You can create cached connections by specifying a connection name in the
parameter of your connection string. This is particularly
useful when multiple connection properties are overridden for a specific use case, and
there's a need to reuse the same properties without retyping them.
For example, the code below saves an Athena connection with an overridden schema
connection property using the name --connection-name
, and then reuses it in another cell:
%%sm_sql --connection-name my_athena_conn_with_schema --connection-properties '{"schema_name": "sm-sql-private-beta-db"}' --metastore-id sm-sql-private-beta-athena-connection --metastore-type GLUE_CONNECTION
SELECT * FROM "covid_table" LIMIT 2
%%sm_sql --connection-name my_athena_conn_with_schema
SELECT * FROM "covid_table" LIMIT 2