Apply SageMaker smart sifting to your PyTorch script - Amazon SageMaker AI

Apply SageMaker smart sifting to your PyTorch script

These instructions demonstrate how to enable SageMaker smart sifting with your training script.

  1. Configure the SageMaker smart sifting interface.

    The SageMaker smart sifting library implements a relative-threshold loss-based sampling technique that helps filter out samples with lower impact on reducing the loss value. The SageMaker smart sifting algorithm calculates the loss value of every input data sample using a forward pass, and calculates its relative percentile against the loss values of preceding data.

    The following two parameters are what you need to specify to the RelativeProbabilisticSiftConfig class for creating a sifting configuration object.

    • Specify the proportion of data that should be used for training to the beta_value parameter.

    • Specify the number of samples used in the comparison with the loss_history_length parameter.

    The following code example demonstrates setting up an object of the RelativeProbabilisticSiftConfig class.

    from smart_sifting.sift_config.sift_configs import ( RelativeProbabilisticSiftConfig LossConfig SiftingBaseConfig ) sift_config=RelativeProbabilisticSiftConfig( beta_value=0.5, loss_history_length=500, loss_based_sift_config=LossConfig( sift_config=SiftingBaseConfig(sift_delay=0) ) )

    For more information about the loss_based_sift_config parameter and related classes, see SageMaker smart sifting configuration modules in the SageMaker smart sifting Python SDK reference section.

    The sift_config object in the preceding code example is used in step 4 for setting up the SiftingDataloader class.

  2. (Optional) Configure a SageMaker smart sifting batch transform class.

    Different training use cases require different training data formats. Given the variety of data formats, the SageMaker smart sifting algorithm needs to identify how to perform sifting on a particular batch. To address this, SageMaker smart sifting provides a batch transform module that helps convert batches into standardized formats that it can efficiently sift.

    1. SageMaker smart sifting handles batch transform of training data in the following formats: Python lists, dictionaries, tuples, and tensors. For these data formats, SageMaker smart sifting automatically handles the batch data format conversion, and you can skip the rest of this step. If you skip this step, in step 4 for configuring SiftingDataloader, leave the batch_transforms parameter of SiftingDataloader to its default value, which is None.

    2. If your dataset is not in these format, you should proceed to the rest of this step to create a custom batch transform using SiftingBatchTransform.

      In cases in which your dataset isn’t in one of the supported formats by SageMaker smart sifting, you might run into errors. Such data format errors can be resolved by adding the batch_format_index or batch_transforms parameter to the SiftingDataloader class, which you set up in step 4. The following shows example errors due to an incompatible data format and resolutions for them.

      Error Message Resolution

      Batches of type {type(batch)} are not supported by default.

      This error indicates the batch format is not supported by default. You should implement a custom batch transform class, and use this by specifying it to the batch_transforms parameter of the SiftingDataloader class.

      Unable to index the batch of type {type(batch)}

      This error indicates the batch object cannot be indexed normally. User must implement a custom batch transform and pass this using the batch_transforms parameter.

      Batch size {batch_size} does not match dimension 0 or dimension 1 sizes

      This error occurs when the provided batch size does not match the 0th or 1st dimensions of the batch. User must implement a custom batch transform and pass this using the batch_transforms parameter.

      Both dimension 0 and dimension 1 match batch size

      This error indicates that since multiple dimensions match the provided batch size, more information is required to sift the batch. The user can provide the batch_format_index parameter to indicate if the batch is indexable by sample or feature. Users may also implement a custom batch transform, but this is more work than required.

      To resolve the aforementioned issues, you need to create a custom batch transform class using the SiftingBatchTransform module. A batch transform class should consist of a pair of transform and reverse-transform functions. The function pair converts your data format to a format that SageMaker smart sifting algorithm can process. After you create a batch transform class, the class returns a SiftingBatch object that you'll pass to the SiftingDataloader class in step 4.

      The following are examples of custom batch transform classes of the SiftingBatchTransform module.

