Manage a Private Workforce (OIDC IdP) - Amazon SageMaker AI

Manage a Private Workforce (OIDC IdP)

Once you've created a private workforce using your OpenID Connect (OIDC) Identity Provider (IdP), you can manage your workers using your IdP. For example, you can add, remove, and group workers directly through your IdP.

To add workers to an Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth (Ground Truth) labeling job or Amazon Augmented AI (Amazon A2I) human review task, you create work teams using 1-10 IdP groups and assign that work team to the job or task. You assign a work team to a job or task by specifing that work team when you create a labeling job (Ground Truth) or a human review workflow (Amazon A2I).

You can only assign one team to each labeling job or human review workflow. You can use the same team to create multiple labeling jobs or human review tasks. You can also create multiple work teams to work on different labeling jobs or human review tasks.


To create and manage private work teams using your OIDC IdP groups, first you must create a workforce using the SageMaker API operation CreateWorkforce. To learn more, see Create a Private Workforce (OIDC IdP).

Add work teams

You can use the SageMaker AI console to create a private work team using your OIDC IdP workforce on the Labeling workforces page under Ground Truth. If you are creating a Ground Truth labeling job, you can also create a private work team while creating a labeling job.


You create and manage work teams for Amazon A2I in the Ground Truth area of the SageMaker AI console.

You can also use the SageMaker API and associated language-specific SDKs to create a private work team.

Use the following procedures to learn how to create a private work team using the SageMaker AI console and API.

To create a private work team on the Labeling workforces page (console)
  1. Go to the Ground Truth area of the SageMaker AI console:

  2. Select Labeling workforces.

  3. Select Private.

  4. In the Private teams section, select Create private team.

  5. In the Team details section, enter a Team name.

  6. In the Add workers section, enter the name of a single user group. All workers associated with this group in your IdP are added to this work team.

  7. To add more than one user group, select Add new user group and enter the names of the user groups you want to add to this work team. Enter one user group per line.

  8. (Optional) For Ground Truth labeling jobs, if you provide an email for workers in your JWT, Ground Truth notifies workers when a new labeling task is available if you select an SNS topic.

  9. Select Create private team.

To create a private work team while creating a Ground Truth labeling job (console)
  1. Go to the Ground Truth area of the SageMaker AI console:

  2. Select Labeling jobs.

  3. Use the instructions in Create a Labeling Job (Console) to create a labeling job. Stop when you get to the Workers section on the second page.

  4. Select Private for your worker type.

  5. Enter a Team name.

  6. In the Add workers section, enter the name of a single user group under User groups. All workers associated with this group in your IdP are added to this work team.


    The group names you specify for User groups must match the group names specified in your OIDC IdP.

  7. To add more than one user group, select Add new user group and enter the names of the user groups you want to add to this work team. Enter one user group per line.

  8. Complete all remaining steps to create your labeling job.

The private team that you create is used for this labeling job, and is listed in the Labeling workforces section of the SageMaker AI console.

To create a private work team using the SageMaker API

You can create a private work team using the SageMaker API operation CreateWorkteam.

When you use this operation, list all user groups that you want included in the work team in the OidcMemberDefinition parameter Groups.


The group names you specify for Groups must match the group names specified in your OIDC IdP.

For example, if your user group names are group1, group2, and group3 in your OIDC IdP, configure OidcMemberDefinition as follows:

"OidcMemberDefinition": { "Groups": ["group1", "group2", "group3"] }

Additionally, you must give the work team a name using the WorkteamName parameter.

Add or remove IdP groups from work teams

After you've created a work team, you can use the SageMaker API to manage that work team. Use the UpdateWorkteam operation to update the IdP user groups included in that work team.

  • Use the WorkteamName parameter to identify the work team that you want to update.

  • When you use this operation, list all user groups that you want included in the work team in the OidcMemberDefinition parameter Groups. If a user group is associated with a work team and you do not include it in this list, that user group is no longer associated with this work team.

Delete a work team

You can delete a work team using the SageMaker AI console and SageMaker API.

To delete a private work team in the SageMaker AI console
  1. Go to the Ground Truth area of the SageMaker AI console:

  2. Select Labeling workforces.

  3. Select Private.

  4. In the Private teams section, select the work team that you want to delete.

  5. Select Delete.

To delete a private work team (API)

You can delete a private work team using the SageMaker API operation DeleteWorkteam.

Manage Individual Workers

When you create a workforce using your own OIDC IdP, you cannot use Ground Truth or Amazon A2I to manage individual workers.

  • To add a worker to a work team, add that worker to a group associated with that work team.

  • To remove a worker from a work team, remove that worker from all user groups associated with that work team.

Update, Delete, and Describe Your Workforce

You can update, delete, and describe your OIDC IdP workforce using the SageMaker API. The following is a list of API operations that you can use to manage your workforce. For additional details, including how you can locate your workforce name, see Private workforce management using the Amazon SageMaker API.

  • UpdateWorkforce – You may want to update a workforce created using your own OIDC IdP to specify a different authorization endpoint, token endpoint, or issuer. You can update any parameter found in OidcConfig using this operation.

    You can only update your OIDC IdP configuration when there are no work teams associated with your workforce. To learn how to delete work teams, see Delete a work team.

  • DeleteWorkforce – Use this operation to delete your private workforce. If you have any work teams associated with your workforce, you must delete those work teams before you delete your work force. For more information, see Delete a work team.

  • DescribeWorkforce – Use this operation to list private workforce information, including workforce name, Amazon Resource Name (ARN), and, if applicable, allowed IP address ranges (CIDRs).