40Z Sage Maker Transform Job Name: xgboost-mnist-a88fb19809b511eaac440aaSMJOB Transform Job Status: Completed Events: <none>
View logs from BatchTransformJobs
Use the following command to see the logs from the xgboost-mnist
transform job:
kubectl smlogs batchtransformjob xgboost-mnist-batch-transform
Delete a BatchTransformJob
Use the following command to stop a batch transform job in SageMaker AI.
kubectl delete batchTransformJob xgboost-mnist-batch-transform
Your output should look like the following: "xgboost-mnist" deleted
This command removes the batch transform job from your Kubernetes cluster, as well as stops them in SageMaker AI. Jobs that have stopped or completed do not incur any charges for SageMaker AI resources. Delete takes about 2 minutes to clean up the resources from SageMaker AI.
Note: SageMaker AI does not delete batch transform jobs. Stopped jobs continue to show on the SageMaker AI console.
The HostingDeployment operator
HostingDeployment operators support creating and deleting an endpoint, as well as updating an existing endpoint, for real-time inference. The hosting deployment operator reconciles your specified hosting deployment job spec to SageMaker AI by creating models, endpoint-configs and endpoints in SageMaker AI. You can learn more about SageMaker AI inference in the SageMaker AI CreateEndpoint API documentation.
Configure a HostingDeployment resource
Download the sample YAML file for the hosting deployment job using the following command:
The xgboost-mnist-hostingdeployment.yaml
file has the following components
that can be edited as required:
ProductionVariants. A production variant is a set of instances serving a single model. SageMaker AI load-balances between all production variants according to set weights.
Models. A model is the containers and execution role ARN necessary to serve a model. It requires at least a single container.
Containers. A container specifies the dataset and serving image. If you are using your own custom algorithm instead of an algorithm provided by SageMaker AI, the inference code must meet SageMaker AI requirements. For more information, see Using Your Own Algorithms with SageMaker AI.
Create a HostingDeployment
To create a HostingDeployment, use kubectl
to apply the file
with the following command:
kubectl apply -f hosting.yaml
SageMaker AI creates an endpoint with the specified configuration. You incur charges for SageMaker AI resources used during the lifetime of your endpoint. You do not incur any charges once your endpoint is deleted.
The creation process takes approximately 10 minutes.
List HostingDeployments
To verify that the HostingDeployment was created, use the following command:
kubectl get hostingdeployments
Your output should look like the following:
NAME STATUS SAGEMAKER-ENDPOINT-NAME host-xgboost Creating host-xgboost-def0e83e0d5f11eaaa450aSMLOGS
HostingDeployment status values
The status field can be one of several values:
: The operator is preparing to create the endpoint. -
: The operator is creating, updating, or deleting endpoint resources. If the HostingDeployment remains in this state, usekubectl describe
to see the reason in theAdditional
field. -
: The endpoint is not available to take incoming requests. -
: CreateEndpoint is running. -
: UpdateEndpoint or UpdateEndpointWeightsAndCapacities is running. -
: The endpoint is undergoing maintenance and cannot be updated or deleted or re-scaled until it has completed. This maintenance operation does not change any customer-specified values such as VPC config, AWS KMS encryption, model, instance type, or instance count. -
: The endpoint fails to scale up or down or change its variant weight and is in the process of rolling back to its previous configuration. Once the rollback completes, the endpoint returns to anInService
status. This transitional status only applies to an endpoint that has autoscaling turned on and is undergoing variant weight or capacity changes as part of an UpdateEndpointWeightsAndCapacities call or when the UpdateEndpointWeightsAndCapacities operation is called explicitly. -
: The endpoint is available to process incoming requests. -
: DeleteEndpoint is running. -
: The endpoint could not be created, updated, or re-scaled. Use DescribeEndpoint:FailureReason for information about the failure. DeleteEndpoint is the only operation that can be performed on a failed endpoint.
