In addition to setting a custom experiment name, you can also specify a custom name for the run groups created by SageMaker Experiments during pipeline executions. This name is appended with the pipeline execution ID to ensure uniqueness. You can specify a custom run group name to identify and analyze related pipeline runs within the same experiment. The following section shows how to define a pipeline with a custom run group name while using the default pipeline name for the experiment name.
Create a pipeline
pipeline_name = f"MyPipeline"
pipeline = Pipeline(
Join(on="-", values=["CustomTrialName", ExecutionVariables.PIPELINE_EXECUTION_ID])
Pipeline definition file
"PipelineExperimentConfig": {
"ExperimentName": {"Get": "Execution.PipelineName"},
"TrialName": {
"On": "-",
"Values": [
{"Get": "Execution.PipelineExecutionId"}
"Steps": [...]