Installation guide
The following provides information about what you need to install to use Notebook Jobs in your JupyterLab environment.
For Amazon SageMaker Studio and Amazon SageMaker Studio Lab
If your notebook is in Amazon SageMaker Studio or Amazon SageMaker Studio Lab, you don’t need to perform additional installation—SageMaker Notebook Jobs is built into the platform. To set up required permissions for Studio, see Set up policies and permissions for Studio.
For local Jupyter notebooks
If you want to use SageMaker Notebook Jobs for your local JupyterLab environment, you need to perform additional installation.
To install SageMaker Notebook Jobs, complete the following steps:
Install Python 3. For details, see Installing Python 3 and Python Packages
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Install JupyterLab version 3 or higher. For details, see JupyterLab SDK documentation
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Install the AWS CLI. For details, see Installing or updating the latest version of the AWS CLI.
Install two sets of permissions. The IAM user needs permissions to submit jobs to SageMaker AI, and once submitted, the notebook job itself assumes an IAM role that needs permissions to access resources depending on the job tasks.
If you haven’t yet created an IAM user, see Creating an IAM user in your AWS account.
If you haven’t yet created your notebook job role, see Creating a role to delegate permissions to an IAM user.
Attach the necessary permissions and trust policy to attach to your user and role. For step-by-step instructions and permission details, see Install policies and permissions for local Jupyter environments.
Generate AWS credentials for your newly-created IAM user and save them in the credentials file (~/.aws/credentials) of your JupyterLab environment. You can do this with the CLI command
aws configure
. For instructions, see section Set and view configuration settings using commands in Configuration and credential file settings. -
(optional) By default, the scheduler extension uses a pre-built SageMaker AI Docker image with Python 2.0. Any non-default kernel used in the notebook should be installed in the container. If you want to run your notebook in a container or Docker image, you need to create an Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) image. For information about how to push a Docker image to an Amazon ECR, see Pushing a Docker Image.
Add the JupyterLab extension for SageMaker Notebook Jobs. You can add it to your JupyterLab environment with the command:
pip install amazon_sagemaker_jupyter_scheduler
. You may need to restart your Jupyter server with the command:sudo systemctl restart jupyter-server
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Start JupyterLab with the command:
jupyter lab
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Verify that the Notebook Jobs widget (
) appears in your Jupyter notebook taskbar.