Describe a HostingDeployment
You can obtain debugging details using the describe
kubectl describe hostingdeployment
Your output should look like the following:
Name: host-xgboost Namespace: default Labels: <none> Annotations: {"apiVersion":"","kind":"HostingDeployment","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"host-xgboost","namespace":"def..." API Version: Kind: HostingDeployment Metadata: Creation Timestamp: 2019-11-22T19:40:00Z Finalizers: sagemaker-operator-finalizer Generation: 1 Resource Version: 4258134 Self Link: /apis/ UID: def0e83e-0d5f-11ea-aa45-0a3507uiduid Spec: Containers: Container Hostname: xgboost Image: Model Data URL: s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/inference/xgboost-mnist/model.tar.gz Models: Containers: xgboost Execution Role Arn: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/service-role/AmazonSageMaker-ExecutionRole Name: xgboost-model Primary Container: xgboost Production Variants: Initial Instance Count: 1 Instance Type: ml.c5.large Model Name: xgboost-model Variant Name: all-traffic Region: us-east-2 Status: Creation Time: 2019-11-22T19:40:04Z Endpoint Arn: arn:aws:sagemaker:us-east-2:123456789012:endpoint/host-xgboost-def0e83e0d5f11eaaaexample Endpoint Config Name: host-xgboost-1-def0e83e0d5f11e-e08f6c510d5f11eaaa450aexample Endpoint Name: host-xgboost-def0e83e0d5f11eaaa450a350733ba06 Endpoint Status: Creating Endpoint URL: Last Check Time: 2019-11-22T19:43:57Z Last Modified Time: 2019-11-22T19:40:04Z Model Names: Name: xgboost-model Value: xgboost-model-1-def0e83e0d5f11-df5cc9fd0d5f11eaaa450aexample Events: <none>
The status field provides more information using the following fields:
: Additional information about the status of the hosting deployment. This field is optional and only gets populated in case of error. -
Creation Time
: When the endpoint was created in SageMaker AI. -
Endpoint ARN
: The SageMaker AI endpoint ARN. -
Endpoint Config Name
: The SageMaker AI name of the endpoint configuration. -
Endpoint Name
: The SageMaker AI name of the endpoint. -
Endpoint Status
: The status of the endpoint. -
Endpoint URL
: The HTTPS URL that can be used to access the endpoint. For more information, see Deploy a Model on SageMaker AI Hosting Services. -
: If a create, update, or delete command fails, the cause is shown here. -
Last Check Time
: The last time the operator checked the status of the endpoint. -
Last Modified Time
: The last time the endpoint was modified. -
Model Names
: A key-value pair of HostingDeployment model names to SageMaker AI model names.
Invoking the endpoint
Once the endpoint status is InService
, you can invoke the endpoint in two
ways: using the AWS CLI, which does authentication and URL request signing, or using an HTTP
client like cURL. If you use your own client, you need to do AWS v4 URL signing and
authentication on your own.
To invoke the endpoint using the AWS CLI, run the following command. Make sure to
replace the Region and endpoint name with your endpoint's Region and SageMaker AI endpoint name.
This information can be obtained from the output of kubectl describe
# Invoke the endpoint with mock input data. aws sagemaker-runtime invoke-endpoint \ --region us-east-2 \ --endpoint-name
<endpoint name>
\ --body $(seq 784 | xargs echo | sed 's/ /,/g') \ >(cat) \ --content-type text/csv > /dev/null
For example, if your Region is us-east-2
and your endpoint config name is
, then the following command
would invoke the endpoint:
aws sagemaker-runtime invoke-endpoint \ --region us-east-2 \ --endpoint-name host-xgboost-f56b6b280d7511ea824b1299example \ --body $(seq 784 | xargs echo | sed 's/ /,/g') \ >(cat) \ --content-type text/csv > /dev/null 4.95847082138
Here, 4.95847082138
is the prediction from the model for the mock data.
Update HostingDeployment
Once a HostingDeployment has a status of
, it can be updated. It might take about 10 minutes for HostingDeployment to be in service. To verify that the status isInService
, use the following command:kubectl get hostingdeployments
The HostingDeployment can be updated before the status is
. The operator waits until the SageMaker AI endpoint isInService
before applying the update.To apply an update, modify the
file. For example, change theinitialInstanceCount
field from 1 to 2 as follows:apiVersion: kind: HostingDeployment metadata: name: host-xgboost spec: region: us-east-2 productionVariants: - variantName: all-traffic modelName: xgboost-model initialInstanceCount: 2 instanceType: ml.c5.large models: - name: xgboost-model executionRoleArn: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/service-role/AmazonSageMaker-ExecutionRole primaryContainer: xgboost containers: - xgboost containers: - containerHostname: xgboost modelDataUrl: s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/inference/xgboost-mnist/model.tar.gz image:
Save the file, then use
to apply your update as follows. You should see the status change fromInService
, thenUpdating
.$ kubectl apply -f hosting.yaml configured $ kubectl get hostingdeployments NAME STATUS SAGEMAKER-ENDPOINT-NAME host-xgboost ReconcilingEndpoint host-xgboost-def0e83e0d5f11eaaa450a350abcdef $ kubectl get hostingdeployments NAME STATUS SAGEMAKER-ENDPOINT-NAME host-xgboost Updating host-xgboost-def0e83e0d5f11eaaa450a3507abcdef
SageMaker AI deploys a new set of instances with your models, switches traffic to use the new
instances, and drains the old instances. As soon as this process begins, the status becomes
. After the update is complete, your endpoint becomes
. This process takes approximately 10 minutes.
