Monitor a shadow test - Amazon SageMaker AI

Monitor a shadow test

You can view the details of a shadow test and monitor it while it is in progress or after it has completed. SageMaker AI presents a live dashboard comparing the operational metrics like model latency, and error rate aggregated, of the production and shadow variants.

To view the details of an individual test in the console, do the following:

  1. Select the test you want to monitor from the Shadow test section on the Shadow tests page.

  2. From the Actions dropdown list, choose View. An overview page with the details of the test and a metrics dashboard appears.

The overview page has the following three sections.


This section summarizes the progress and status of the test. It also shows the summary statistics of the metric chosen from the Select metric dropdown list in the Metrics subsection. The following screenshot shows this section.

Summary section of the overview page.

In the preceding screenshot, the Settings, and Details tabs show the settings that you selected, and the details that you entered when creating the test.


This section shows a metrics dashboard with separate graphs for the following metrics:

  • Invocations

  • InvocationsPerInstance

  • ModelLatency

  • Invocation4XXErrors

  • Invocation5XXErrors

  • InvocationModelErrors

  • CPUUtilization

  • MemoryUtilization

  • DiskUtilization

The last three metrics monitor the model container runtime resource usage. The rest are CloudWatch metrics that you can use to analyse the performance of your variant. In general, fewer errors indicate a more stable model. A lower latency indicates either a faster model or a faster infrastructure. For more information about CloudWatch metrics, see SageMaker AI endpoint invocation metrics. The following screenshot shows the metrics dashboard.

Metrics analysis dashboard.

This section shows the variants that you compared in the test. If you are satisfied by the performance of the shadow variant, based on the aforementioned metrics, you can promote the shadow variant to production, by choosing Deploy shadow variant. For more details about deploying a shadow variant, see Promote a shadow variant. You can also change the traffic sampling percentage, and continue testing, by choosing Edit traffic. For more details about editing a shadow variant, see Edit a shadow test. The following screenshot shows this section.

Environment section of the overview page.