SageMaker Training Compiler Troubleshooting - Amazon SageMaker AI

SageMaker Training Compiler Troubleshooting


Amazon Web Services (AWS) announces that there will be no new releases or versions of SageMaker Training Compiler. You can continue to utilize SageMaker Training Compiler through the existing AWS Deep Learning Containers (DLCs) for SageMaker Training. It is important to note that while the existing DLCs remain accessible, they will no longer receive patches or updates from AWS, in accordance with the AWS Deep Learning Containers Framework Support Policy.

If you run into an error, you can use the following list to try to troubleshoot your training job. If you need further support, reach out to the SageMaker AI team through AWS Support or AWS Developer Forums for Amazon SageMaker AI.

Training job is not converging as expected when compared to the native framework training job

Convergence issues range from “the model is not learning when SageMaker Training Compiler is turned on” to “the model is learning but slower than the native framework”. In this troubleshooting guide, we assume your convergence is fine without SageMaker Training Compiler (in the native framework) and consider this the baseline.

When faced with such convergence issues, the first step is to identify if the issue is limited to distributed training or stems from single-GPU training. Distributed training with SageMaker Training Compiler is an extension of single-GPU training with additional steps.

  1. Set up a cluster with multiple instances or GPUs.

  2. Distribute input data to all workers.

  3. Synchronize the model updates from all workers.

Therefore, any convergence issue in single-GPU training propagates to distributed training with multiple workers.

A flow chart to troubleshoot convergence issues in training jobs when using SageMaker Training Compiler.

Convergence issues occurring in single-GPU training

If your convergence issue stems from single-GPU training, this is likely due to improper settings for hyperparameters or the torch_xla APIs.

Check the hyperparameters

Training with SageMaker Training Compiler leads to change in the memory footprint of a model. The compiler intelligently arbitrates between re-use and re-compute leading to a corresponding increase or decrease in memory consumption. To leverage this, it is essential to re-tune the batch size and associated hyperparameters when migrating a training job to SageMaker Training Compiler. However, incorrect hyperparameter settings often cause oscillation in training loss and possibly a slower convergence as a result. In rare cases, aggressive hyperparameters might result in the model not learning (the training loss metric doesn’t decrease or returns NaN). To identify if the convergence issue is due to the hyperparameters, do a side-by-side test of two training jobs with and without SageMaker Training Compiler while keeping all the hyperparameters the same.

Check if the torch_xla APIs are properly set up for single-GPU training

If the convergence issue persists with the baseline hyperparameters, you need to check if there’s any improper usage of the torch_xla APIs, specifically the ones for updating the model. Fundamentally, torch_xla continues to accumulate instructions (deferring execution) in the form of graph until it is explicitly instructed to run the accumulated graph. The torch_xla.core.xla_model.mark_step() function facilitates the execution of the accumulated graph. The graph execution should be synchronized using this function after each model update and before printing and logging any variables. If it lacks the synchronization step, the model might use stale values from memory during prints, logs, and the subsequent forward passes, instead of using the most recent values that have to be synchronized after every iteration and model update.

It can be more complicated when using SageMaker Training Compiler with gradient scaling (possibly from the use of AMP) or gradient clipping techniques. The appropriate order of gradient computation with AMP is as follows.

  1. Gradient computation with scaling

  2. Gradient un-scaling, gradient clipping, and then scaling

  3. Model update

  4. Synchronizing the graph execution with mark_step()

To find the right APIs for the operations mentioned in the list, see the guide for migrating your training script to SageMaker Training Compiler.

Consider using Automatic Model Tuning

If the convergence issue arises when re-tuning the batch size and associated hyperparameters such as the learning rate while using SageMaker Training Compiler, consider using Automatic Model Tuning to tune your hyperparameters. You can refer to the example notebook on tuning hyperparameters with SageMaker Training Compiler.

Convergence issues occurring in distributed training

If your convergence issue persists in distributed training, this is likely due to improper settings for weight initialization or the torch_xla APIs.

Check weight initialization across the workers

If the convergence issue arises when running a distributed training job with multiple workers, ensure there is a uniform deterministic behavior across all workers by setting a constant seed where applicable. Beware of techniques such as weight initialization, which involves randomization. Each worker might end up training a different model in the absence of a constant seed.