Delete the HostingDeployment
to delete a HostingDeployment with the following command:kubectl delete hostingdeployments host-xgboost
Your output should look like the following: "host-xgboost" deleted
To verify that the hosting deployment has been deleted, use the following command:
kubectl get hostingdeployments No resources found.
Endpoints that have been deleted do not incur any charges for SageMaker AI resources.
The ProcessingJob operator
ProcessingJob operators are used to launch Amazon SageMaker processing jobs. For more information on SageMaker Processing jobs, see CreateProcessingJob.
Create a ProcessingJob using a YAML file
Follow these steps to create an Amazon SageMaker processing job by using a YAML file:
Download the
pre-processing script.wget
In one of your Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets, create a
folder and upload the script to the folder. -
Download the
Edit the YAML file to specify your
and replace all instances ofamzn-s3-demo-bucket
with your S3 bucket.... metadata: name: kmeans-mnist-processing ... roleArn: arn:aws:iam::
... processingOutputConfig: outputs: ... s3Output: s3Uri: s3://<amzn-s3-demo-bucket>
/mnist_kmeans_example/output/ ... processingInputs: ... s3Input: s3Uri: s3://<amzn-s3-demo-bucket>
must have permissions so that SageMaker AI can access your S3 bucket, Amazon CloudWatch, and other services on your behalf. For more information on creating an execution role, see SageMaker AI Roles. -
Apply the YAML file using one of the following commands.
For cluster-scoped installation:
kubectl apply -f kmeans-mnist-processingjob.yaml
For namespace-scoped installation:
kubectl apply -f kmeans-mnist-processingjob.yaml -n
List ProcessingJobs
Use one of the following commands to list all the jobs created using the ProcessingJob operator.
comes from the metadata
section of the YAML
For cluster-scoped installation:
kubectl get ProcessingJob kmeans-mnist-processing
For namespace-scoped installation:
kubectl get ProcessingJob -n
Your output should look similar to the following:
NAME STATUS CREATION-TIME SAGEMAKER-JOB-NAME kmeans-mnist-processing InProgress 2020-09-22T21:13:25Z kmeans-mnist-processing-7410ed52fd1811eab19a165ae9f9e385
The output lists all jobs regardless of their status. To remove a job from the list, see Delete a Processing Job.
ProcessingJob Status
– The job is first submitted to the cluster. The operator has received the request and is preparing to create the processing job. -
– The operator is initializing or recovering from transient errors, along with others. If the processing job remains in this state, use thekubectl
command to see the reason in theAdditional
field. -
InProgress | Completed | Failed | Stopping | Stopped
– Status of the SageMaker Processing job. For more information, see DescribeProcessingJob. -
– The operator cannot recover by reconciling.
Jobs that have completed, stopped, or failed do not incur further charges for SageMaker AI resources.
Describe a ProcessingJob
Use one of the following commands to get more details about a processing job. These commands are typically used for debugging a problem or checking the parameters of a processing job.
For cluster-scoped installation:
kubectl describe processingjob kmeans-mnist-processing
For namespace-scoped installation:
kubectl describe processingjob kmeans-mnist-processing -n
The output for your processing job should look similar to the following.
