Create a Hyperparameter Optimization Tuning Job for One or More Algorithms (Console) - Amazon SageMaker AI

Create a Hyperparameter Optimization Tuning Job for One or More Algorithms (Console)

This guide shows you how to create a new hyperparameter optimization (HPO) tuning job for one or more algorithms. To create an HPO job, define the settings for the tuning job, and create training job definitions for each algorithm being tuned. Next, configure the resources for and create the tuning job. The following sections provide details about how to complete each step. We provide an example of how to tune multiple algorithms using the SageMaker AI SDK for Python client at the end of this guide.

Components of a tuning job

An HPO tuning job contains the following three components:

  • Tuning job settings

  • Training job definitions

  • Tuning job configuration

The way that these components are included in your HPO tuning job depends on whether your tuning job contains one or multiple training algorithms. The following guide describes each of the components and gives an example of both types of tuning jobs.

Your tuning job settings are applied across all of the algorithms in the HPO tuning job. Warm start and early stopping are available only when you're tuning a single algorithm. After you define the job settings, you can create individual training definitions for each algorithm or variation that you want to tune.

Warm start

If you cloned this job, you can use the results from a previous tuning job to improve the performance of this new tuning job. This is the warm start feature, and it's only available when tuning a single algorithm. With the warm start option, you can choose up to five previous hyperparameter tuning jobs to use. Alternatively, you can use transfer learning to add additional data to the parent tuning job. When you select this option, you choose one previous tuning job as the parent.


Warm start is compatible only with tuning jobs that were created after October 1, 2018. For more information, see Run a warm start job.

Early stopping

To reduce compute time and avoid overfitting your model, you can stop training jobs early. Early stopping is helpful when the training job is unlikely to improve the current best objective metric of the hyperparameter tuning job. Like warm start, this feature is only available when tuning a single algorithm. This is an automatic feature without configuration options, and it’s disabled by default. For more information about how early stopping works, the algorithms that support it, and how to use it with your own algorithms, see Stop Training Jobs Early.

Tuning strategy

Tuning strategy can be either random, Bayesian, or Hyperband. These selections specify how automatic tuning algorithms search specified hyperparameter ranges that are selected in a later step. Random search chooses random combinations of values from the specified ranges and can be run sequentially or in parallel. Bayesian optimization chooses values based on what is likely to get the best result according to the known history of previous selections. Hyperband uses a multi-fidelity strategy that dynamically allocates resources toward well-utilized jobs and automatically stops those that underperform. The new configuration that starts after stopping other configurations is chosen randomly.

Hyperband can only be used with iterative algorithms, or algorithms that run steps in iterations, such as XGBoost or Random Cut Forest. Hyperband can't be used with non-iterative algorithms, such as decision trees or k-Nearest Neighbors. For more information about search strategies, see How Hyperparameter Tuning Works.


Hyperband uses an advanced internal mechanism to apply early stopping. Therefore, when you use the Hyperband internal early stopping feature, the parameter TrainingJobEarlyStoppingType in the HyperParameterTuningJobConfig API must be set to OFF.


To help you manage tuning jobs, you can enter tags as key-value pairs to assign metadata to tuning jobs. Values in the key-value pair are not required. You can use the key without values. To see the keys associated with a job, choose the Tags tab on the details page for tuning job. For more information about using tags for tuning jobs, see Manage Hyperparameter Tuning and Training Jobs.

To create a training job definition, you must configure the algorithm and parameters, define the data input and output, and configure resources. Provide at least one TrainingJobDefinition for each HPO tuning job. Each training definition specifies the configuration for an algorithm.

To create several definitions for your training job, you can clone a job definition. Cloning a job can save time because it copies all of the job settings, including data channels and Amazon S3 storage locations for output artifacts. You can edit a cloned job to change what you need for your use case.

Configure algorithm and parameters

The following list describes what you need to configure the set of hyperparameter values for each training job.

  • A name for your tuning job

  • Permission to access services

  • Parameters for any algorithm options

  • An objective metric

  • The range of hyperparameter values, when required


Provide a unique name for the training definition.


Amazon SageMaker AI requires permissions to call other services on your behalf. Choose an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role, or let AWS create a role with the AmazonSageMakerFullAccess IAM policy attached.

Optional security settings

The network isolation setting prevents the container from making any outbound network calls. This is required for AWS Marketplace machine learning offerings.

You can also choose to use a virtual private cloud (VPC).


Inter-container encryption is only available when you create a job definition from the API.

Algorithm options

You can choose built-in algorithms, your own algorithm, your own container with an algorithm, or you can subscribe to an algorithm from AWS Marketplace.

