The Amazon SageMaker Python SDK supports setting of default values for AWS infrastructure
primitive types. After administrators configure these defaults, they are automatically
passed when SageMaker Python SDK calls supported APIs. The arguments for the decorator
function can be put inside of configuration files. This is so that you can separate
settings that are related to the infrastructure from the code base. For more information
about parameters and arguments for the remote function and methods, see Remote function classes and methods specification
You can set infrastructure settings for the network configuration, IAM roles, Amazon S3
folder for input, output data, and tags inside the configuration file. The configuration
file can be used when invoking a function using either the @remote decorator or the
An example configuration file that defines the dependencies, resources, and other arguments follows. This example configuration file is used to invoke a function that is initiated either using the @remote decorator or the RemoteExecutor API.
SchemaVersion: '1.0' SageMaker: PythonSDK: Modules: RemoteFunction: Dependencies:
EnableInterContainerTrafficEncryption: true EnvironmentVariables: {'EnvVarKey
': 'EnvVarValue
'} ImageUri: '
' IncludeLocalWorkDir: true CustomFileFilter: IgnoreNamePatterns: - "*.ipynb" - "data" InstanceType: 'ml.m5.large
' JobCondaEnvironment: 'your_conda_env
' PreExecutionCommands: - 'command_1' - 'command_2' PreExecutionScript: 'path/to/
' RoleArn: 'arn:aws:iam::366666666666:role/MyRole
' S3KmsKeyId: 'yourkmskeyid
' S3RootUri: 's3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/my-project
' VpcConfig: SecurityGroupIds: - 'sg123
' Subnets: - 'subnet-1234
' Tags: [{'Key': 'yourTagKey', 'Value':'yourTagValue'
}] VolumeKmsKeyId: 'yourkmskeyid
The @remote decorator and RemoteExecutor
will look for
in the following configuration files:
An admin-defined configuration file.
A user-defined configuration file.
The default locations for these configuration files depend on, and are relative to, your environment. The following code example returns the default location of your admin and user configuration files. These commands must be run in the same environment where you're using the SageMaker Python SDK.
import os
from platformdirs import site_config_dir, user_config_dir
#Prints the location of the admin config file
print(os.path.join(site_config_dir("sagemaker"), "config.yaml"))
#Prints the location of the user config file
print(os.path.join(user_config_dir("sagemaker"), "config.yaml"))
You can override the default locations of these files by setting the
environment variables for the
admin-defined and user-defined configuration file paths, respectively.
If a key exists in both the admin-defined and user-defined configuration files, the value in the user-defined file will be used.