$ kubectl describe ProcessingJob kmeans-mnist-processing Name: kmeans-mnist-processing Namespace: default Labels: <none> Annotations: {"apiVersion":"","kind":"ProcessingJob","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"kmeans-mnist-processing",... API Version: Kind: ProcessingJob Metadata: Creation Timestamp: 2020-09-22T21:13:25Z Finalizers: sagemaker-operator-finalizer Generation: 2 Resource Version: 21746658 Self Link: /apis/ UID: 7410ed52-fd18-11ea-b19a-165ae9f9e385 Spec: App Specification: Container Entrypoint: python /opt/ml/processing/code/ Image Uri: Environment: Name: MYVAR Value: my_value Name: MYVAR2 Value: my_value2 Network Config: Processing Inputs: Input Name: mnist_tar s3Input: Local Path: /opt/ml/processing/input s3DataType: S3Prefix s3InputMode: File s3Uri: s3://<s3bucket>-us-west-2/algorithms/kmeans/mnist/mnist.pkl.gz Input Name: source_code s3Input: Local Path: /opt/ml/processing/code s3DataType: S3Prefix s3InputMode: File s3Uri: s3://<s3bucket>/mnist_kmeans_example/processing_code/ Processing Output Config: Outputs: Output Name: train_data s3Output: Local Path: /opt/ml/processing/output_train/ s3UploadMode: EndOfJob s3Uri: s3://<s3bucket>/mnist_kmeans_example/output/ Output Name: test_data s3Output: Local Path: /opt/ml/processing/output_test/ s3UploadMode: EndOfJob s3Uri: s3://<s3bucket>/mnist_kmeans_example/output/ Output Name: valid_data s3Output: Local Path: /opt/ml/processing/output_valid/ s3UploadMode: EndOfJob s3Uri: s3://<s3bucket>/mnist_kmeans_example/output/ Processing Resources: Cluster Config: Instance Count: 1 Instance Type: ml.m5.xlarge Volume Size In GB: 20 Region: us-west-2 Role Arn: arn:aws:iam::<acct-id>:role/m-sagemaker-role Stopping Condition: Max Runtime In Seconds: 1800 Tags: Key: tagKey Value: tagValue Status: Cloud Watch Log URL:;prefix=kmeans-mnist-processing-7410ed52fd1811eab19a165ae9f9e385;streamFilter=typeLogStreamPrefix Last Check Time: 2020-09-22T21:14:29Z Processing Job Status: InProgress Sage Maker Processing Job Name: kmeans-mnist-processing-7410ed52fd1811eab19a165ae9f9e385 Events: <none>
Delete a ProcessingJob
When you delete a processing job, the SageMaker Processing job is removed from Kubernetes
but the job isn't deleted from SageMaker AI. If the job status in SageMaker AI is InProgress
the job is stopped. Processing jobs that are stopped do not incur any charges for SageMaker AI
resources. Use one of the following commands to delete a processing job.
For cluster-scoped installation:
kubectl delete processingjob kmeans-mnist-processing
For namespace-scoped installation:
kubectl delete processingjob kmeans-mnist-processing -n
The output for your processing job should look similar to the following. "kmeans-mnist-processing" deleted
SageMaker AI does not delete the processing job. Stopped jobs continue to show in the SageMaker AI console. The
command takes a few minutes to clean up the resources from SageMaker AI.
HostingAutoscalingPolicy (HAP) Operator
The HostingAutoscalingPolicy (HAP) operator takes a list of resource IDs as input and applies the
same policy to each of them. Each resource ID is a combination of an endpoint name and a variant name.
The HAP operator performs two steps: it registers the resource IDs and then applies the scaling policy
to each resource ID. Delete
undoes both actions. You can apply the HAP to an existing SageMaker AI
endpoint or you can create a new SageMaker AI endpoint using the HostingDeployment operator.
You can read more about SageMaker AI autoscaling in the
Application Autoscaling Policy documentation.
In your kubectl
commands, you can use the short form, hap
, in place of
Create a HostingAutoscalingPolicy using a YAML file
Use a YAML file to create a HostingAutoscalingPolicy (HAP) that applies a predefined or custom metric to one or multiple SageMaker AI endpoints.
Amazon SageMaker AI requires specific values in order to apply autoscaling to your variant. If these values are not specified in the YAML spec, the HAP operator applies the following default values.
# Do not change Namespace = "sagemaker" # Do not change ScalableDimension = "sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount" # Only one supported PolicyType = "TargetTrackingScaling" # This is the default policy name but can be changed to apply a custom policy DefaultAutoscalingPolicyName = "SageMakerEndpointInvocationScalingPolicy"
Use the following samples to create a HAP that applies a predefined or custom metric to one or multiple endpoints.
Sample 1: Apply a predefined metric to a single endpoint variant
Download the sample YAML file for a predefined metric using the following command:
Edit the YAML file to specify your
, andRegion
. -
Use one of the following commands to apply a predefined metric to a single resource ID (endpoint name and variant name combination).