  • If you choose a built-in algorithm, it has the Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) image information pre-populated.

  • If you choose your own container, you must specify the (Amazon ECR) image information. You can select the input mode for the algorithm as file or pipe.

  • If you plan to supply your data using a CSV file from Amazon S3, you should select the file.


When you choose a built-in algorithm, metrics are provided for you. If you choose your own algorithm, you must define your metrics. You can define up to 20 metrics for your tuning job to monitor. You must choose one metric as the objective metric. For more information about how to define a metric for a tuning job, see Define metrics.

Objective metric

To find the best training job, set an objective metric and whether to maximize or minimize it. After the training job is complete, you can view the tuning job detail page. The detail page provides a summary of the best training job that is found using this objective metric.

Hyperparameter configuration

When you choose a built-in algorithm, the default values for its hyperparameters are set for you, using ranges that are optimized for the algorithm that's being tuned. You can change these values as you see fit. For example, instead of a range, you can set a fixed value for a hyperparameter by setting the parameter’s type to static. Each algorithm has different required and optional parameters. For more information, see Best Practices for Hyperparameter Tuning and Define Hyperparameter Ranges.

Define data input and output

Each training job definition for a tuning job must configure the channels for data inputs, data output locations, and optionally, any checkpoint storage locations for each training job.

Input data configuration

Input data is defined by channels. Each channel its own source location (Amazon S3 or Amazon Elastic File System), compression, and format options. You can define up to 20 channels of input sources. If the algorithm that you choose supports multiple input channels, you can specify those, too. For example, when you use the XGBoost churn prediction notebook, you can add two channels: train and validation.

Checkpoint configuration

Checkpoints are periodically generated during training. For the checkpoints to be saved, you must choose an Amazon S3 location. Checkpoints are used in metrics reporting, and are also used to resume managed spot training jobs. For more information, see Checkpoints in Amazon SageMaker AI.

Output data configuration

Define an Amazon S3 location for the artifacts of the training job to be stored. You have the option of adding encryption to the output using an AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key.

Configure training job resources

Each training job definition for a tuning job must configure the resources to deploy, including instance types and counts, managed spot training, and stopping conditions.

Resource configuration

Each training definition can have a different resource configuration. You choose the instance type and number of nodes.

Managed spot training

You can save computer costs for jobs if you have flexibility in start and end times by allowing SageMaker AI to use spare capacity to run jobs. For more information, see Managed Spot Training in Amazon SageMaker AI.

Stopping condition

The stopping condition specifies the maximum duration that's allowed for each training job.

Add or clone a training job

After you create a training job definition for a tuning job, you will return to the Training Job Definition(s) panel. This panel is where you can create additional training job definitions to train additional algorithms. You can select the Add training job definition and work through the steps to define a training job again.

Alternatively, to replicate an existing training job definition and edit it for the new algorithm, choose Clone from the Action menu. The clone option can save time because it copies all of the job’s settings, including the data channels and Amazon S3 storage locations. For more information about cloning, see Manage Hyperparameter Tuning and Training Jobs.

Resource Limits

You can specify the maximum number of concurrent training jobs that a hyperparameter tuning job can run concurrently (10 at most). You can also specify the maximum number of training jobs that the hyperparameter tuning job can run (500 at most). The number of parallel jobs should not exceed the number of nodes that you have requested across all of your training definitions. The total number of jobs can’t exceed the number of jobs that your definitions are expected to run.

Review the job settings, the training job definitions, and the resource limits. Then select Create hyperparameter tuning job.

HPO tuning job example

To run a hyperparameter optimization (HPO) training job, first create a training job definition for each algorithm that's being tuned. Next, define the tuning job settings and configure the resources for the tuning job. Finally, run the tuning job.

If your HPO tuning job contains a single training algorithm, the SageMaker AI tuning function will call the HyperparameterTuner API directly and pass in your parameters. If your HPO tuning job contains multiple training algorithms, your tuning function will call the create function of the HyperparameterTuner API. The create function tells the API to expect a dictionary containing one or more estimators.

In the following section, code examples show how to tune a job containing either a single training algorithm or multiple algorithms using the SageMaker AI Python SDK.

Create training job definitions

When you create a tuning job that includes multiple training algorithms, your tuning job configuration will include the estimators and metrics and other parameters for your training jobs. Therefore, you need to create the training job definition first, and then configure your tuning job.

