As of November 30, 2023, the previous Amazon SageMaker Studio experience is now named Amazon SageMaker Studio Classic. The following section is specific to using the updated Studio experience. For information about using the Studio Classic application, see Amazon SageMaker Studio Classic.
The following topics include information and instructions about how to view your Studio running instances, applications, and spaces. For more information about Studio spaces, see Amazon SageMaker Studio spaces.
View your Studio running
instances and applications
The Running instances page gives information about all running application instances that were created in Amazon SageMaker Studio by the user, or were shared with the user.
You can view and stop running instances for all of your applications and spaces. If an instance is stopped, it does not appear on this page. Stopped instances can be viewed from the landing page for their respective application types.
You can view a list of running applications and their details in Studio.
To view running instances
Launch Studio following the steps in Launch Amazon SageMaker Studio.
On the left navigation pane, choose Running instances.
From the Running instances page, you can view a list of running applications and details about those applications.
To view non-running instances, from the left navigation pane choose, the relevant application under Applications. The non-running applications will have the Stopped status under the Status column.
View your Studio
The Spaces section within your Domain details page gives information about Studio spaces within your domain. You can view, create, and delete spaces on this page.
The spaces that you can view in the Spaces section are running spaces for the following:
JupyterLab private space. For information about JupyterLab, see SageMaker JupyterLab.
Code Editor private space. For information about Code Editor, based on Code-OSS, Visual Studio Code - Open Source, see Code Editor in Amazon SageMaker Studio.
Studio Classic shared space. For information about Studio Classic shared space, see Collaboration with shared spaces.
There are no spaces for SageMaker Canvas, Studio Classic (private), or RStudio.
To view Studio spaces in a domain
Open the Amazon SageMaker AI console at
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From the left navigation pane, expand Admin configurations and choose Domains.
Choose the domain where you want to view the spaces.
On the Domain details page, choose the Space management tab to open the Spaces section.