Customize your environment using a package manager - Amazon SageMaker

Customize your environment using a package manager

Use pip or conda to customize your environment. We recommend using package managers instead of lifecycle configuration scripts.

Create and activate your custom environment

This section provides examples of different ways that you can configure an environment in JupyterLab.

A basic conda environment has the minimum number of packages that are required for your workflows in SageMaker. Use the following template to a create a basic conda environment:

# initialize conda for shell interaction conda init # create a new fresh environment conda create --name test-env # check if your new environment is created successfully conda info --envs # activate the new environment conda activate test-env # install packages in your new conda environment conda install pip boto3 pandas ipykernel # list all packages install in your new environment conda list # parse env name information from your new environment export CURRENT_ENV_NAME=$(conda info | grep "active environment" | cut -d : -f 2 | tr -d ' ') # register your new environment as Jupyter Kernel for execution python3 -m ipykernel install --user --name $CURRENT_ENV_NAME --display-name "user-env:($CURRENT_ENV_NAME)" # to exit your new environment conda deactivate

The following image shows the location of the environment that you've created.

The test-env environment is displayed in the top right corner of the screen.

To change your environment, choose it and select an option from the dropdown menu.

The checkmark and its corresponding text shows an example environment that you previously created.

Choose Select to select a kernel for the environment.

Create a conda environment with a specific Python version

Cleaning up conda environments that you’re not using can help free up disk space and improve performance. Use the following template to clean up a conda environment:

# create a conda environment with a specific python version conda create --name py38-test-env python=3.8.10 # activate and test your new python version conda activate py38-test-env & python3 --version # Install ipykernel to facilicate env registration conda install ipykernel # parse env name information from your new environment export CURRENT_ENV_NAME=$(conda info | grep "active environment" | cut -d : -f 2 | tr -d ' ') # register your new environment as Jupyter Kernel for execution python3 -m ipykernel install --user --name $CURRENT_ENV_NAME --display-name "user-env:($CURRENT_ENV_NAME)" # deactivate your py38 test environment conda deactivate

Create a conda environment with a specific set of packages

Use the following template to create a conda environment with a specific version of Python and set of packages:

# prefill your conda environment with a set of packages, conda create --name py38-test-env python=3.8.10 pandas matplotlib=3.7 scipy ipykernel # activate your conda environment and ensure these packages exist conda activate py38-test-env # check if these packages exist conda list | grep -E 'pandas|matplotlib|scipy' # parse env name information from your new environment export CURRENT_ENV_NAME=$(conda info | grep "active environment" | cut -d : -f 2 | tr -d ' ') # register your new environment as Jupyter Kernel for execution python3 -m ipykernel install --user --name $CURRENT_ENV_NAME --display-name "user-env:($CURRENT_ENV_NAME)" # deactivate your conda environment conda deactivate

Clone conda from an existing environment

Clone your conda environment to preserve its working state. You experiment in the cloned environment without having to worry about introducing breaking changes in your test environment.

Use the following command to clone an environment.

# create a fresh env from a base environment conda create --name py310-base-ext --clone base # replace 'base' with another env # activate your conda environment and ensure these packages exist conda activate py310-base-ext # install ipykernel to register your env conda install ipykernel # parse env name information from your new environment export CURRENT_ENV_NAME=$(conda info | grep "active environment" | cut -d : -f 2 | tr -d ' ') # register your new environment as Jupyter Kernel for execution python3 -m ipykernel install --user --name $CURRENT_ENV_NAME --display-name "user-env:($CURRENT_ENV_NAME)" # deactivate your conda environment conda deactivate

Clone conda from a reference YAML file

Create a conda environment from a reference YAML file. The following is an example of a YAML file that you can use.

# anatomy of a reference environment.yml name: py311-new-env channels: - conda-forge dependencies: - python=3.11 - numpy - pandas - scipy - matplotlib - pip - ipykernel - pip: - git+

Under pip, we recommend specifying only the dependencies that aren't available with conda.

Use the following commands to create a conda environment from a YAML file.

# create your conda environment conda env create -f environment.yml # activate your env conda activate py311-new-env