Pipelining a Model - Amazon SageMaker AI

Pipelining a Model

One of the core features of SageMaker's model parallelism library is pipeline parallelism, which determines the order in which computations are made and data is processed across devices during model training. Pipelining is a technique to achieve true parallelization in model parallelism, by having the GPUs compute simultaneously on different data samples, and to overcome the performance loss due to sequential computation. When you use pipeline parallelism, training job is executed in a pipelined fashion over microbatches to maximize GPU usage.


Pipeline parallelism, also called model partitioning, is available for both PyTorch and TensorFlow. For supported versions of the frameworks, see Supported Frameworks and AWS Regions.

Pipeline Execution Schedule

Pipelining is based on splitting a mini-batch into microbatches, which are fed into the training pipeline one-by-one and follow an execution schedule defined by the library runtime. A microbatch is a smaller subset of a given training mini-batch. The pipeline schedule determines which microbatch is executed by which device for every time slot.

For example, depending on the pipeline schedule and the model partition, GPU i might perform (forward or backward) computation on microbatch b while GPU i+1 performs computation on microbatch b+1, thereby keeping both GPUs active at the same time. During a single forward or backward pass, execution flow for a single microbatch might visit the same device multiple times, depending on the partitioning decision. For instance, an operation that is at the beginning of the model might be placed on the same device as an operation at the end of the model, while the operations in between are on different devices, which means this device is visited twice.

The library offers two different pipeline schedules, simple and interleaved, which can be configured using the pipeline parameter in the SageMaker Python SDK. In most cases, interleaved pipeline can achieve better performance by utilizing the GPUs more efficiently.

Interleaved Pipeline

In an interleaved pipeline, backward execution of the microbatches is prioritized whenever possible. This allows quicker release of the memory used for activations, using memory more efficiently. It also allows for scaling the number of microbatches higher, reducing the idle time of the GPUs. At steady-state, each device alternates between running forward and backward passes. This means that the backward pass of one microbatch may run before the forward pass of another microbatch finishes.

Example execution schedule for the interleaved pipeline over 2 GPUs.

The preceding figure illustrates an example execution schedule for the interleaved pipeline over 2 GPUs. In the figure, F0 represents the forward pass for microbatch 0, and B1 represents the backward pass for microbatch 1. Update represents the optimizer update of the parameters. GPU0 always prioritizes backward passes whenever possible (for instance, executes B0 before F2), which allows for clearing of the memory used for activations earlier.

Simple Pipeline

A simple pipeline, by contrast, finishes running the forward pass for each microbatch before starting the backward pass. This means that it only pipelines the forward pass and backward pass stages within themselves. The following figure illustrates an example of how this works, over 2 GPUs.

Example on a pipeline running the forward pass for each microbatch before starting the backward pass.

Pipelining Execution in Specific Frameworks

Use the following sections to learn about the framework-specific pipeline scheduling decisions SageMaker's model parallelism library makes for TensorFlow and PyTorch.

Pipeline Execution with TensorFlow

The following image is an example of a TensorFlow graph partitioned by the model parallelism library, using automated model splitting. When a graph is split, each resulting subgraph is replicated B times (except for the variables), where B is the number of microbatches. In this figure, each subgraph is replicated 2 times (B=2). An SMPInput operation is inserted at each input of a subgraph, and an SMPOutput operation is inserted at each output. These operations communicate with the library backend to transfer tensors to and from each other.

Example of a TensorFlow graph partitioned by the model parallelism library, using automated model splitting.

The following image is an example of 2 subgraphs split with B=2 with gradient operations added. The gradient of a SMPInput op is a SMPOutput op, and vice versa. This enables the gradients to flow backwards during back-propagation.

Example of 2 subgraphs split with B=2 with gradient operations added.

This GIF demonstrates an example interleaved pipeline execution schedule with B=2 microbatches and 2 subgraphs. Each device sequentially executes one of the subgraph replicas to improve GPU utilization. As B grows larger, the fraction of idle time slots goes to zero. Whenever it is time to do (forward or backward) computation on a specific subgraph replica, the pipeline layer signals to the corresponding blue SMPInput operations to start executing.

Once the gradients from all microbatches in a single mini-batch are computed, the library combines the gradients across microbatches, which can then be applied to the parameters.

Pipeline Execution with PyTorch

Conceptually, pipelining follows a similar idea in PyTorch. However, since PyTorch does not involve static graphs and so the model parallelism library's PyTorch feature uses a more dynamic pipelining paradigm.

As in TensorFlow, each batch is split into a number of microbatches, which are executed one at a time on each device. However, the execution schedule is handled via execution servers launched on each device. Whenever the output of a submodule that is placed on another device is needed on the current device, an execution request is sent to the execution server of the remote device along with the input tensors to the submodule. The server then executes this module with the given inputs and returns the response to the current device.

Since the current device is idle during the remote submodule execution, the local execution for the current microbatch pauses, and the library runtime switches execution to another microbatch which the current device can actively work on. The prioritization of microbatches is determined by the chosen pipeline schedule. For an interleaved pipeline schedule, microbatches that are in the backward stage of the computation are prioritized whenever possible.