Schema for Constraints (constraints.json file) - Amazon SageMaker AI

Schema for Constraints (constraints.json file)

A constraints.json file is used to express the constraints that a dataset must satisfy. Amazon SageMaker Model Monitor containers can use the constraints.json file to evaluate datasets against. Prebuilt containers provide the ability to generate the constraints.json file automatically for a baseline dataset. If you bring your own container, you can provide it with similar abilities or you can create the constraints.json file in some other way. Here is the schema for the constraint file that the prebuilt container uses. Bring your own containers can adopt the same format or enhance it as required.

{ "version": 0, "features": [ { "name": "string", "inferred_type": "Integral" | "Fractional" | | "String" | "Unknown", "completeness": number, "num_constraints": { "is_non_negative": boolean }, "string_constraints": { "domains": [ "list of", "observed values", "for small cardinality" ] }, "monitoringConfigOverrides": {} } ], "monitoring_config": { "evaluate_constraints": "Enabled", "emit_metrics": "Enabled", "datatype_check_threshold": 0.1, "domain_content_threshold": 0.1, "distribution_constraints": { "perform_comparison": "Enabled", "comparison_threshold": 0.1, "comparison_method": "Simple"||"Robust", "categorical_comparison_threshold": 0.1, "categorical_drift_method": "LInfinity"||"ChiSquared" } } }

The monitoring_config object contains options for monitoring job for the feature. The following table describes each option.

Monitoring Constraints

Constraint Description

When Enabled, evaluates whether the current dataset being analyzed satisfies the constraints specified in the constraints.json file taken as a baseline.

Valid values: Enabled or Disabled

Default: Enabled


When Enabled, emits CloudWatch metrics for the data contained in the file.

Valid values: Enabled or Disabled

Default: Enabled


If the threshold is above the value of the specified datatype_check_threshold, this causes a failure that is treated as a violation in the violation report. If the data types in the current execution are not the same as in the baseline dataset, this threshold is used to evaluate if it needs to be flagged as a violation.

During the baseline step, the generated constraints suggest the inferred data type for each column. The datatype_check_threshold parameter can be tuned to adjust the threshold on when it is flagged as a violation.

Valid values: float

Default: 0.1


If there are more unknown values for a String field in the current dataset than in the baseline dataset, this threshold can be used to dictate if it needs to be flagged as a violation.

Valid values: float

Default: 0.1

distribution_constraints perform_comparison

When Enabled, this flag instructs the code to perform a distribution comparison between the baseline distribution and the distribution observed for the current dataset.

Valid values: Enabled or Disabled

Default: Enabled


If the threshold is above the value set for the comparison_threshold, this causes a failure that is treated as a violation in the violation report. The distance is calculated by getting the maximum absolute difference between the cumulative distribution functions of two distributions.

Valid values: float

Default: 0.1


Whether to calculate linf_simple or linf_robust. The linf_simple is based on the maximum absolute difference between the cumulative distribution functions of two distributions. Calculating linf_robust is based on linf_simple, but is used when there are not enough samples. The linf_robust formula is based on the Two-sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov test.

Valid values: linf_simple or linf_robust


Optional. Sets a threshold for categorical features. If the value in the dataset exceeds the threshold that you set, a violation is recorded in the violation report.

Valid values: float

Default: The value assigned to the comparison_threshold parameter


Optional. For categorical features, specifies the computation method used to detect distribution drift. If you don't set this parameter, the K-S (LInfinity) test is used.

Valid Values: LInfinity or ChiSquared

Default: LInfinity