For cluster-scoped installation:
kubectl apply -f hap-predefined-metric.yaml
For namespace-scoped installation:
kubectl apply -f hap-predefined-metric.yaml -n
Sample 2: Apply a custom metric to a single endpoint variant
Download the sample YAML file for a custom metric using the following command:
Edit the YAML file to specify your
, andRegion
. -
Use one of the following commands to apply a custom metric to a single resource ID (endpoint name and variant name combination) in place of the recommended
Amazon SageMaker AI does not check the validity of your YAML spec.
For cluster-scoped installation:
kubectl apply -f hap-custom-metric.yaml
For namespace-scoped installation:
kubectl apply -f hap-custom-metric.yaml -n
Sample 3: Apply a scaling policy to multiple endpoints and variants
You can use the HAP operator to apply the same scaling policy to multiple resource IDs.
A separate scaling_policy
request is created for each resource ID (endpoint name and variant name combination).
Download the sample YAML file for a predefined metric using the following command:
Edit the YAML file to specify your
and multipleendpointName
values. -
Use one of the following commands to apply a predefined metric to multiple resource IDs (endpoint name and variant name combinations).
For cluster-scoped installation:
kubectl apply -f hap-predefined-metric.yaml
For namespace-scoped installation:
kubectl apply -f hap-predefined-metric.yaml -n
Considerations for HostingAutoscalingPolicies for multiple endpoints and variants
The following considerations apply when you use multiple resource IDs:
If you apply a single policy across multiple resource IDs, one PolicyARN is created per resource ID. Five endpoints have five PolicyARNs. When you run the
command on the policy, the responses show up as one job and include a single job status. -
If you apply a custom metric to multiple resource IDs, the same dimension or value is used for all the resource ID (variant) values. For example, if you apply a customer metric for instances 1-5, and the endpoint variant dimension is mapped to variant 1, when variant 1 exceeds the metrics, all endpoints are scaled up or down.
The HAP operator supports updating the list of resource IDs. If you modify, add, or delete resource IDs to the spec, the autoscaling policy is removed from the previous list of variants and applied to the newly specified resource ID combinations. Use the
command to list the resource IDs to which the policy is currently applied.
List HostingAutoscalingPolicies
Use one of the following commands to list all HostingAutoscalingPolicies (HAPs) created using the HAP operator.
For cluster-scoped installation:
kubectl get hap
For namespace-scoped installation:
kubectl get hap -n
Your output should look similar to the following:
NAME STATUS CREATION-TIME hap-predefined Created 2021-07-13T21:32:21Z
Use the following command to check the status of your HostingAutoscalingPolicy (HAP).
kubectl get hap
One of the following values is returned:
– Certain types of errors show the status asReconciling
instead ofError
. Some examples are server-side errors and endpoints in theCreating
state. Check theAdditional
field in status or operator logs for more details. Created
To view the autoscaling endpoint to which you applied the policy
Open the Amazon SageMaker AI console at
. -
In the left side panel, expand Inference.
Choose Endpoints.
Select the name of the endpoint of interest.
Scroll to the Endpoint runtime settings section.
Describe a HostingAutoscalingPolicy
Use the following command to get more details about a HostingAutoscalingPolicy (HAP). These commands are typically used for debugging a problem or checking the resource IDs (endpoint name and variant name combinations) of a HAP.
kubectl describe hap
Update a HostingAutoscalingPolicy
The HostingAutoscalingPolicy (HAP) operator supports updates. You can edit your YAML spec to change the values and then reapply the policy. The HAP operator deletes the existing policy and applies the new policy.
Delete a HostingAutoscalingPolicy
Use one of the following commands to delete a HostingAutoscalingPolicy (HAP) policy.
For cluster-scoped installation:
kubectl delete hap hap-predefined
For namespace-scoped installation:
kubectl delete hap hap-predefined -n
This command deletes the scaling policy and deregisters the scaling target from Kubernetes. This command returns the following output: "hap-predefined" deleted
Update or delete an endpoint with a HostingAutoscalingPolicy
To update an endpoint that has a HostingAutoscalingPolicy (HAP), use the kubectl
command to remove the HAP, update the endpoint, and then reapply the HAP.
To delete an endpoint that has a HAP, use the kubectl
command to remove the HAP before you delete the endpoint.