Connection parameters - Amazon SageMaker AI

Connection parameters

The following tables detail the supported Python properties for AWS Glue connections per data store.

Amazon Redshift connection parameters

The following Python connection parameters are supported by AWS Glue connections to Amazon Redshift.

Key Type Description Constraints Required
auto_create Type: boolean Indicates whether the user should be created if they do not exist. Defaults to false. true, false No
aws_secret_arn Type: string The ARN of the secret used to retrieve the additional parameters for the connection. Valid ARN No
cluster_identifier Type: string - maxLength: 63 The cluster identifier of the Amazon Redshift cluster. ^(?!.*—)[a-z][a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9]$ No
database Type: string - maxLength: 127 The name of the database to connect to. No
database_metadata_current_db_only Type: boolean Indicates if the application supports multi-database datashare catalogs. Defaults to true to indicate that the application does not support multi-database datashare catalogs for backwards compatibility. true, false No
db_groups Type: string A comma-separated list of existing database group names that the db_user joins for the current session. No
db_user Type: string The user ID to use with Amazon Redshift. No
host Type: string - maxLength: 256 The hostname of the Amazon Redshift cluster. No
iam Type: boolean Flag to enable or disable IAM based authentication for a connection. Defaults to false. true, false No
iam_disable_cache Type: boolean This option specifies whether the IAM credentials are cached. Defaults to true. This improves performance when requests to the API gateway are throttled. true, false No
max_prepared_statements Type: integer The maximum number of prepared statements that can be open at once. No
numeric_to_float Decimal to float Specifies if NUMERIC datatype values will be converted from decimal. By default NUMERIC values are received as decimal.Decimal Python objects. Enabling this option is not recommended for use cases which prefer the most precision as results may be rounded. Please reference the Python documentation on decimal.Decimal to understand the tradeoffs between decimal.Decimal and float before enabling this option. Defaults to false. true, false No
port Type: integer The port number of the Amazon Redshift cluster. Range 1150-65535 No
profile Type: string - maxLength: 256 The name of the profile containing the credentials and setting used by the AWS CLI. No
region Type: string The AWS Region where the cluster is located. Valid AWS Region No
serverless_acct_id Type: string - maxLength: 256 The AWS account ID that is associated with the Amazon Redshift serverless resource. No
serverless_work_group Type: string - maxLength: 256 The name of the work group for the Amazon Redshift serverless endpoint. No
ssl Type: boolean true if SSL is enabled. true, false No
ssl_mode Type: enum[verify-ca, verify-full, null]) The security of the connection to Amazon Redshift. verify-ca (SSL must be used and the server certificate must be verified.) and verify-full (SSL must be used. The server certificate must be verified and the server hostname must match the hostname attribute on the certificate.) are supported. For more information, see Configuring security options for connections in Amazon Redshift documentation. Defaults to verify-ca. verify-ca, verify-full No
timeout Type: integer The number of seconds before the connection to the server times out. 0 No

Athena connection parameters

The following Python connection parameters are supported by AWS Glue connections to Athena.

Key Type Description Constraints Required
aws_access_key_id Type: string - maxLength: 256 Specifies an AWS access key associated with an IAM account. We recommend storing this information in the aws_secret. Length 16-128 No
aws_secret_access_key Type: string - maxLength: 256 Secret part of an AWS access key. We recommend storing this information in the aws_secret. No
aws_secret_arn Type: string The ARN of the secret used to retrieve the additional parameters for the connection. Valid ARN No
catalog_name Type: string - maxLength: 256 The catalog that contains the databases and the tables that are accessed with the driver. For information about catalogs, see DataCatalog. No
duration_seconds Type: number The duration, in seconds, of the role session. This setting can have a value from 1 hour to 12 hours. By default the duration is set to 3600 seconds (1 hour). Range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to the maximum session duration setting for the role No
encryption_option Type: enum[SSE_S3, SSE_KMS, CSE_KMS, null]) Encryption at rest for Amazon S3. See the Encryption at rest section in Athena guide. SSE_S3, SSE_KMS, CSE_KMS No
kms_key Type: string - maxLength: 256 AWS KMS key if using CSE_KMS in encrytion_option. No
poll_interval Type: number Interval in seconds to poll the status of query results in Athena. No
profile_name Type: string - maxLength: 256 The name of the AWS configuration profile whose credentials should be used to authenticate the request to Athena. No
region_name Type: string The AWS Region where queries are run. Valid AWS Region No
result_reuse_enable Type: boolean Enable the reuse of previous query result. true, false No
result_reuse_minutes Type: integer Specifies, in minutes, the maximum age of a previous query result that Athena should consider for reuse. The default is 60. >= 1 No
role_arn Type: string Role to be used for running queries. Valid ARN No
schema_name Type: string - maxLength: 256 Name of the default schema to use for the database. No
s3_staging_dir Type: string - maxLength: 1024 The location in Amazon S3 where the query results are stored. Either s3_staging_dir or work_group is required
work_group Type: string The workgroup in which queries will run. For information about workgroups, see WorkGroup. ^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]{1,128}$ Either s3_staging_dir or work_group is required

Snowflake connection parameters

The following Python connection parameters are supported by AWS Glue connections to Snowflake.

Snowflake connection parameters

Key Type Description Constraints Required
account Type: string - maxLength: 256 The Snowflake account identifier. The account identifier does not include the suffix. Yes
arrow_number_to_decimal Type: boolean False by default, which means that NUMBER column values are returned as double-precision floating point numbers (float64). Set this to True to return DECIMAL column values as decimal numbers (decimal.Decimal) when calling the fetch_pandas_all() and fetch_pandas_batches() methods. true, false No
autocommit Type: boolean Defaults to false, which honors the Snowflake parameter AUTOCOMMIT. Set to true or false to enable or disable the autocommit mode in the session, respectively. true, false No
aws_secret_arn Type: string The ARN of the secret used to retrieve the additional parameters for the connection. Valid ARN No
client_prefetch_threads Type: integer The number of threads used to download the result sets (4 by default). Increasing the value improves the fetch performance but requires more memory. No
database Type: string - maxLength: 256 The name of the default database to use. No
login_timeout Type: integer The timeout in seconds for the login request. Defaults to 60 seconds. The login request gives up after the timeout length if the HTTP response is not success. No
network_timeout Type: integer The timeout in seconds for all other operations. Defaults to none (infinite). A general request gives up after the timeout length if the HTTP response is not success. No
paramstyle Type: string - maxLength: 256 Placeholder syntaxes used for parameter substitution when executing SQL queries from Python code. Defaults to pyformat for client side binding. Specify qmark or numeric to change the bind variable formats for server side binding. No
role Type: string - maxLength: 256 The name of the default role to use. No
schema Type: string - maxLength: 256 The name of the default schema to use for the database. No
timezone Type: string - maxLength: 128 None by default, which honors the Snowflake parameter TIMEZONE. Set to a valid time zone (such as America/Los_Angeles) to set the session time zone. Timezone in a format similar to America/Los_Angeles No
validate_default_parameters Type: boolean Set to true to raise an exception if the specified database, schema, or warehouse doesn’t exist. Defaults to false. No
warehouse Type: string - maxLength: 256 The name of the default warehouse to use. No