The following code example shows how to retrieve two SageMaker AI containers containing the built-in algorithms XGBoost and Linear Learner. If your tuning job contains only one training algorithm, omit one of the containers and one of the estimators.

import sagemaker from sagemaker import image_uris from sagemaker.estimator import Estimator sess = sagemaker.Session() region = sess.boto_region_name role = sagemaker.get_execution_role() bucket = sess.default_bucket() prefix = "sagemaker/multi-algo-hpo" # Define the training containers and intialize the estimators xgb_container = image_uris.retrieve("xgboost", region, "latest") ll_container = image_uris.retrieve("linear-learner", region, "latest") xgb_estimator = Estimator( xgb_container, role=role, instance_count=1, instance_type="ml.m4.xlarge", output_path='s3://{}/{}/xgb_output".format(bucket, prefix)', sagemaker_session=sess, ) ll_estimator = Estimator( ll_container, role, instance_count=1, instance_type="ml.c4.xlarge", output_path="s3://{}/{}/ll_output".format(bucket, prefix), sagemaker_session=sess, ) # Set static hyperparameters ll_estimator.set_hyperparameters(predictor_type="binary_classifier") xgb_estimator.set_hyperparameters( eval_metric="auc", objective="binary:logistic", num_round=100, rate_drop=0.3, tweedie_variance_power=1.4, )

Next, define your input data by specifying the training, validation, and testing datasets, as shown in the following code example. This example shows how to tune multiple training algorithms.

training_data = sagemaker.inputs.TrainingInput( s3_data="s3://{}/{}/train".format(bucket, prefix), content_type="csv" ) validation_data = sagemaker.inputs.TrainingInput( s3_data="s3://{}/{}/validate".format(bucket, prefix), content_type="csv" ) test_data = sagemaker.inputs.TrainingInput( s3_data="s3://{}/{}/test".format(bucket, prefix), content_type="csv" ) train_inputs = { "estimator-1": { "train": training_data, "validation": validation_data, "test": test_data, }, "estimator-2": { "train": training_data, "validation": validation_data, "test": test_data, }, }

If your tuning algorithm contains only one training algorithm, your train_inputs should contain only one estimator.

You must upload the inputs for the training, validation, and training datasets to your Amazon S3 bucket before you use those in an HPO tuning job.

Define resources and settings for your tuning job

This section shows how to initialize a tuner, define resources, and specify job settings for your tuning job. If your tuning job contains multiple training algorithms, these settings are applied to all of the algorithms that are contained inside your tuning job. This section provides two code examples to define a tuner. The code examples show you how to optimize a single training algorithm followed by an example of how to tune multiple training algorithms.

Tune a single training algorithm

The following code example shows how to initialize a tuner and set hyperparameter ranges for one SageMaker AI built-in algorithm, XGBoost.

from sagemaker.tuner import HyperparameterTuner from sagemaker.parameter import ContinuousParameter, IntegerParameter hyperparameter_ranges = { "max_depth": IntegerParameter(1, 10), "eta": ContinuousParameter(0.1, 0.3), } objective_metric_name = "validation:accuracy" tuner = HyperparameterTuner( xgb_estimator, objective_metric_name, hyperparameter_ranges, objective_type="Maximize", max_jobs=5, max_parallel_jobs=2, )

Tune multiple training algorithms

Each training job requires different configurations, and these are specified using a dictionary. The following code example shows how to initialize a tuner with configurations for two SageMaker AI built-in algorithms, XGBoost and Linear Learner. The code example also shows how to set a tuning strategy and other job settings, such as the compute resources for the tuning job. The following code example uses metric_definitions_dict, which is optional.

from sagemaker.tuner import HyperparameterTuner from sagemaker.parameter import ContinuousParameter, IntegerParameter # Initialize your tuner tuner = HyperparameterTuner.create( estimator_dict={ "estimator-1": xgb_estimator, "estimator-2": ll_estimator, }, objective_metric_name_dict={ "estimator-1": "validation:auc", "estimator-2": "test:binary_classification_accuracy", }, hyperparameter_ranges_dict={ "estimator-1": {"eta": ContinuousParameter(0.1, 0.3)}, "estimator-2": {"learning_rate": ContinuousParameter(0.1, 0.3)}, }, metric_definitions_dict={ "estimator-1": [ {"Name": "validation:auc", "Regex": "Overall test accuracy: (.*?);"} ], "estimator-2": [ { "Name": "test:binary_classification_accuracy", "Regex": "Overall test accuracy: (.*?);", } ], }, strategy="Bayesian", max_jobs=10, max_parallel_jobs=3, )

Run your HPO tuning job

Now you can run your tuning job by passing your training inputs to the fit function of the HyperparameterTuner class. The following code example shows how to pass the train_inputs parameter, that is defined in a previous code example, to your tuner., include_cls_metadata ={}, estimator_kwargs ={})