SageMaker HyperPod CLI commands - Amazon SageMaker

SageMaker HyperPod CLI commands

The following table summarizes the SageMaker HyperPod CLI commands.


For a complete CLI reference, see README in the SageMaker HyperPod CLI GitHub repository.

SageMaker HyperPod CLI command Entity Description
hyperpod get-clusters cluster/access Lists all clusters to which the user has been enabled with IAM permissions to submit training workloadsGives the current snapshot of whole available instances which are not running any workloads or jobs along with maximum capacity, grouping by health check statuses (ex: BurnInPassed)
hyperpod connect-cluster cluster/access Configures kubectl to operate on the specified HyperPod cluster and namespace
hyperpod start-job job Submits the job to targeted cluster-Job name will be unique at namespace level-Users will be able to override yaml spec by passing them as CLI arguments
hyperpod get-job job Display metadata of the submitted job
hyperpod list-jobs job Lists all jobs in the connected cluster/namespace to which the user has been added with IAM permissions to submit training workloads
hyperpod cancel-job job Stops and deletes the job and gives up underlying compute resources. This job cannot be resumed again. A new job needs to be started, if needed.
hyperpod list-pods pod Lists all the pods in the given job in a namespace
hyperpod get-log pod Retrieves the logs of a particulat pod in a specified job
hyperpod exec pod Run the bash command in the shell of the specified pod(s) and publishes the output
hyperpod --help utility lists all supported commands