Check if the torch_xla APIs are properly set up for distributed training

If the issue still persists, this is likely due to improper use of the torch_xla APIs for distributed training. Make sure that you add the following in your estimator to set up a cluster for distributed training with SageMaker Training Compiler.

distribution={'torchxla': {'enabled': True}}

This should be accompanied by a function _mp_fn(index) in your training script, which is invoked once per worker. Without the mp_fn(index) function, you might end up letting each of the workers train the model independently without sharing model updates.

Next, make sure that you use the torch_xla.distributed.parallel_loader.MpDeviceLoader API along with the distributed data sampler, as guided in the documentation about migrating your training script to SageMaker Training Compiler, as in the following example.

This ensures that the input data is properly distributed across all workers.

Finally, to synchronize model updates from all workers, use torch_xla.core.xla_model._fetch_gradients to gather gradients from all workers and torch_xla.core.xla_model.all_reduce to combine all the gathered gradients into a single update.

It can be more complicated when using SageMaker Training Compiler with gradient scaling (possibly from use of AMP) or gradient clipping techniques. The appropriate order of gradient computation with AMP is as follows.

  1. Gradient computation with scaling

  2. Gradient synchronization across all workers

  3. Gradient un-scaling, gradient clipping, and then gradient scaling

  4. Model update

  5. Synchronizing the graph execution with mark_step()

Note that this checklist has an additional item for synchronizing all workers, compared to the checklist for single-GPU training.

Training job fails due to missing PyTorch/XLA configuration

If a training job fails with the Missing XLA configuration error message, it might be due to a misconfiguration in the number of GPUs per instance that you use.

XLA requires additional environment variables to compile the training job. The most common missing environment variable is GPU_NUM_DEVICES. For the compiler to work properly, you must set this environment variable equal to the number of GPUs per instance.

There are three approaches to set the GPU_NUM_DEVICES environment variable:

  • Approach 1 – Use the environment argument of the SageMaker AI estimator class. For example, if you use an ml.p3.8xlarge instance that has four GPUs, do the following:

    # Using the SageMaker Python SDK's HuggingFace estimator hf_estimator=HuggingFace( ... instance_type="ml.p3.8xlarge", hyperparameters={...}, environment={ ... "GPU_NUM_DEVICES": "4" # corresponds to number of GPUs on the specified instance }, )
  • Approach 2 – Use the hyperparameters argument of the SageMaker AI estimator class and parse it in your training script.

    1. To specify the number of GPUs, add a key-value pair to the hyperparameters argument.

      For example, if you use an ml.p3.8xlarge instance that has four GPUs, do the following:

      # Using the SageMaker Python SDK's HuggingFace estimator hf_estimator=HuggingFace( ... entry_point = "" instance_type= "ml.p3.8xlarge", hyperparameters = { ... "n_gpus": 4 # corresponds to number of GPUs on specified instance } )
    2. In your training script, parse the n_gpus hyperparameter and specify it as an input for the GPU_NUM_DEVICES environment variable.

      # import os, argparse if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() ... # Data, model, and output directories parser.add_argument("--output_data_dir", type=str, default=os.environ["SM_OUTPUT_DATA_DIR"]) parser.add_argument("--model_dir", type=str, default=os.environ["SM_MODEL_DIR"]) parser.add_argument("--training_dir", type=str, default=os.environ["SM_CHANNEL_TRAIN"]) parser.add_argument("--test_dir", type=str, default=os.environ["SM_CHANNEL_TEST"]) parser.add_argument("--n_gpus", type=str, default=os.environ["SM_NUM_GPUS"]) args, _ = parser.parse_known_args() os.environ["GPU_NUM_DEVICES"] = args.n_gpus
  • Approach 3 – Hard-code the GPU_NUM_DEVICES environment variable in your training script. For example, add the following to your script if you use an instance that has four GPUs.

    # import os os.environ["GPU_NUM_DEVICES"] = 4

To find the number of GPU devices on machine learning instances that you want to use, see Accelerated Computing in the Amazon EC2 Instance Types page.

SageMaker Training Compiler doesn't reduce the total training time

If the total training time does not decrease with SageMaker Training Compiler, we highly recommend you to go over the SageMaker Training Compiler Best Practices and Considerations page to check your training configuration, padding strategy for the input tensor shape, and hyperparameters.