Create a Monitoring Schedule for a Real-time Endpoint with an AWS CloudFormation Custom Resource
If you are using a real-time endpoint, you can use a AWS CloudFormation custom resource to create a monitoring schedule. The custom resource is in Python. To deploy it, see Python Lambda deployment.
Custom Resource
Start by adding a custom resource to your AWS CloudFormation template. This points to a AWS Lambda function that you create in the next step.
This resource enables you to customize the parameters for the monitoring schedule You can add or remove more parameters by modifying the AWS CloudFormation resource and the Lambda function in the following example resource.
{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Resources": { "MonitoringSchedule": { "Type": "Custom::MonitoringSchedule", "Version": "1.0", "Properties": { "ServiceToken": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:111111111111:function:lambda-name", "ScheduleName": "YourScheduleName", "EndpointName": "YourEndpointName", "BaselineConstraintsUri": "s3://your-baseline-constraints/constraints.json", "BaselineStatisticsUri": "s3://your-baseline-stats/statistics.json", "PostAnalyticsProcessorSourceUri": "s3://your-post-processor/", "RecordPreprocessorSourceUri": "s3://your-preprocessor/", "InputLocalPath": "/opt/ml/processing/endpointdata", "OutputLocalPath": "/opt/ml/processing/localpath", "OutputS3URI": "s3://your-output-uri", "ImageURI": "", "ScheduleExpression": "cron(0 * ? * * *)", "PassRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/AmazonSageMaker-ExecutionRole" } } } }
Lambda Custom Resource Code
This AWS CloudFormation custom resource uses the Custom
Resource Helperpip install crhelper
This Lambda function is invoked by AWS CloudFormation during the creation and deletion of the stack. This Lambda function is responsible for creating and deleting the monitoring schedule and using the parameters defined in the custom resource described in the preceding section.
import boto3 import botocore import logging from crhelper import CfnResource from botocore.exceptions import ClientError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) sm = boto3.client('sagemaker') # cfnhelper makes it easier to implement a CloudFormation custom resource helper = CfnResource() # CFN Handlers def handler(event, context): helper(event, context) @helper.create def create_handler(event, context): """ Called when CloudFormation custom resource sends the create event """ create_monitoring_schedule(event) @helper.delete def delete_handler(event, context): """ Called when CloudFormation custom resource sends the delete event """ schedule_name = get_schedule_name(event) delete_monitoring_schedule(schedule_name) @helper.poll_create def poll_create(event, context): """ Return true if the resource has been created and false otherwise so CloudFormation polls again. """ schedule_name = get_schedule_name(event)'Polling for creation of schedule: %s', schedule_name) return is_schedule_ready(schedule_name) @helper.update def noop(): """ Not currently implemented but crhelper will throw an error if it isn't added """ pass # Helper Functions def get_schedule_name(event): return event['ResourceProperties']['ScheduleName'] def create_monitoring_schedule(event): schedule_name = get_schedule_name(event) monitoring_schedule_config = create_monitoring_schedule_config(event)'Creating monitoring schedule with name: %s', schedule_name) sm.create_monitoring_schedule( MonitoringScheduleName=schedule_name, MonitoringScheduleConfig=monitoring_schedule_config) def is_schedule_ready(schedule_name): is_ready = False schedule = sm.describe_monitoring_schedule(MonitoringScheduleName=schedule_name) status = schedule['MonitoringScheduleStatus'] if status == 'Scheduled':'Monitoring schedule (%s) is ready', schedule_name) is_ready = True elif status == 'Pending':'Monitoring schedule (%s) still creating, waiting and polling again...', schedule_name) else: raise Exception('Monitoring schedule ({}) has unexpected status: {}'.format(schedule_name, status)) return is_ready def create_monitoring_schedule_config(event): props = event['ResourceProperties'] return { "ScheduleConfig": { "ScheduleExpression": props["ScheduleExpression"], }, "MonitoringJobDefinition": { "BaselineConfig": { "ConstraintsResource": { "S3Uri": props['BaselineConstraintsUri'], }, "StatisticsResource": { "S3Uri": props['BaselineStatisticsUri'], } }, "MonitoringInputs": [ { "EndpointInput": { "EndpointName": props["EndpointName"], "LocalPath": props["InputLocalPath"], } } ], "MonitoringOutputConfig": { "MonitoringOutputs": [ { "S3Output": { "S3Uri": props["OutputS3URI"], "LocalPath": props["OutputLocalPath"], } } ], }, "MonitoringResources": { "ClusterConfig": { "InstanceCount": 1, "InstanceType": "ml.t3.medium", "VolumeSizeInGB": 50, } }, "MonitoringAppSpecification": { "ImageUri": props["ImageURI"], "RecordPreprocessorSourceUri": props['PostAnalyticsProcessorSourceUri'], "PostAnalyticsProcessorSourceUri": props['PostAnalyticsProcessorSourceUri'], }, "StoppingCondition": { "MaxRuntimeInSeconds": 300 }, "RoleArn": props["PassRoleArn"], } } def delete_monitoring_schedule(schedule_name):'Deleting schedule: %s', schedule_name) try: sm.delete_monitoring_schedule(MonitoringScheduleName=schedule_name) except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'ResourceNotFound':'Resource not found, nothing to delete') else: logger.error('Unexpected error while trying to delete monitoring schedule') raise e