Access a training container through AWS Systems Manager for remote debugging - Amazon SageMaker AI

Access a training container through AWS Systems Manager for remote debugging

You can securely connect to SageMaker training containers through AWS Systems Manager (SSM). This gives you a shell-level access to debug training jobs that are running within the container. You can also log commands and responses that are streamed to Amazon CloudWatch. If you use your own Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) to train a model, you can use AWS PrivateLink to set up a VPC endpoint for SSM and connect to containers privately through SSM.

You can connect to SageMaker AI Framework Containers or connect to your own training container set up with the SageMaker Training environment.

Set up IAM permissions

To enable SSM in your SageMaker training container, you need to set up an IAM role for the container. For you or users in your AWS account to access the training containers through SSM, you need to set up IAM users with permissions to use SSM.

IAM role

For a SageMaker training container to start with the SSM agent, provide an IAM role with SSM permissions.

To enable remote debugging for your training job, SageMaker AI needs to start the SSM agent in the training container when the training job starts. To allow the SSM agent to communicate with the SSM service, add the following policy to the IAM role that you use to run your training job.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "ssmmessages:CreateControlChannel", "ssmmessages:CreateDataChannel", "ssmmessages:OpenControlChannel", "ssmmessages:OpenDataChannel" ], "Resource": "*" } ] }

IAM user

Add the following policy to provide an IAM user with SSM session permissions to connect to an SSM target. In this case, the SSM target is a SageMaker training container.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "ssm:StartSession", "ssm:TerminateSession" ], "Resource": "*" } ] }

You can restrict IAM users to connect only to containers for specific training jobs by adding the Condition key, as shown in the following policy sample.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "ssm:StartSession", "ssm:TerminateSession" ], "Resource": [ "*" ], "Condition": { "StringLike": { "ssm:resourceTag/aws:ssmmessages:target-id": [ "sagemaker-training-job:*" ] } } } ] }

You can also explicitly use the sagemaker:EnableRemoteDebug condition key to restrict remote debugging. The following is an example policy for IAM users to restrict remote debugging.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "DenyRemoteDebugInTrainingJob", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "sagemaker:CreateTrainingJob", "sagemaker:UpdateTrainingJob" ], "Resource": "*", "Condition": { "BoolIfExists": { "sagemaker:EnableRemoteDebug": false } } } ] }

For more information, see Condition keys for Amazon SageMaker AI in the AWS Service Authorization Reference.

How to enable remote debugging for a SageMaker training job

In this section, learn how to enable remote debugging when starting or updating a training job in Amazon SageMaker AI.

SageMaker Python SDK

Using the estimator class in the SageMaker Python SDK, you can turn remote debugging on or off using the enable_remote_debug parameter or the enable_remote_debug() and disable_remote_debug() methods.

To enable remote debugging when you create a training job

To enable remote debugging when you create a new training job, set the enable_remote_debug parameter to True. The default value is False, so if you don’t set this parameter at all, or you explicitly set it to False, remote debugging functionality is disabled.

import sagemaker session = sagemaker.Session() estimator = sagemaker.estimator.Estimator( ..., sagemaker_session=session, image_uri="<your_image_uri>", #must be owned by your organization or Amazon DLCs role=role, instance_type="ml.m5.xlarge", instance_count=1, output_path=output_path, max_run=1800, enable_remote_debug=True )

To enable remote debugging by updating a training job

Using the following estimator class methods, you can enable or disable remote debugging while a training job is running when the SecondaryStatus of the job is Downloading or Training.

# Enable RemoteDebug estimator.enable_remote_debug() # Disable RemoteDebug estimator.disable_remote_debug()
AWS SDK for Python (Boto3)

To enable remote debugging when you create a training job

To enable remote debugging when you create a new training job, set the value for the EnableRemoteDebug key to True in the RemoteDebugConfig parameter.

import boto3 sm = boto3.Session(region_name=region).client("sagemaker") # Start a training job sm.create_training_job( ..., TrainingJobName=job_name, AlgorithmSpecification={ // Specify a training Docker container image URI // (Deep Learning Container or your own training container) to TrainingImage. "TrainingImage": "<your_image_uri>", "TrainingInputMode": "File" }, RoleArn=iam_role_arn, OutputDataConfig=output_path, ResourceConfig={ "InstanceType": "ml.m5.xlarge", "InstanceCount": 1, "VolumeSizeInGB": 30 }, StoppingCondition={ "MaxRuntimeInSeconds": 86400 }, RemoteDebugConfig={ "EnableRemoteDebug": True } )

To enable remote debugging by updating a training job

Using the update_traing_job API, you can enable or disable remote debugging while a training job is running when the SecondaryStatus of the job is Downloading or Training.

# Update a training job sm.update_training_job( TrainingJobName=job_name, RemoteDebugConfig={ "EnableRemoteDebug": True # True | False } )
AWS Command Line Interface (CLI)

To enable remote debugging when you create a training job

Prepare a CreateTrainingJob request file in JSON format, as follows.