      • An example of a custom list batch transform implementation with SageMaker smart sifting for cases where the dataloader chunk has inputs, masks, and labels.

        from typing import Any import torch from smart_sifting.data_model.data_model_interface import SiftingBatchTransform from smart_sifting.data_model.list_batch import ListBatch class ListBatchTransform(SiftingBatchTransform): def transform(self, batch: Any): inputs = batch[0].tolist() labels = batch[-1].tolist() # assume the last one is the list of labels return ListBatch(inputs, labels) def reverse_transform(self, list_batch: ListBatch): a_batch = [torch.tensor(list_batch.inputs), torch.tensor(list_batch.labels)] return a_batch
      • An example of a custom list batch transform implementation with SageMaker smart sifting for cases where no labels are needed for reverse transformation.

        class ListBatchTransformNoLabels(SiftingBatchTransform): def transform(self, batch: Any): return ListBatch(batch[0].tolist()) def reverse_transform(self, list_batch: ListBatch): a_batch = [torch.tensor(list_batch.inputs)] return a_batch
      • An example of a custom tensor batch implementation with SageMaker smart sifting for cases where the data loader chunk has inputs, masks, and labels.

        from typing import Any from smart_sifting.data_model.data_model_interface import SiftingBatchTransform from smart_sifting.data_model.tensor_batch import TensorBatch class TensorBatchTransform(SiftingBatchTransform): def transform(self, batch: Any): a_tensor_batch = TensorBatch( batch[0], batch[-1] ) # assume the last one is the list of labels return a_tensor_batch def reverse_transform(self, tensor_batch: TensorBatch): a_batch = [tensor_batch.inputs, tensor_batch.labels] return a_batch

      After you create a SiftingBatchTransform-implemted batch transform class, you use this class in step 4 for setting up the SiftingDataloader class. The rest of this guide assumes that a ListBatchTransform class is created. In step 4, this class is passed to the batch_transforms.

  3. Create a class for implementing the SageMaker smart sifting Loss interface. This tutorial assumes that the class is named SiftingImplementedLoss. While setting up this class, we recommend that you use the same loss function in the model training loop. Go through the following substeps for creating a SageMaker smart sifting Loss implemented class.

    1. SageMaker smart sifting calculates a loss value for each training data sample, as opposed to calculating a single loss value for a batch. To ensure that SageMaker smart sifting uses the same loss calculation logic, create a smart-sifting-implemented loss function using the SageMaker smart sifting Loss module that uses your loss function and calculates loss per training sample.


      SageMaker smart sifting algorithm runs on every data sample, not on the entire batch, so you should add an initialization function to set the PyTorch loss function without any reduction strategy.

      class SiftingImplementedLoss(Loss): def __init__(self): self.loss = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none')

      This is also shown in the following code example.

    2. Define a loss function that accepts the original_batch (or transformed_batch if you have set up a batch transform in step 2) and the PyTorch model. Using the specified loss function with no reduction, SageMaker smart sifting runs a forward pass for each data sample to evaluate its loss value.

    The following code is an example of a smart-sifting-implemented Loss interface named SiftingImplementedLoss.

    from typing import Any import torch import torch.nn as nn from torch import Tensor from smart_sifting.data_model.data_model_interface import SiftingBatch from smart_sifting.loss.abstract_sift_loss_module import Loss model=... # a PyTorch model based on torch.nn.Module class SiftingImplementedLoss(Loss): # You should add the following initializaztion function # to calculate loss per sample, not per batch. def __init__(self): self.loss_no_reduction = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none') def loss( self, model: torch.nn.Module, transformed_batch: SiftingBatch, original_batch: Any = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: device = next(model.parameters()).device batch = [ for t in original_batch] # use this if you use original batch and skipped step 2 # batch = [ for t in transformed_batch] # use this if you transformed batches in step 2 # compute loss outputs = model(batch) return self.loss_no_reduction(outputs.logits, batch[2])

    Before the training loop hits the actual forward pass, this sifting loss calculation is done during the data loading phase of fetching a batch in each iteration. The individual loss value is then compared to previous loss values, and its relative percentile is estimated per the object of RelativeProbabilisticSiftConfig you have set up in step 1.

  4. Wrap the PyTroch data loader by the SageMaker AI SiftingDataloader class.

    Finally, use all the SageMaker smart sifting implemented classes you configured in the previous steps to the SageMaker AI SiftingDataloder configuration class. This class is a wrapper for PyTorch DataLoader. By wrapping PyTorch DataLoader, SageMaker smart sifting is registered to run as part of data loading in each iteration of a PyTorch training job. The following code example demonstrates implementing SageMaker AI data sifting to a PyTorch DataLoader.

    from smart_sifting.dataloader.sift_dataloader import SiftingDataloader from import DataLoader train_dataloader = DataLoader(...) # PyTorch data loader # Wrap the PyTorch data loader by SiftingDataloder train_dataloader = SiftingDataloader( sift_config=sift_config, # config object of RelativeProbabilisticSiftConfig orig_dataloader=train_dataloader, batch_transforms=ListBatchTransform(), # Optional, this is the custom class from step 2 loss_impl=SiftingImplementedLoss(), # PyTorch loss function wrapped by the Sifting Loss interface model=model, log_batch_data=False )