// train-with-remote-debug.json { "TrainingJobName": job_name, "RoleArn": iam_role_arn, "AlgorithmSpecification": { // Specify a training Docker container image URI (Deep Learning Container or your own training container) to TrainingImage. "TrainingImage": "<your_image_uri>", "TrainingInputMode": "File" }, "OutputDataConfig": { "S3OutputPath": output_path }, "ResourceConfig": { "InstanceType": "ml.m5.xlarge", "InstanceCount": 1, "VolumeSizeInGB": 30 }, "StoppingCondition": { "MaxRuntimeInSeconds": 86400 }, "RemoteDebugConfig": { "EnableRemoteDebug": True } }

After saving the JSON file, run the following command in the terminal where you submit the training job. The following example command assumes that the JSON file is named train-with-remote-debug.json. If you run it from a Jupyter notebook, add an exclamation point (!) to the beginning of the line.

aws sagemaker create-training-job \ --cli-input-json file://train-with-remote-debug.json

To enable remote debugging by updating a training job

Prepare an UpdateTrainingJob request file in JSON format, as follows.

// update-training-job-with-remote-debug-config.json { "TrainingJobName": job_name, "RemoteDebugConfig": { "EnableRemoteDebug": True } }

After saving the JSON file, run the following command in the terminal where you submit the training job. The following example command assumes that the JSON file is named train-with-remote-debug.json. If you run it from a Jupyter notebook, add an exclamation point (!) to the beginning of the line.

aws sagemaker update-training-job \ --cli-input-json file://update-training-job-with-remote-debug-config.json

Access your training container

You can access a training container when the SecondaryStatus of the corresponding training job is Training. The following code examples demonstrate how to check the status of your training job using the DescribeTrainingJob API, how to check the training job logs in CloudWatch, and how to log in to the training container.

To check the status of a training job

SageMaker Python SDK

To check the SecondaryStatus of a training job, run the following SageMaker Python SDK code.

import sagemaker session = sagemaker.Session() # Describe the job status training_job_info = session.describe_training_job(job_name) print(training_job_info)
AWS SDK for Python (Boto3)

To check the SecondaryStatus of a training job, run the following SDK for Python (Boto3) code.

import boto3 session = boto3.session.Session() region = session.region_name sm = boto3.Session(region_name=region).client("sagemaker") # Describe the job status sm.describe_training_job(TrainingJobName=job_name)
AWS Command Line Interface (CLI)

To check the SecondaryStatus of a training job, run the following AWS CLI command for SageMaker AI.

aws sagemaker describe-training-job \ --training-job-name job_name

To find the host name of a training container

To connect to the training container through SSM, use this format for the target ID: sagemaker-training-job:<training-job-name>_algo-<n>, where algo-<n> is the name of the container host. If your job is running on a single instance, the host is always algo-1. If you run a distributed training job on multiple instances, SageMaker AI creates an equal number of hosts and log streams. For example, if you use 4 instances, SageMaker AI creates algo-1, algo-2, algo-3, and algo-4. You must determine which log stream you want to debug, and its host number. To access log streams that are associated with a training job, do the following.

  1. Open the Amazon SageMaker AI console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Training, then choose Training jobs.

  3. From the Training jobs list, choose the training job that you want to debug. The training job details page opens.

  4. In the Monitor section, choose View logs. The related training job log stream list opens in the CloudWatch console.

  5. Log stream names appear in <training-job-name>/algo-<n>-<time-stamp> format, with algo-<n> representing the host name.

To learn more about how SageMaker AI manages configuration information for multi-instance distributed training, see Distributed Training Configuration.

To access the training container

Use the following command in terminal to start the SSM session (aws ssm start-session) and connect to the training container.

aws ssm start-session --target sagemaker-training-job:<training-job-name>_algo-<n>

For example, if the training job name is training-job-test-remote-debug and the host name is algo-1, the target ID becomes sagemaker-training-job:training-job-test-remote-debug_algo-1. If the output of this command is similar to Starting session with SessionId:xxxxx, the connection is successful.

SSM access with AWS PrivateLink

If your training containers run within a Amazon Virtual Private Cloud that is not connected to the public internet, you can use AWS PrivateLink to enable SSM. AWS PrivateLink restricts all network traffic between your endpoint instances, SSM, and Amazon EC2 to the Amazon network. For more information on how to setup SSM access with AWS PrivateLink, see Set up an Amazon VPC endpoint for Session Manager.

Log SSM session commands and results

After following the instructions at Create a Session Manager preferences document (command line), you can create SSM documents that define your preferences for SSM sessions. You can use SSM documents to configure session options, including data encryption, session duration, and logging. For example, you can specify whether to store session log data in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket or in an Amazon CloudWatch Logs group. You can create documents that define general preferences for all sessions for an AWS account and AWS Region, or documents that define preferences for individual sessions.

Troubleshooting issues by checking error logs from SSM

Amazon SageMaker AI uploads errors from the SSM agent to your CloudWatch Logs in the /aws/sagemaker/TrainingJobs log group. SSM agent log streams are named in this format: <job-name>/algo-<n>-<timestamp>/ssm. For example, if you create a two-node training job named training-job-test-remote-debug, the training job log training-job-test-remote-debug/algo-<n>-<timestamp> and multiple SSM agent error logs training-job-test-remote-debug/algo-<n>-<timestamp>/ssm are uploaded to your CloudWatch Logs. In this example, you can review the */ssm log streams to troubleshoot SSM issues.

training-job-test-remote-debug/algo-1-1680535238 training-job-test-remote-debug/algo-2-1680535238 training-job-test-remote-debug/algo-1-1680535238/ssm training-job-test-remote-debug/algo-2-1680535238/ssm


Consider the following when using SageMaker AI remote debugging.

  • Remote debugging isn't supported for SageMaker AI algorithm containers or containers from SageMaker AI on AWS Marketplace.

  • You can't start an SSM session for containers that have network isolation enabled because the isolation prevents outbound network calls.